Hi I did it again

Hi I did it again

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Show tits or proceed the fuck out

Kys faggot

Lol no

Lol no

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bumped into a fucking doorknob?


Bumped into it real HARD

Oh yeaaaaa real hard guy. Yeaaaaa.

Super Hard ;) Sure you bump me harder

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learn to cut, along the road, not across. also deeper

Tits or gtfo

why no boobies

knock your shit off, get help and don't encourage others dumb bitch.

tits or gtfo

we won't care about your faggot cry for help. we want your tits. you are a piece of garbage attached to tits and a cunt.

What did you do? Wipe the period blood on your leg after you finished fingering yourself while you were on the rag? I do something similar two or three times a day with my semen.

Wow, looks pretty serious. Are you okay?

That's not cute.

nice, can you burn the upper inner thigh for me?

I'd say labia, clit or nipples but ouch

Tell him to behave or you’ll have to use these

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Nobody cares. Go be an attention whore somewhere else.


Waste of satan trips

trips don't lie

Come burn me

I'd need a cigar

Only white owl allowed

lets see your scars

You first

nah cunt. I came to see you

It’s okay, I know others have worse scars

I am okay, didn’t cut too deep tonight