anyone else put on antidepressants so they dont kill themselfs ?
Anyone else put on antidepressants so they dont kill themselfs ?
Medication and meditation.
haha edgy kid and edgy post :-DDD
I was for a couple of years. Until I found a good therapist who taught me to cope without the meds.
I'm not white so no
if need an external agent, that is invented by a billionaire class owned company, something you buy that essentially enriches them for your whole life. it you are that weak, then you absolutely should kill yourself. you are contributing nothing of value to society if you that weak. you are an income source for a group of people that each owns a yacht, 2 houses and a vacation home, and will retire as billionaires. you should kys if you can't navigate life on your own. that is just natural. what would a person like you do 1000 years ago? you'd either shape the fuck up on your own or fucking die. don't be a weak pathetic pussy. have some dignity and deal with your problems on your own or kys.
I stopped taking my Prozac a while back because it fucked my libedo & I like to coom. I'll probably kill myself in 2020 though with a knife into my neck.
I'm on my first med in years protasin which is supposed to help with Ptsd dreams and flashbacks. What can i expect has anyone tried it?
Long term antidepressants will kill you. You're just paying for short term effects and lied for long term benefits. Actually any medicine in general will kill you over time if you keep using it.
What we should be doing is fight for the rights to have assisted suicides or at the very least the moral right to kill ourselves without some ambulance ruining your plans and then caging you to live. It's our body and our choices and yet society doesn't want you to die so that you can be used for certain people's benefits. I can understand having laws to not kill others but it doesn't affect the life of others by killing yourself.
People need to realize that death isn't as bad as people make it seem to be. Living in certain conditions can be worse than death itself but we somehow got ingrained in our brains that death = bad and living = good, no matter the circumstances. It's sad really.
Was, I'm weaning myself off
agree. listen to him op.
Id there a way to get antidepressants OTC at a pharmacy? Id like to try them out.
How many times have you lads been admitted to the mental ward? For me, it's been 7 times.
>long term antidepressants will kill you
Lol good riddance. At least ill die happy.
more than 0 is way too much. if you need that sort of help and can't deal with your problems on your own, please kys. you'll do the world a favor. you don't add to society at all.
>At least ill die happy
You won't. You'll be paying for various side effects that will chain into different medicine, costing you even more money. And spiral into even more side effects to buy more medicine. At some point your body will suffer a major organ failure that depending on what it is, it can be quite painful.
You're basically paying to die slowly with potential pain and suffering on the way. Medicine is only good for short term.
I've been on antidepressant for years. I no longer feel anything and am probably destroying my liver.
They're supposed to save my life.
Fucking murican stupid problems, even poor shitholes country's people are happier and don't know this kind of snowflakes problems, get a job you lazy fuck.
>even poor shitholes country's people are happier
Poor people struggle to survive and get distracted by it. They don't have time or energy to expand their knowledge or think about life in general. Privileged people realize the world is fucked and they either adapt to it and become part of the problem or suicide.
t. privileged NEET in a shithole country
Yep. Completely killed my sex drive but at least i don't want to die so badly anymore. I need a better therapist though. She's a famous writer who barely takes time with her patients at all and forgets half the things i tell her. Made no progress at all since medication.
i was put on it to help my anxiety. 5/10 would not recommend
I did it to myself and worth it for me just gotta figure out the sex drive part
Wellbutrin (bupropion)
Different perspective: Yes, and I add value to society in multiple ways. Without my chemical cocktail I'd be a complete drain on society. With it I function at a high level doing important work.
Careful with this user. I added that as an adjunct to cipralex for that very reason and started going 'believing Sup Forums' insane.
I never thought about killing myself until I was put on them
>Tfw no money to buy pills
Check your privileges
I'm broke as fuck so the goverment buys my pills for me