>Rogue One
>Han Solo
What other "Anthology" movies are they going to make? You know they're not just gonna do 3 of them. It's gonna be every year for the rest of our lives.
>Rogue One
>Han Solo
What other "Anthology" movies are they going to make? You know they're not just gonna do 3 of them. It's gonna be every year for the rest of our lives.
Obi-Wan on Tatooine
Boba Fett
A film set on Alderaan shortly before its destruction, probably full of hamfisted messages about Brexit and Drumpf
They'll probably do one that takes place completely on the gritty grimdark streets of Coruscant
Yuuzhan Vong
One that takes place over Yoda's whole life, showing how shit changed
I'm thinking
>Obi Wan movie
>Wedge Antilles movie
>Darth Maul movie
>Captain Rex movie
hopefully they delve deeper into Life Day
>A film set on Alderaan shortly before its destruction, probably full of hamfisted messages about Brexit and Drumpf
Not to mention you being stupid, but eaven if thee is this type of move it wont come out in at least 10 years when brexit and Trump become history.
Darksaber is next
Bring in Denzel and watch the Oscars roll in
Hard Mode:
What are some good ideas that aren't [Character]: The Movie
If they add pulp cultural references, I'm going to be mad as fuck. This shit is set in another galaxy, outside of our influence. Hold some internal continuity ffs
This tbqh
The Huttfather
Bubba fett
>obi-wan on tatooine
what could that possibly be about? didnt he just bugger off and hide in a cave like some terrrorist for 20 years until look was a nubile young man?
godfather style movie in space with the hutts as godfather? id watch
That's pretty much what Darksaber is going to be except with a black chick as the main protag
I still can't believe this is real.
shit set 1000's of years in the past of the current frame of most lore so they can give credit to the force tree bullshit
you know its going to happen
Obi-Wan movie is the one "fan service" movie I want to see. But I'm afraid their model will be just "fan service" movies, based on Rogue One and Han Solo movie so far. What I mean by that is that they just reuse the existing characters and pander to the fans and nostalgia is a big factor in there. I'm a big Obi Wan fan so they will get my money with that nostalgia jewing if they make a movie out of him.
But what I'd really like them to do is making stories that have 0 characters from the previous movies and don't reuse the same planets and locations.
>But what I'd really like them to do is making stories that have 0 characters from the previous movies and don't reuse the same planets and locations.
>in fucking star wars
Would love to see a movie just purely based on x-wings and their pilots, similar to the Rogue/Wraith Squadron series of books
that won't happen until theyre exhausted and nobody is watching the tripe theyre manufacturing
which is if any good movies are going to come from this shitfest its at that point where theyll need to take risks and go in new directions