Why aren't Michael Moore movies as popular as they used to be?
Why aren't Michael Moore movies as popular as they used to be?
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We can just turn on CNN if we want leftist propaganda shoved down our throats.
He hasn't made anything edgy enough
i saw Fahrenheit 9/11 in theaters while i was high on mushrooms
The real question is: why were his old shitty movies somewhat popular?
>"it's time for white men to go extinct" and "anyone who shoots a US soldier is a hero" weren't edgy enough
He was just riding on the 9/11 conspiracy popularity of the 2000s. And making a Columbine documentary was pretty edgy at it's time.
Now even the left don't like him because he's a Fucking White Male.
Trumpland was shot in 11 days and is composed of footage of Moore standing at a podium talking. It was never going to make anything.
The 2020 Trump documentary will be the next fahrenheit 9/11. Provided the USA still exists by that point.
The idea, that white people ought to replaced through non-white replacement migration would have made you a lunatic 60 years ago, a radical 30 years ago, and a progressive today.
So no, there's nothing edgy about promoting the idea that white people need to go the way of the dodo. It's part of the spectrum of ideas in the political mainstream in 2017.
its really tiring
>wow, lets pay good money and spend 2 hrs of our time to watch EVEN MORE trump bashing!
Why would the USA not exist?
Because Trump is in charge
So why would the USA not exist?
America has survived 5 globalist warmongers in a row. I'm sure we can handle a 6th.
Because he is going to run it into the ground, he already declared war on the Syrian government
But none of the previous globalism warmongering where people with a massive ego with a thin skin.
How is he going to run it into the ground? And when was war declared?
The world moved on
By letting horrible legislation pass, repeal good administration and fill his cabinet with people who are unqualified for their position who will in turn ruin their departments . You know the things he has done so far
He bombed a government military base, is that not a declaration of war?
nope, go read a book
hes let his politics take over
yes he was always political, but now hes just pissing in the wind
His main audience were white males.
These days they are overwhelmingly right wing.
That's all there's to it.
What book should I read?
But how is bombing a government not a declaration of war?
What horrible legislation?
What does that even mean?
Like who? And how?
No, no it is not.
By that logic I believe Obama declared war on at least half a dozen countries
>drumpf will crash the markets and end the world
You have to be over 18,white and straight to post here.
>He bombed a government military base, is that not a declaration of war?
Never heard of gunboat diplomacy I see
How about making it legal for coal companies to dump their spill in rivers? You want that?
Did he bomb their government?
>Implying China wouldn't get just as fucked by rising sea levels
There goes Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong
Usually doesn't involve them firing
Has since the 90's famalam, or did you think Clinton declared war on Serbia too?
At least they are doing something against the problem, unlike American.
T. Serb
I dont believe the law is worded that way at all, and if you do I cant help you.
So you think the government is a centralized location that Trump alone decided to bomb?
>At least they are doing something against the problem, unlike American.
What do you legitimately believe is going to happen to the United States as a direct result of climate change?
Well you got F-117A schematics out of it, can't complain too much
Well it's not worded like that but that's what it says
No not alone but he is the commander in chief and he makes the order.
And they are doing what they can to drop that level while expanding their renewable energy sector.
Again unlike American, where the head of the environmental protection denies that CO2 plays a role in global warming
Are you saying that China's growing emissions and the US's shrinking emissions are justified because the US says mean things and China says nice things?
Rising sea level, hurricanes and hurricanes becoming worse, water shortage, temperature rise effecting humans, flora and fauna, a rise in invasive species, soil possibly becoming worse and environmental changes
Couldn't criticise his jewish overlords during Obama years and the public forgot about him
You can't just up sticks and kill entire states job markets to feel better about yourself, China can because they don't give a fuck how many coal miners die in their poorly ventilated, underpaid, black lung riddled shitholes while switching to alternative sources
No I'm going by action not what they say
>just showed you that China is increasing emissions and the US is educing emissions
Why is Michael Moore trying to turn into a fat lesbian?
I can't believe Michael Moore is not dead
So youre against the free market and businesses being incorporated legally? Gotcha
So he bombed as you said "the government", how does one bomb "the government"
what he said. Actions speak louder then words, and China has done far more to fuck up the environment then we will
>Chart only goes to 2012
Meanwhile Trump put a guy who hates the EPA and wants it gone in charge of EPA
so by action you mean pointless statments made to the public?
Needs to stay relevant, reminder he was going on about how the electoral college is shit but was absolutely butthurt about how if Al Gore won the Florida votes it all would have been different when Bush won
This, my famalam
So basically almost all of these problems (most of which only affect a small percentage of the population) can be solved by simply moving away from the already overly crowded coastline to the fresh land waiting to be used in the middle of the country? Cool thanks Ill alert the president
Care to provide newer statistics to back up your counter-claim then?
I'm against dumping material that posses a massive health hazard in water streams
By bombing something like a military base, which is run by the government
No I mean increased spending in renewable energy sources
Not really no, water shortage is not going to get fixed by moving in lands. Likewise soil going to shit is also going to ruin the entire country, invasive species can be ants from the Latin Americans that the USA are not ready to handle.
What statistics you want?
>What statistics you want?
Comparative US/China carbon emissions and emission trajectory from later than 2012
Also I forgot to mention that Tornadoes are only going to get worse as well, guess which part of America tends to have Tornadoes
contrarianism swings back and forth, and only contrarians watched his films.
Shouldnt you be glad hes destroying military bases containing deadly chemicals then? Or do you think that asking politely to stop doing that will work? how can you be against one government allowing its citizens to be exposed to a massive health hazard and another purposely and proudly executing people?
I never said that China is polluting less, I said that they are doing more against global warming then what America currently is.
*citation needed*
Methinks you people watch too many disaster movies
You're assuming that I think Assad did the gas attack, shit has false flag written all over it.
>political mainstream in 2017.
Where every place in america looks like Detroit. Thanks blacks!
(blacks can't maga)
And it seems I might be wrong on this point
The gas attack is the work of the (((Free Syrian Army))), ask yourself, if Assad has Sarin and is willing to use it why didn't he just drop that shit on Aleppo and wipe the jihadi cucks out in a few days?
Again, show your work kid. Just spouting shit without proof is what you yell at trump for
W-water shortage? Like really? You think there will be a literal water shortage? And how again will the soil be ruined? And show anything about Latin american ants posing a problem in the near future
>implying that tidal waves swallowing the American coast lines isn't the best thing that could happen to the US
The link you just gave me said that China is the world's largest carbon emitter, China will continue to be the world's largest carbon emitter for the rest of the century, China is falling far behind their emission cut goals and China is likely lying about how much they've cut their emissions currently.
How the fuck is that *YOUR* counterpoint?
Shut the fuck up. Dumb American pig.
Cringed just reading the title tbqh
I honestly used to love this guys docs. Then I found out they were actually highly fictional comedies.
>You think there will be a literal water shortage
As for the ants
They have their worth as opinion pieces, anyone that takes it as gospel is fucked anyway
wtf i love climate change now
You didn't ask for a counter point, you asked for a chart that goes beyond 2012
This is the counter point
If you think third world immigration is bad now
Just you wait until this world countries becomes uninhabitable
This is the best thing that could happen to the environment. The average European emits 28 tons of CO2 per year, while the average African emits less than 7. Repopulating Europe with Africans would reduce their CO2 emissions by 75%.
Maybe this is nature's way of fixing the environment.
fuck off, Obama did the same and worse in 8 years, go look how many countries he bombed without you libs saying shit
Where to Invade Next was good
Roger and Me is great.
Also Canadian Bacon was ahead of its time on being redpilled over the leaf menace.
>soil possibly becoming worse
What soil? Between poisoning our aquafirs and topsoil erosion we're legitimately fuck inside of a few generations.
Moore is a socialist who hates israel, yet is hated by Sup Forums
Assad is a socialist who hates Israel, yet Sup Forums cries for him
the thing he did on Trump isn't really a documentary like his others, it's just a filmed talk.
Saddam was also a socialist in name yet he gassed thousands and was murrica's friend until they had no role for him to serve anymore.
The "Baath are socialists" is a giant meme.
>displacing fire ants
You do realize that the North East has a massive black ant that has all but wiped out Fire Ants everywhere north of Maryland right? Fire Ants aren't territorial enough to compete with any invasive species.
Arab socialism and faggot American socialism are two very different things, just like Natsoc and American socialism
"Arab socialism" is "gib oil money plz" and one way or another that shit's going to be dead in 50 years. It's dying right now.
It's been on life support since the 6 day war actually
Saddam got on the wrong side of the US when he Threatened the gulf Arab states. We would have still worked with him if he hadn't done that
You do realize that they are not emitting less CO2 because they are Africans. They are emitting less because they cannot consume as much as wealthier Europeans. If you let Africans into Europe and have European taxpayers fund them through gibs, they'll emit as much as the average European if not more.
The constant "hey nuke inspectors gtfo" thing wasn't helpful either
Those were UN guys, I don't understand why he didn't kiss their ass more. Was death really preferable to letting them break his balls constantly poking around power plants?
>tell him "yes go on invade them no worry but keep selling us oil at the same price they are"
>bomb him after he does it
>You think there will be a literal water shortage?
Do you know who T. Boone Pickens is user? Potable water is going to be THE resource crunch in the coming century.
Industrial farming sees tons of chemicals leaching into the ground water. L.A. is buying water from Canada. Texas and the central US is in the middle of a record drought.
But go ahead and stick your head in the sand.
Bullshit, coons don't use heaters, they just throw the wool panels on a fire in the house
>Saddam got on the wrong side of the US when he Threatened the gulf Arab states. We would have still worked with him if he hadn't done that
Wrong user. He wanted to sell oil on the open market, and then all kinds of pretexts for war sprang up over night.
Don't fuck with the petrodollar unless you want the entire military industrial complex to bring the thunder to your entire region.
>Implying anyone pays attention to the UN
>Implying the biggest violator of UN regulations isn't Israel