Faces you'd love to punch

Faces you'd love to punch

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tekashi looks off man

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Man, what the fuck

That bitch has a taco knuckle tattoo

Fuck she looks like a 80s cartoon Villain

ok who the fuck keeps sending me this gay shit? I don't wanna see a fat lesbian eating some disgusting greasy shit down her throat

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That's fucking creepy, Why the hell do you have this picture saved on your computer?

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I don't know why you keep posting this bait on here
Why don't you go back to your sub-reddit forum instead of posting that crap on this website?

This was my CS spray for years

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Does her tattoo on her hand read TACO? Seems plausible

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That is a mighty dong

*light thweeeeeeeeeeee in the background*

anyone have that image of the single mom holding the kid with the long description about how the kid gets all the attention?

that kid has the most punchable face in the history of man.

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him but also the parents.

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anyone? i need to anger up the blood before i go to the gym. Its the cheapest pre-workout available

Patrick S Tomlinson

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This fag

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Stealthygeek on Twitter. Literally the most punchable, unlikable fuck in the history of the internet

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this man looks like the kind of guy to make a petition.org to make a Megas XLR movie

You can't just go around punching Native Americans, man.

He writes around 200 tweets a day mostly about Trump, regularly posts about how in shape and attractive he is and calls everybody "child" on Twitter because he thinks it makes him seem superior. He was a published author with a blue check until recently when Tor dropped him and Twitter took his check away for threatening people who disagreed

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sure sounds like i don't give a shit. uninstall twitter if retards bother you so much?

Jealous he makes more money than you ever will?

This smug little fuck

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Same, not for any political reason or anything i just cant stand the way he talks and how he behaves/acts all the time. Kike.

baby hands mcgee soon to be in prison getting ass raped and epsteined (ironic since he pulled the hit on epstein to begin with)

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LA Luz extinguido

**1/10000 native american

God damn this guy is ugly. I get that men don't have to be good looking to be successful but there should be some goddamn limit.

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Obvious choice

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