Anyone know the name of this cute trap?
Anyone know the name of this cute trap?
His name is: You're not worthy!
who is that guy?
Literally who?
His name is Robert paulson
she used to post as heaven
That's tom . He's My friend on Myspace.
Newfags can't even triforce, they are not ready for him
Niggy Nigmanowitz
JonBenet Ramsey.
Johnny Googlejew
He literally works at my company (Google), so I could instant message him right now if I wanted to lmao
Send him some andy sixx
Send him a link to this thread
Call him a faggot
thats Mute you newfags
Ask him why he is such a huge faggot.
Benpagrit Crompledutch
Myspace Tom
I can't do it anonymously and I kinda like my job/salary soooo
Ask him if he still has the moot@Sup Forums email. Because i’ve been sending him letters of admiration and begging him to come back since about 2016.
Havent had a single reply
He might appreciate the sentiment tho
Chris Hansen
Christopher Poole - creator and main driving force of this site ( Sup Forums ) at age 15y.o., and sole Administrator of the site for eleven years from the sreation of the site at he start of October 2003 until he "retired" from the role at the beginning of 2015.
He was strategically "upvoted" by Sup Forums users to become Time Magazine's :
> World's Most Influential Person
in 2009, aged about 20 y.o.
Known as "moot" throughout the internet community for sixteen years.
He now works for Google.
>Newfags can't even triforce
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WT Snacks
Ps, we should be together too
Natalie Mars
: nice dubs ;
..... moot and W. T. Snacks
were very good friends when they were the two main forces that created Sup Forums, in 2003.
Sadly there was a major clash of personalities due to differences of opinion regarding how the site should be run, and they ended up more or less hating one another's guts.
moot sacked Snacks around the end of 2005 because their working relationship had reached a total impasse.
Snacks was a total cunt of the highest order and I have always thought "good riddance to him".