Storytiem is back! You play Amy, a first year teacher at a low-income high school. You are teaching a class full of 9th grade boys. The other teachers say it's tough, but so are you! How bad can a bunch of adolescent boys, perverted other teachers, and corrupt faculty be?
So, what kind of girl are you again? Tattooed and Cool: Students will crush on you hard and aggressively try to fuck you
Bookworm: Other teachers will pursue and harass you much harder
Scientist: Machines, chemicals, experiments, and who knows what else will be the bane of your exsistance.
newfag spotted. I run storytiems every couple months and they are almost always pretty popular. It was going on for years before I started.
Since you are an edgelord and probably 14. We are going to go with Tattooed and Cool! Thank!
Daniel Baker
The alarm goes off and Amy wakes up. She was so excited she barely slept. She is started her first day teaching 9th grade. She remembers 9th grade, it was a formative time for her, and she remembers how she was inspired to be a teacher by Mr. White, her chemistry teacher. Hopefully, she could do the same for some students here.
Amy showers and stands in front of her closet. What is she wearing today again?
A) Blouse and skirt (*Easy to access from below, risk of upskirt pics) B) Tank top and jeans (easy to access from the top, risk of downblouse pics)
Amy throws on a tank top and jeans, and heads out the door, she drives to the school. It looks run down and poorly maintained, but she tells herself lots of schools look rough on the outside.
She walks in the front door. A security guard, an older, heavset man black man in his 50s looks her up and down. She finds it a little creepy, but ignores it.
The principles office is near the entrance and she knocks.
The principle of a 40 something white woman, who looks exasperated and tired.
"Are you Amy? The new girl? Oh good, the last female teacher quit suddenly last year. We have you teaching.....uh....9th grade. 15 year olds are pretty unrulely. Don't take any crap from them or they will get brazen. "
She continues. "I need you to do three lessons today: 1) Teach a lesson on Math 2) Teach a lesson on Biology 3) Tutor three of the remedial students.
Nice. I'm not usually into asian girls - but I like this one... probably because she looks exactly like a neighbor at my apartment
Xavier Turner
"I'll teach the remedial students first!" Amy exclaims. The principle looks up at her apathetically, "Sure, I the other kids are just in homeroom for this period. The kids are in classroom 602."
Amy smiles and walks out. She tutored in college, and tutoring a three boys can't be too hard.
Amy makes her way to classroom 602. It's located in the basement, she knocks on the door and walks in.. The kids are all seated at a small table, gathered around one of the boys phones. They are between 13 and 15. All of them look up at Amy, somewhat shocked to see the sexy asian girl standing at the doorway.
"Hi boys, I'm Ms. Amy, your new teacher. I am going to help you study, what are you working on?" She asks them, cheerily.
The oldest boy, Darren, a white skinny kid speaks up "We is working on long division". Amy furrows her brow. They should have done long division years ago. Still she sits down with them and attempts to work through a problem.
Roll for how well the kids are doing 99-67: They are getting it! 67-33: They are sort of starting to figure it out 0-33: Amy needs to motivate them to focus.
OP Note: To roll, comment on the post, the last two digits of the post are your 'roll'
Jace Watson
Josiah Davis
00= Natural Zeros. Wow. Epic Fail Amy
Amy tries to show the boys how to do long division, but it only seems to confuse them more. Somehow, her explanations leave them more confused than before. She can't be fucking it up this early!
Amy looks at Darren and Demarcus, a 14 year old chubby black boy, "Listen boys. I need you to focus and pay attention. Look at what the book says. How about a give a little reward to the first boy that finishes the next problem correctly.
The two boys light up. "I want to touch you for ten seconds anywhere I want!" Amy, in a moment of epic ignorance, agrees. The first of the three boys to solve the problem correctly gets to touch her anywhere he wants for 10 seconds. Afterall, how much can one boy do in ten seconds?
Roll to see who solves it first! 0-25: No one. These kids are idiots 26-50: Diego, a short hispanic teen 51-75: DeMarcus 76+ Darren
"I think I got it, Ms. Amy!" Shouts Diego, a short hispanic kid. Amy smiles and checks his work. He did indeed get it.
"Now do I get my reward?" He asks excitedly. The other two boys look dejected. Amy smiles nervously, the full weight of what she agreed to do it weighing on her.
"Okay Diego. Just ten seconds, you can do what ever you want to me" She stands up, stock still as the boy stands in front of her.
"Ready, set, go!" Amy says. The boy immediately, reaches up and pulls down the straps of her tank top.
Rooooooll Make her all surprised n shit, not realizing what she did
Easton Morris
By not being retarded in HS
Ayden Taylor
1) I am drunk. Thats why I'm running this on Sup Forums.
2) I started writing erotica a few years ago and selling it online. I didn't know what I was doing, but writing 2000 words a days sort of forces you to develop a little
How much does erotica bring in? Seems like an ok sidejob
Hunter Collins
Amy gasps as she realizes that she never wore a bra! The boy's hands quickly expose her small brown tits. The other boys gasp in shock. They have never seen a girl's breasts before, let alone a teachers. Diego immediately, almost instinctively, begins to grope her left breast as he licks the right one. Meanwhile, Amy can only stand there, disgusted by the young boy that is molesting her. She counts down aloud. "Three, Two, One, Okay Diego, that's enough."
Amy forces the boys mouth from her nipple and attempts to pull up her shirt.
When I was doing it full time, almost 1k a month, but that was in the amazon golden age. I still get residuals, royalties on my old stories, of about 150USD a month. Which is great considering I do literally nothing to earn the money. It just goes into an investment account.
Connor Collins
Logan Gonzalez
Double F
Dylan Garcia
You recommend any sites I can do that shit on other than Amazon? >1k jfc man
Wyatt Hughes
Poor Amy.
Amy begins to pull up her shirt, when she looks over at DeMarcus. She sees that he has his phone out.
"Oh my god DeMarcus! Did you just record that! Delete that right now!" Amy snaps at him.
The black boy sneers at her. "What you gonna do 'bout it?"
A) Offer him a bribe to delete it B) Try to wrestle the phone from his hand
C'mon Amy! They are just kids, don't let them dominate you like that!
Smashwords for sure. It distributes to other retailers
Dylan Fisher
Evan Lee
Amy lunges to get the phone from the boy's hands! We need two rolls, First for his strength, and one for his potency!
Charles Stewart
Never heard of it, I’ll check it out. How do I get started? Would be nice to up my writing skills and make money on the side, just costs a little shard of my dignity.
Jace Russell
Blake Long
>98 Damn, rip Amy
Jeremiah Peterson
Smashwords has a nice guide. Follow their formatting conventions when you get started, look at their terms of service, and make sure your stories are at least 4k words. And publish under a pen name to stay anonymous. Writing smut is low-stakes and honestly kind of fun.
Jordan Robinson
Noah Scott
98 holy shit, this boy is a stud. Good luck Amy. We need another roll for his potency!
Nathan Perez
Eh I don’t see it being fun to me kek, but hey, whatever brings in the monies. Thanks Sup Forumsro.
Mason Thompson
typical nigger boy
Logan Watson
Uhhh roll
Chase Hall
Damn, Amy gets spared for once kek
Nathaniel Williams
09. He is an athlete, but not at all a fucking machine.
Amy grabs at the phone. "Delete that photo! Give me that phone!" Demarcus backs away. "No way, I will delete it when you show me that pussy!"
A) Grab the phone right out of his hand (00 or 99) b) Push him to the floor (98) c) Back him into the corner (88)
Amy attempts to push him into a corner, but the boy quickly dodges her. Instead he wraps his arms around her waist, and squeezes her ass. "Damn Ms. Amy, you ass is fine! Maybe we gonna tap it here!" He says laughing. "This is not appropriate!" Amy yells back at him.
a) Grab the phone (99 or 00) b) Push him to the floor (98) c) Break his grip (88)
Amy summons a strength she never knew she had. Her power level suddenly surges to over 9000 and she is longer playing the game. She breaks the boy's grip on her ass, and in one motion shoves him back into the wall. The phone tumbles from his hand and she picks it up, deleting the photos. The other boys can only stand there in shock as they asian teacher just manhandled the schools' toughest bully like he was nothing.
What does Amy do now?
a) teach the math lesson b) teach the biology lesson
Amy leaves the stunned boys behind her and heads up to the main classroom, feeling confident and empowered to teach a lesson on linear algebra. As soon as she walks in the classroom, she sees it is in full chaos. Some of the kids look over when she walks in, but most don't.
She yells to get control of the classroom and the kids soon settle down. She explains the lecture, feeling all the student's attention on her, but especially the boys. She assigns a problem set, and soon the students are working diligently on it.
A hand shoots up in the back of the room. "Ms. Amy, I need a hand" It's LaQuan, another black boy from a rough background.
Amy goes over and leans over, looking at LaQuans paper.
Amy doesn't notice Lawence, another one of the troublesome boys, carefully lift her phone out of her back pocket. She returns to the front of the classroom, un aware that the boys have her phone in their possession.
Thankfully, Amy doesn't have a trove of naked photos on her phone, right? (70)
The boys find a trove of Amy's nudes on her phone. She doesn't even have a boyfriend, she just took them after having too many glasses of wine one night. Too late now. They are being shared through the class, while she teaches unaware.
What do the boys do with the photos?
A) Confront Amy after class, blackmailing her in exchange for deleting them.
B) Tell Amy that if she wants her phone back, she needs to meet them after school in the park.
C) Tell Amy that they will stop sharing the photos, only if she attempts to seduce the biggest loser in the class.
Left a while ago and came back. Interesting developments
Logan Brown
Do you even understand what you’ve set in motion? You fucking fool. This is the final son you can commit, there’s nothing beyond this. Your life no longer has meaning, you tiny little fleck. Perish.
Nicholas Garcia
B also second for the dog.
Jonathan Thompson
I remember you from the eighth channel. I miss that place. Too bad the LARPers destroyed it.
Owen Gonzalez
Why the fuck would you faggots want to get off to some other faggots text erotica. Jesus christ, if you want the pics then just go jerk off to her: