Need advice anons

Need advice anons...

How to deal with a deep sadness?
It's hard to explain, i'm basically numbed to all forms of gore, rekt, death etc..
Something fucked me up recently and i'm finding it hard to deal with, and it's weird..

Read a news article recently

>single mom
>has young kid, like 3-4
>mom has epilepsy or some shit
>her and kid are at home
>she has seizure
>kid is left alone with dead mom
>2weeks pass
>police kick in door
>kid found laying on moms corpse
>kid likely starved to death

I just...

It hurt's me to my soul, as a father, i just can't imagine.

Genuinely the saddest thing i've ever read/imagined. I'm tearing up now just wondering the horrors that poor kid went through in their final few days.

Shit man. I need a fucking hug faggots.

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We all know that this mortal coil is temporary. We travel between the eternities from sweet grass to packing house. Don't be afraid of the unknown my friend it is just the next step.

Hasn't really touched base, but thanks for the effort.

Shit like this happens everyday! You read one article, hur dur muh feels!

Stop being a faggot and get on with your shit

Go my friend embrace the inevitable. Kill this pile of flesh and explore the unknown.

don’t cut yourself with that edge faggot

death sucks man. but that kid died without having to see the worst in this world. starving and dehydration are painful, but at least he wasn’t tortured. he was with mom

Normally i would but this shit affected me hard for some reason

You have 0 friends, and nobody who loves you. Accurate?

Aww. Hugs to ya you sensitive special fucker!

I sense an aire of sarcasm but still, appreciate the sentiment

Kids die in car accidents everyday, or of leukemia after their parents had a chance to say goodbye to them. Those are different. This kid died of hunger or thirst over a period of time when not one person noticed his or his mom's absence or tried to call or text but noticed that she was unresponsive. That's pretty fucked.

>implying starvation and dehydration aren't torture...

Ok faggot...

OP here

This guy gets it!

There's something horrifyingly wrong to me that a young kid, a kid with no concept of what's going on, is there trying to fucking "wake mom up" or whatever.

Holy shit, it's so sad.

Ok, one time before my son was born and i was looking after my daughter, 2yrs old at the time..

>playing game where i pretend to trip up
>shes laughing her ass off
>sounds of her laughing bring great joy
>continue game for several minutes
>stand up
>beautiful, pure happiness.
>decide to see what would happen if I didn't get up
>play dead
>daughter laughs then.. confusion
>remain still
>concerned "daddy?....
>she shakes me
>trys to pry eyes open
>she tears up"... Daa.. Dadddy?"
>realise my mistake, it's gone long enough now
>i jump up, clap hands "ta da!"
>she doesn't laugh or react really
>just hugs me and squeezes tight
>i squeeze back and don't let go for 10mins

Broke my fucking heart. I just cannot begin to imagine what she would do if i never woke up.

Ahh fuck i'm crying again.

STOP being a fucking bitch, it's a STORY.
And that's coming from a twenty five year old. Weak minded vermin

I feel that man.
Just the other day saw a post from someone with a picture of their 1yo in a halloween costume. Kid has that giggly laugh face that babies do.

Post said something like you would have been 5 today.

Literally broke my heart for the rest of the day.

And hear I am sitting on Sup Forums when my brother is the pysch ward for an indefinite time frame over a suicide attempt

Yeah, same energy. It's just sad to imagine a life never lived.

Shit dude, sorry to hear, hope he recovers. Suicide is such a personal thing but the most selfish thing a person can do IMO

I would literally stare you in the eye while i straped you to a chair and boiled your feet off. I'd feel nothing.

This is a different feeling, my guy.

You are weak
You wouldn't even be able to kill a pig if you were starving.
Now go cry some more you sissy homo

>It's just sad to imagine a life never lived.

That right there describes it perfectly. Thanks Sup Forumsro

>Killed, skinned and gutted rabbits with my grandad (a game farmer)
>broke a phesants neck that was suffering from a poor shot

All before i was 16

Pigs are majestic creatures, i wouldn't even know where to begin butchering one, but if needs must...

Soo...nice one Elon Musky..

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The world is a very cruel place, I mostly ignore the bad things so I don’t get sad

Easier said than done, years and years of Sup Forums numbing and this story just threw me

Ayahuasca man. It heals the soul. Well, really it just puts everything into perspective. Could always go the shroom route if you don’t want a life altering experience, er, as extreme of a life altering experience. This one time on a nice warm sandy beach I realized the driftwood we were burning had probably been alive far longer then I had been. Then I realized it had probably been sitting on that beach for nearly as long as I had been alive. Really puts shit into perspective. Humans and our faint fire quick lives hold nothing to the grinding of tectonic plates.

This is subjective though, an outgoing, sporty person might consider a person that has a strong base of online gaming relationships (as an example) as "a life not lived"

You feel me?

Then you haven't watched enough crazy shit
Kids die everyday
1 person dies of starvation every 2 seconds. Get over it
You sound more and more as a weak minded little bitch boi

Hippydippy bulllshit. But it speaks to me vaguely. Thanks, Sup Forumsro

What’s it like to be a father?

Did you ever see the xmas episode of Black Mirror? I advise you to never, ever watch it because it would probably fuck you up for a week. It made me sad but I don't have a kid.

Don't tell me what i have and haven't watched, you don't know me.

Weak minded? Maybe. Maybe i've found heart along the way in a story that's genuinely made me feel for the first time in years.

Thats how I sometimes feel towards one of my brothers. Like staying in a night for them is more fun than going out.

Granted I have struggled with alcoholism, but I just like going out every week and meeting people.

Rewarding, joyful, exciting, annoying, frustrating, fulfilling in every sense of the word, soul destroying, uplifting, incredible, amazing, life changing... The list is as endless as there are describing words.

Wouldn't change a thing.

Dude holy shit that episode was fucking soul crushing. I hate how they keep reusing the whole “virtual consciousnesses gets a never ending hell” theme. Shit’s depressing bro.

first tip, don't ask for help on Sup Forums

Man, I don’t know if I could handle kids, I feel like I’d be a horrible father, was never too good with kids. Though if I tried I could be half-okay. Did you have these same worries before they were born?

The part with the kid was worse for me. The hell sentence seemed so exaggerated it lessened the overall impact.

OP here

I have not. I don't watch black mirror, no reason for it, just never gotten round to it, though no you've mentioned, maybe i'll steer clear


I've had plenty of therapy from this and feel much better.

>Redditfag thinking Sup Forums are a bunch of deepweb sex traffickers

Newfag, Go home.

>I don’t know if I could handle kids
My cat follows me from room to room mewing constantly. If I'm sitting for a while and suddenly stand up, so does he and tries to go with me. When it's too much I lock him in a bedroom and if he follows me somewhere I don't want him but where there is no door such as the kitchen, he gets a squirt of water. I imagine having kids would be 100 worse than this with the added factor of not being able to lock them up or shoot them with water just for wanting attention. Also I can leave him with food and water for a few days and he's fine.

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>Redditfag thinking Sup Forums are a bunch of deepweb sex traffickers
He didn't say that. I wouldn't ask for help here either because the average person here has little life experience and blames others for their problems. I say that based on what I've observed here, not some stereotype from Fox or CNN news.

We found out she was pregant after a 3month relationship, i was 23 when my daughter was born and far from a mature adult (drugs, drink, promiscuous life).

28 now, all previous vices diminished, my second (my little lad) was discussed and planned, he'll be 2 in feb.

It's weird, I've never felt "in control" of my life, i've never felt like somebody capable of being a good parent or even a parent, period. But i genuinely feel i am doing the best for my wife and kids, and they are genuinely the best thing I have in life. I'm not claiming to be the best parent but i am very certainly a good dad. A great dad by some standards.

Life finds a way.

Have you ever asked for advice on Sup Forums?

Once you filter out the trolls it's surprisingly rewarding

No. I've seen enough threads to know it wouldn't help. I can't imagine anyone here could help me with anything. Not because I'm a big strong man who doesn't need advice, I just know I'd never find any here. Most of the "problems" people come here with are things the average person figures out by the time they're 20 or so.

What makes a great dad? I’m a chink so that whole dynamic was pretty absent for a lot of my life (cultural shit). I need to get this shit down somehow before I decide to knock up a girl and raise a little dude.

>i've seen enough threads...

You've been here since the summer at most you faggot. You don't know how this shit works.

Go back to redit or whatever faggy forum site you came from you filthy lurker

I started lurking here in 2006. The average "advice" anyone can give here is to cut back on video games, boycott porn and get a gym membership. If that's the solution, you never had any problems to begin with.

I don’t about you, but I’m getting some constructive info about fatherhood here, faggot

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That is terrifying.

>Nice trips.

Be there. Number one.

I know plenty of single moms through various playgroups etc...

They never speak highly of ex partners and barely allow them to see the kids. Be confident in your decision to have kids with "that" person, whoever he/she may be. And fucking stick with that person to the bitter fucking end for the sake of the children.

I'm fortunate enough to be a good decision maker and have accidentally completely fluked meeting and settling with the person i genuinely want to spend my life with. But i often think, given i knew her for all of three months before getting pregnant, that i could've been wrong, and if i was what would i do...

... Be a fucking man and Stick with your decision, no matter the hostility, no matter the arguments, stick with the mother of your children, swallow the fucking pride and change for the sake of the kids if needs be.

Absolutely toxic relationships will be detrimental to children, if thats that case, do the right thing and separate. But for the most part, kids are worth changing your whole lifestyle, personality, soul for.
Do what you must for the kids. By the time they're 18 you can do whatever.

Be there. 100% be there. As a guy grown up without a father. Be there for your children. The littlest things mean so much.


Ok, newfag

Like mother like son

Both dead

>I'm fortunate enough to be a good decision maker
>i knew her for all of three months before getting pregnant
That's not good decision making, that's luck. A lot of people do exactly what you did and their lives as well their kids are a steaming hot mess because the other parent turned out not to be as cool as your girlfriend (apparently) is.

The rest of what you said sounds pretty solid.

> triggered

At least you didn't ask me to prove it. If you're dumb enough to think this place is any kind of source of wisdom, you are probably not going to go far in life.

So then how do I find “her”? I know that’s not an easy question to answer, just gimme your suggestions, anything helps.

Go back. No one believes you, and we don't care about you. Now fuck off newfag

Having been with 50+ women, serious and not so, I knew the moment i met her i wanted to be with her forever. Sounds cheesey and clichê but i fucking knew dude.

She felt the same, 3months later i was handed a pregnancy test and my immediate reaction was to abort the fucking thing and continue my shitty drug and drink fueled lifestyle. After a few weeks of panic i knew what was the right thing to do and have regretted my initial rection ever since.

I could go back in time a thousand times and wouldn't change a thing

And he fucking dies like a tard?

Good decision bro

>we don't care about you
Prove it.

Op here

Source of wisdom? it is not.

Source of therapy? It certainly is

Until you understand what a safe haven this place really is, for some, then refrain from shitposting.

In fact, if you find no enjoyment for this place then leave and make it that much better.

>triggered newfag

>Op here

Nope. That'd be me.

Why are you telling me to leave after responding so positively to half a dozen of my posts earlier? I'm just playing paintball with that one faggot who needs to call everyone else a reddit and a newfag to make himself feel superior. Fuck you, you ungrateful piece of shit.

STFU Nigger


A bunch of no life neck beards venting frustrations. If you find anything useful here you need to reconsider your sanity.

Samefag, stop pretending

You must be new here.




That's the gayest question ever.

Fucking get yourself out there, be confident in you, aslong as you're not a furfag or have a kwaii anime pillow you should be able to meet someone

Bet you feel all unsatisfied.

Ahahaha negative fag

Op here

Shamelessly replying to his own post.

I'm off, thank you, all.

Very therapeutic. Will sleep easy tonight.

Love you Sup Forums