What do I say from here boys

What do I say from here boys

Attached: Screenshot_20191213-204611_Tinder.jpg (1080x2220, 472K)

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"ha show me them big ass titties"

You’re saying too much, and she doesn’t seem interested from what I can see. Don’t come on too strong and drop the emojis unless she uses them too. Though you don’t seem to be as artistic as some other retards on here, don’t give up yet.

>jfc that pickup line

Attached: B6030A23-3D21-4F49-9B7B-ACD6D3A3472A.jpg (600x800, 63K)

Ask "do you like mario".


Ill agree coming off too strong and she seems to have little interest. Can salvage the situation still.

What do

Nooo noooooooo

Attached: o1AJ9qDyyJNSpZWhUgGYc3MngFqoAMehecFLCy2dNhgzqJDjk.jpg (640x356, 31K)

my God, what woman would want a guy who talks like such a pussy?

Right?? Fucking hell OP, grow some balls, stop simping

man i totally just give up on those apps my stupid ugly ass couldnt match up with a fat nigger

Go outside and talk girls man

Talk later my mom is bring me some hot pockets soon.

stop saying lol so much, its a feminine thing.

Ask her if she wants to see a pic of your penis? That'll get her in the mood

u kinda cornered yourself for her to not respond or respond with "yeah" on this one. id switch up topic or continue with the smoking what they use to smoke or something idk just to keep stuff rolling, ik most people love telling others how they smoke and stuff but if u come off creepy she gonna be like who tf this dude lol

You killed the convo with the last comment.

What the fuck are you “lol”ing about?! Stop that. You’re not a teenage girl.

Ask her whats the craziest thing she has done while high

Keep saying "lol" like the beta herbivore you are, cuck

Is that an Office reference, or are you referring to Jim Morrison and Pamela Courson?

can confirm

Are you going to post results or did she ignore you for being a faggot

Probably the latter

he is the latter already, even if he does the former or not

I panicked

Attached: Screenshot_20191213-220233_Tinder.jpg (1080x2220, 407K)

Wow what a virgin. Never ask yes/no questions. No hope for you child just kys

oh god

Dude do not send any more messages until she responds
Then ask her out on a date and meet up
She swiped on you right? She's obviously interested
Women like to be swooped in on so put yourself into the mind of a predator and take her

Women are fucked up psychologically

jesus. dont ever do this. sending a second message within an hour or two is horrid. dont even send a second message. If she doesnt respond, fuck her, move on.

do you not get other matches?

you might be right here, but you seem new to tinder. lots of women just swipe right for attention with no intent of talking to you.

My plan fucking worked. No one can turn down the B-52's

Attached: Screenshot_20191213-222207_Mimi.jpg (1080x2220, 654K)

>next message
>lmao c ya l8r virgino

you cant make her interested in you, move on

Show the message virgin

She's not in to you, she's not leading at all. Give up or be direct. You sound firmly in the friend zone

ha, he's not showing it!

lmao thread died cuz virgin op is desperate

>coming off too strong
Why must guys always be cucks and play by women's rules? Sluts say they want guys that open up and that are not hard, but those are exactly the types they go for anyway. Now I know why Elliot Rodger lost it.

She smokes weed, just hand her a joint and she'll fuck you sideways.

This kid just blew it so hard my god she said she smokes that's an avenue for a million questions ask if she boofs candy sticks, she'll get it

Maybe stop saying chill and try less

already blew it op, too much talk

>ass titties