Blackpill me on my big sister who i love (as a family member)

blackpill me on my big sister who i love (as a family member)

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dude why

She kind looks like greta

Too far

does she?

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these two women kinda look alike

Yeah, but Greta is a disabled potato. They have a similar facial structure, but there's no need to a be a cunt user.

fugg u
greta is mah waifuh

When I said blackpill, i didnt mean compare her to a retarded fucking girl

because you dont know beata ?

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What the fuck did you mean? We know nothing about her. How can we blackpill?

Well she’s going to die one day. Nothing much else I can say. Do you even know what the terms you use mean?

he hav pinke nipels an smoot bagina, tite lik knott on tree

Your sis probably wants her little throat stretched 25/7

you can have beata, user.

lol cringe

Your sister probably has a vibrant sex life full of high value men who do degrading things to her.

not our fault she looks like a powertard

thanks dude i like them flexible

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out of all irl lolies you picked the disabled potato?


flexitard, the new and improved model. Who the fuck is this woman?!

fuck off Sup Forumscel she's 16.. AoC is 15 here lol
>you picked the disabled potato?
yes, of course.

gretas younger sister

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Your “sister” looks like a stuck up entitled little cunt!

damn.. I had no idea she had a sister. The plot thickens.

Can't argue with those trips. She's not a loli then, alright...
>yes, of course.
Is that your kink?

her mom is a famous singer (and a drunk) her dad is a stoner

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>Is that your kink?
nope, I just made a decision on the spur of the moment and now I'm kinda stuck with it and don't even know why.

it's what is

this truly is news to me.. pls post moar if you get 'em.

Fair enough mate. I don't even have a waifu myself. How does one acquire a waifu?

all from here user enjoy

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thnx brahirrim

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Is this Greta?

>does she?
You shouldn't share photos of Emmy

step 1: be a moron
step 2: don't take yourself too seriously
step 3: claim your waifu
step 4: repeat step 1
step 5 repeat step 4

Congrats, you found my sister's instagram? chad

I'm too smart to be a moron :(
I guess I need to get a real life tradtrapwife femboy crossdresser bf, but that takes effort....


For what? /op

Ill tell ya what id do to her lol

tell me then, dog

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add me and ill show you

my sister doesnt look like greta cuckberg, gtfo of here

they're both horrendous faced...
but the one on the right actually has tits...
if she shaves/waxes her cunt she'd be hot from the neck down.

Show nudes.

Are you sure she isn't Greta?

>my big sister
she looks about 12 enjoy your ban underage faggot

shes 21 you retard

Congrats,you found my sister's twitter. happy now?

sure thing retard..

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I don't know OP but I only see Greta

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Someone tell his sister lmao

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Tell my sister what? ffs

I don't believe she is his sister

what is this degenerate movement

she has, literal, crazy eyes, and will probably end up murdering some one.

please guide her towards mental health resources

She doesnt have crazy eyes

i have 2 ex-wives. i know crazy.

My sister doesnt have crazy eyes, end off. / op

ironically, 99 checked.

That bitch i a serial killer, no question

you're that "he seemed so normal nigga" type that is always wrong

stop checking up, asshat.

same shit, different post

she will murder you (and others) in her sleep

please seek halp for her

Fuck off, there is nothing wrong with her eyes. seriously. fucking incels / op

She looks like Greta. Now shut the fuck up, you weird fucking dog cuck

smh. i have ex-wives and children. i fuck younger girls on the reg. i don't fuck crazy, and would not fuck her.

you can now go eat a bag of dicks, for questioning my authority on this, youngster

Yeah, fine. My sister is still fine. You fags failed at blackpilling me

i may have saved your life, fag. thank me

You legit think my sister would hurt me? I mean, seeing as our father is a alcoholic who abused us; I'm the closed to a male character she knows=She likes me.

you're basically a stephen king novel, writing itself. stop being naive

satanic trips just proves that you need to take care of business. lol

Youre the one being naive expecting my sister to hurt me lol. Fuckers trying to compare her to that Greta Sperg. She won't hurt me, I'm tighter with her than anyone else.

it's your funeral, spider-man