>Be Greta Thunberg >16 >Manage to TRIGGER millions of boomers and white trash incels
You've got 5 seconds, 5 fucking seconds to tell me one single thing you've done in yr entire life that's even 1/10th of 1% as brave as her on any given day.
Considering I’m a college drop out that works at McDonalds I have at least given a people a product that they paid for with minimal effort
Julian Bell
how dare you!
Angel Lewis
John Adams
Greta is a stupid cunt. Oh boy.. she sailed on a boat that was 100% paid and funded for by George Soros. She's a puppet.. an angry child to pull on the heartstrings of all you stupid ass fucking liberal scumbags. FUCK HER and most of all FUCK YOU!!!
I once sailed on a boat made from petroleum products
Robert Hernandez
Austin Cook
This chick is outright telling the media "dont talk about only me. There are other climate activists" and niggas still can keep her name out their mouths. She's living in Republican's heads rent free.
I am concerned about climate change and chemicals leaking into rivers and oceans. However, the people that needed convincing have now been pushed away since the whole "dismantle patriarchy" "opressive structures" and "equity/climate equity" Also, I believe it's urgent but AOC's cherry picking of 12 years is so easily disputed that it feels like a straight up grab for power.
Well, that's a problem since the PR agency which found her made a deal with the media(Sweden) about total and full convarge.
Ayden Cooper
>BEING ASKED TO CARE ABOUT THE EARTH IS LITERALLY THE SAME AS THE DICTATORSHIP IN NORTH KOREA!!!!1 >BOOMERS ARE TRULY THE WORLDS MOST OPPRESSED MINORITY seethe while you can snowflake, before the heart disease shuts your 65 year old ass up permanently
Luis Hernandez
dude its not brave when someone is handicapped and fed all their lines by their parents was Wesley Willis brave?
Hunter Brown
I heard she likes it up the bum
Leo Campbell
Beat me to it
Mason Walker
Jonathan Thomas
Go back to Sup Forums fag
Tyler Lopez
Meh who really cares about Greta, let her have her 5 more seconds of fame before they find some other mentally retarded little girlie to be the symbol of some societal issue.
Blake Ramirez
I've graduated both high school and college, and I'm not the face of a progressive group of millionaires and billionaires trying to dupe the world into a hoax being fought by an unrepresented scientific majority.
>Greta is for anti-science leftists cucks who'd rather believe an autistic dropout pushed by special interests than their own eyes when they go outside
Christian Morris
I gave at least 50 people a work and a source to maintain their families. What did greta do? Dropping school and sail around the world just to avoid contaminating by using airplains? You truly believe that what she did is worth something or are u just retarded?