Why do black people seem so predisposed to nigger behavior when they are obviously capable of achieving very respectable heights?
Nicholas Adams
Chocolate Einstein hasn't contributed anything.
Isaiah Phillips
He's a great black mind. Even if he's an asshole one Twitter he deserves to be itt.
Tyler Martinez
Not guy who you're responding to. But he's more of a Sagan than an Einstein. And that's nothing to scoff at Sagan did wonders for creating scientists even if actual theory contribution is minimal, I'm sure this guy will too.
Benjamin Morgan
Great at what? Name one original thing he's created.
Brayden Hill
Levi Ramirez
See He's also the director of the Hayden Planetarium, an author of several books, has contributed to other forms of media like the Cosmos remake, and is overall an icon in the scientific world and will likely inspire many young people to pursue science.
Aaron Green
So basically, nothing.
Matthew Turner
He contradicts himself all the time. Also gets shit wrong. I remember him denying the multiverse on jre and a few episodes later an actual physicist explained the multiverse in detail. I think he's a bullshit artist with no real expertise. He's someone who just remembers and regurgitates and thinks that's what intelligence is.