Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.
6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp there are 15 crematoriums (none of which are connected to the post-war built chimney constructed by the Soviets) and according to Auschwitz "survivors" Jews would go into the "gas chamber" (which was just a shitty basement featuring wooden doors, no ventilation, and holes in the ceiling that even the tour guides admit were also a post-war reconstruction) gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.
It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at a much higher temperature than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, let's say that the ovens were operating at the level that we see today. That means that it would take 1 hour and 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews (assuming they were all burned simultaneously, and disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our (((greatest ally))), we're going to assume that the bodies were teleported instantly from the chamber to oven.
That means that 15 Jews were burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total number of Jews killed would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
How can any Jew, Israeli, or shill even argue this story when the simple math is enough to destroy the whole argument?
they didn't burn all the jews you moron. a lot of them were dumped into large mass graves without being incinerated
Cameron Myers
>gay picture >gay post Makes sense
Lincoln Cruz
Sounds kosher to me my goy.
Joseph Nelson
Stop believing in fairytales, Jews were never gassed nor were they burned or tortured, just Jews making up more shit so they can profit, Anne Frank’s diary wasn’t even real lmfao
Even with your regard logic you wouldn't even end up with a 10th of the number
Jason Turner
>let's assume >assuming >if we assume >let's assume >so, assuming This doesn't sound very scientific.
Levi Bell
The assumptions give holocaust-supports the benefit of the doubt, under the best possible circumstances to SUPPORT the idea that it happened. So, yes, very unrealistic and non-scientific. Congratulations, faggot, you're an anti Semite.
>Auschwitz Pathetic attempt there OP. There were more extermination camps than Auschwitz. So Jews (and others) died - in other extermination camps - of hunger, disease, shot or suicide etc in concentration camps (as opposed to extermination camps) - of hunger, disease, shot or suicide in ghettos - of hunger, disease, shot or suicide on transports around Europe - of hunger, disease, shot or suicide in slave labor factories - More than two million people were killed in ethnic between cleansing operations (1941-1945) by the Einsatzgruppen, related agencies and foreign auxiliary personnel. - Many people also killed in forced marches as the Germans cleared out camps ahead of the advancing Soviet armies.
Debate the math faggot. Of course there were other camps, but Auschwitz according to holocaust supporting historians accounted for 2/3 of the total death toll. If you wan't a valid response, first make a valid point. Eat my shit.
Jaxson Adams
The math is shit for reasons posted. ffs But you don't want to acknowledge that because you rock your self to sleep each night, humping your pillow, repeating "Hitler din do niffin wrong"
Charles Martin
What's is camp showers can hold 50- 75 people and one can zyklon B can do 30 rounds. Thinking is hard for you uh?
Caleb Ramirez
what does holocaust denial accomplish? so that jews won't hate germans? they use yiddish, which is practically nearly german.
so that germany doesn't look bad to americans? the US declared war against germany in both world wars and there are still WWII US vets that swore to kill nazis.
so that modern germany is "ok"? it's run by a woman and is practically taken over by muslims and foreigners.
Luke Nguyen
OP post says literally "15 crematoriums" so nice shilling you dishonest faggot. Not to mention the chimney that isn't even connected to the crematorium, which is a blatant stalinist post-war construction.
Yeah, crematory ovens are slow as shit when you're attempting to burn one body at a time. The company that made them designed them to be packed full of bodies. They could burn five or six per oven at a time in about an hour and a half. Why would you assume that the Nazis were giving kikes any kind of funerary respect?
Samuel Garcia
>Yes, there were only 15 crematorium in all of hundred so camps within and without Nazi Germany. Nope, at that particular camp.
You either have the reading comprehension of a retarded nigger, or you're being intentionally dishonest. Which is it faggot?
idk the numbers but most camps were not designed for extermination. So there would always going to less crematoria than the number of camps. They were holding places when Jews were removed until a "Final Solution" could be found. The resttlement in the east (beyond the Urals) was no longer an option as the war in the east dragged on.
Matthew Fisher
>100 camps Yes Mr. Goldstein I totally believe that you didn't just pull that number out of your ass. Oh wait, what's this...
Daily reminder that all this misinformation stems from people like op hearing incorrect data as a child and never bothering to look that stuff up then growing up, realizing it's kind of off them deciding it's a conspiracy by the jews instead of it just being dumb shit they misheard
If you're too lazy to formulate a valid argument based on research and evidence, then perhaps you should keep quiet while the big boys talk.
Ian Wright Spend 10 seconds reading actual documentation, not the bullshit you find on stormfront. Have you actually looked at the holocaust objectively? Or did you start with the premise that "da joos r bayd" and tailer your view of reality to fit that narrative?
Grayson Sanchez
>formulate a valid argument >based on a low IQ meme What the fuck are you talking about?
Zachary Adams
Half of Europe isn't even allowed to "look at the holocaust objectively" because they'll be thrown in prison for it. So who is forcing which narrative?
Nah, its just fabricated memes reposted ad infinitum by people who get off of this kinda of power tripping.
Mason Nguyen
>posts link to sketchy site >totally didn't just google "holocaust debunking" and click the first link >doesn't even have an argument in his post >talks about confirmation bias of others, whilst engaging in it himself
Funny thing is, I agree with you that Holocaust denial shouldn't be criminalized. I believe in free speech, even if the speech is retarded. But none of this changes the fact that every claim deniers make is absolutely false.
Nathaniel Ortiz
These laws exist exactly because of people like you. Fascist. Unhinged genocidal maniacs who will deny that the Earth is round if they can rile up a few people for a tasty pogrom.
Noah Baker
What argument have you made? That your "facts" are based on hearsay and you think there was only death camp? It must be really easy to argu when your arguments all amount to "yer a jew!" followed by you strutting around like you've uncovered ahuge secret
Ian Moore
>sketchy site >prefers stormfront Right
Colton Russell
>These laws exist No, they do not.
Leo Lewis
>disregards posted link >totally doesn't uncritically believe holocaust denial >accuses others of confirmation bias while believing nonsense without evidence basis. If that link is so sketchy, then cite a better source refuting it.
Kayden Martin
>Fascist. Unhinged genocidal maniacs who will deny that the Earth is round if they can rile up a few people for a tasty pogrom. Sounds just like the Bolshevik Jews who killed tens of millions of Russian Christians. Really gets the noggin joggin.
And them ordered by the Natzee high commanded to be exhumed and burned. Do you know why? Because of typhoid fever. The bodies were infect the water supply!
Nolan Cox
>Auschwitz according to holocaust supporting historians accounted for 2/3 of the total death toll [ citation needed ]
Jason Hall
Seethe more jew. You're losing control of the narrative. You can't contain the truth now.
More than likely the Soviets killed the jews in these camps and blamed it on the Germans.
Either way, a holocaust happened... just who actually done it is the question.
Gavin Morales
>Suffered and died >SUFFERED, and died Are all flat earthers unable to read?
Jason James
What does the faking of Frank's diary really prove? But I'm sure in your small mind it is the ultimate "gottcha!"
Eli Anderson
You don't seem to understand how holes work.
Wyatt Walker
You are assuming concentration camps were the only way to kill them... There was this thing called ICE- I mean gestapo that literally had free reign to black bag jews. Not to mention millions killed in warfare and sacking cities.
Justin Roberts
The ballpoint parts do not cover a "significant" portion of her diary. It was two separate pages clearly written later and the diary pages were given numbers
Nolan Howard
The majority of the jews were buried in mass graves. There are literally hundreds of photos and videos you can watch.
Isaiah Howard
They machine gunned a ton of them and dumped them in an open grave, google einsatzgruppen
All of that shit is Muslim and neo nazi propaganda. The diary is 100 percent legit. The ballpoint pen story has circulated for a long time in neo nazi pamphlets. It's bullshit.
Aaron Lewis
I'm more curious on why though out history Jews have been the most hated. Could there have been a issue that arose in the past to make them hated as much as they have
Joshua Gray
>I called you a jew, I dont have to argue shit Also the soap, lampshade and all that has always been a myth. You were just too stupid to realize no one believed it or took it seriously.
Israeli Jew here. Been to both Auschwitz and Dachau. You've been lied to for years. The Nazi's did NOT kill millions of Jews. There were less than 1 million Jews in all of Western Europe during that time, with most in Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and Jerusalem - NOT in Germany. Stop believing the lies.
Connor Clark
The fake ultimate victim status of Jews based on lies, lies that legally can't be studied and questioned, is not just a matter of historical revisionism but affects the lives of people every day as it empowers this tiny minority to wield disproportionate power and yet remain free of criticism.
You act like there is no harm done to Western civilization on a daily basis by an cabal of powerful Jews that control the press, academia, the entertainment industries, and have powerful influence on governments around the world that influences and shapes entire cultures and puppeteers profiteering wars around the globe.
Liam White
This is the dumbest inforgraphic I have ever seen.You do realize that 99 percent of the inside of the coliseum is empty space?
>Israeli Jew here. So you're a voice of authority? >most in Russia, Poland, Ukraine Were do you think most of the dead Jews came from? Germany alone? Most came from Russia, Poland, Ukraine + plus Hungary, Balkans, Greece, Italy etc
Your argument fails for lack of relevant facts
btw you forgot NYC
Grayson Cook
I dont give a shit about fucking kikes. But I'm also tired of you beta white boys making shit up. You're as bad as flat earthers, all this shit is clearly pulled out of your ass and you work backwards to find "evidence"
Oh yes, because Germany imported Jews from NYC... ::: eye roll ::: STFU brainwashed American Goy.
Levi Gomez
We all just going to ignore the fact that he forgot that other country's were taken o er?
Jace Rodriguez
>Germany imported Jews from NYC Refuting something that was not said. You are at the top of your game. Shame you wont get any higher.
user posted that at the time most of the Jews lived "most in Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and Jerusalem". Hence the NYC comment but should have been better linked to user's.
Whites do the same shit, why should I trust you over kikes?
Jack Lee
You still have a long way to go to support the idea that it is "the norm". Posting random, isolated shit just is not how that is done. I'm sure I could one or two people who say that you are capable of social engagement. Does not make it true.
Jordan Ortiz
also, Germans are known for being sloppy, lazy, and workers with little ability to function as a group