Why do the democrats hate the police?

Why do the democrats hate the police?

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What retard LIKES the police?

Your bitch ass when you call them after getting mugged by Tyrone

Because deflection is key. Tell your base you are their saviour, tell them to resist the police and hate the system of authority so they forget you control the system. Democraps are as retarded as the inbred rednecks they hate.

Why do both sides of the political spectrum create caricatures of the other side to make an easy target to throw their hate onto?

The cops don't give a shit about muggings or burglaries, they exist to protect private property, like gemstones in UPS trucks that they'll happily kill UPS drivers and innocent bystanders for.

This makes sense


Sure kid, time to log off Sup Forums and take your meds

Everyone knows that blue lives matter. When you say blue lives matter you are saying they matter more than the civilians they are supposed to protect. Black lives matter is a message to the police and the people to stop acting like their lives don't matter. If interpret the black lives matter slogan as hating the police then you dont understand the problem. Why not stick to posting porn?

Cops actively cover for bad cops and then whine about not blaming them for "bad apples" (never mind that the saying is a bad apple spoils the bunch)
Cops rail against things like marijuana legalization because they want to use it to make money and arrests
Cops unnecessarily escalate situations
Cops think they deserve to be treated with reverence for no reason\
Cops are significantly more likely than non-cops to beat their wives

While I don't disagree that people saying "blue lives matter" is retarded, saying black lives matter because you want niggers to be able to do as they please without getting arrested or shot is ridiculous. This is very simple. You don't want to get shot then don't break the fucking law and if you do break it, don't resist arrest. Any reason those nigs refuse to do this?

>thinking the cops showing up after the fact somehow keeps you safe

>You don't want to get shot then don't break the fucking law

Cops are not judge, jury and executioner and shooting in a panic/out of laziness is neither professional nor acceptable.

Because they shoot democrat voters

>Cops unnecessarily escalate situations
Nah man, your niggers friends do that

Well I would tell you to carry a fucking gun if youre that worried about it, but your team wants to take that right away too. That way everyone is defenseless against their monkey mob.

Right, so you would prefer niggers beat up and shoot cops as they please, without consequence. Sorry pal, that ain't how it works. You want that bullshit move to fucking Europe.

I don't understand how anyone doesn't hate the police. If there was any other gang of individuals that went around murdering innocent people with impunity, wouldn't you hate them and be scared of them? They've shown time and time again it doesn't matter if you're guilty or not, they literally killed an innocent UPS driver and a bystander last week. Cops don't keep you safe in fact in almost any situation save a mass shooter having cops there just makes it more likely that you'll end up dead because they're just likely to further escalate any situation

cops are retards who couldn't do anything else with their life so they chose the easiest powertrip that gave them a free gun

Go lick some more boots niggerfaggot

and who would enforce the taking away of those guns? the revenue generating militant arm of the state. Bootlicking statist

There have been many, many instances of a cop or social worker having a situation under control until backup arrives waving guns/opening fire.

Oh please, hardly any cops die in a given year and most of their deaths are in fucking traffic accidents.

If you do too well on aptitude tests while trying to become a cop they won't hire you. Cops are specifically chosen out of the C-student bullies that sign up to wield their authority like a cudgel.

>Be America
>Bring over black slaves from Africa
>Enrich selves with slave labour
>Decide slaves are people too
>Give rights to black slaves
>Complain about blacks

Ya fucked up America. Don't bring slaves in if you aren't prepared to keep em and look after them.

all the cops in my town are black and former criminals. the democrats passed a law that made all blacks cops. now they have sex with my wife and daughter while IM in prison


>the democrats passed a law that made all blacks cops

This is the shit retard boomers see on Facebook and think is true.

>Did you know that Muslims and libs made Christmas illegal!?
>Democrats want to make abortions mandatory for white Christians!?

it's as true as the fact that vaccines cause autism

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Because they like to do extremely stupid and highly illegal shit and then claim they dindu muffins when they get tazed and shot.

Fucking this

>You want that bullshit move to fucking Europe.

US cops kill people at a rate of roughly 30.4 people per 10,000,000.
UK cops kill 0.5 people per 10,000,000.

So US cops kill people about 61 times as often when adjusted for population as UK cops. US cops kill more people than Mexican cops.

How is it you feel that this is a good thing?

So you're saying youd prefer this country's police force be like Mexico?

They're killing niggers. That's a good thing

For fags like him, that's a bad thing

Of course UK cops hardly kill anyone. They don't even have guns. Fuck kinda bullshit is that?

This is why the Black Lives Matter movement exists.

Then you say things like, "HURRRRRR ALL LIVES MATTER"... but if black lives don't matter, than how can all lives matter?

>Of course UK cops hardly kill anyone. They don't even have guns. Fuck kinda bullshit is that?
But that's the point. The democrats will eventually demand the police be disarmed next. I can promise you that right now. The only reason they haven't said it publicly yet is because they're still working on taking it from citizens first.

>implying there isn't a distinct possibility of the cops shooting you once they arrive to protect you

LMAO, like when they killed the UPS driver?

Link this story such you keep bitching about it

I consider myself a lefty but not a democrat. Shit party that many of my fellow lefties need to abandon. I have a deep respect for the police I even have family members that are police officers but it’s important to call out their bullshit when necessary. It seems like with most people on the internet there’s no in between. It’s either they fucking hate cops are they worship cops so much they don’t question their authority. Always question authority and I’m sure the founding fathers would agree, don’t be a boot licker.


Literally says it in the first sentence that truck was stolen. Would you prefer they give the driver kisses and hot chocolate? That's why you're upset right?

No they would keep the police armed and use them to enforce their shit laws lol. Im a lefty and I agree that gun control is bullshit scam. Dems aren’t real lefties or they wouldn’t be taking guns from the working class. Gun control is just another way to take power from the proletariat.

Just a matter of time until a new party of emerges that rejects corporate influence.

Hilarious how many dipshit centrist Dems are ok with Joe Biden endorsing a super-pac.And Buttigieg having high-dollar fundraisers hosted by the wealthy. Slimy cunt.

the truck was stolen by other people retard, the driver was a hostage, learn to fucking read

The cops shot and kill a hostage and an innocent bystander because they obviously had shitty training and weren’t capable of effectively handling a hostage situation.

Hahahahah, holy fuck you're a moron. I'm sorry but you're really, really a huge fucking dipshit. I'll entertain you one more time because you obviously can't read or do a minimum amount of research.

The driver killed, WAS A HOSTAGE in the stolen truck. As in criminals held him at gunpoint and forced him to drive. Are you saying you're ok with hostages being killed to stop some criminals?

>Because they like to do extremely stupid and highly illegal shit

like being at home? and possibly leaving a door open? and then answering said door? and I guess not having bullet proof windows?


aoc porn

About 2,600,000 results

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The lie that voting 3rd party is a waste of your vote is one of if not the biggest scams even pulled on the American people. IMO it’s what has caused most of our problems in this country because shitty people just get elected over and over again because people think they have to “choose the lesser of two evils”. Discrediting 3rd party voting is just another way they suppress the will of the American people.

That shit will never happen

Democracy works

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the video from the car seriously looks like some GTA or CoD shit. Those cops had no fucking clue what they were doing. Taking cover being people in their cars like ffs.... ridiculous

Bernie 2020

And nowhere does it say the police shot that guy. But we all know the real issue here. You're upset the police didn't let one of your teammates drive off and do as he pleases. Then when it turns out that guy had been killed long before the shootout, you will suddenly play stupid and pretend you don't know what the fuck is going on.

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75% of Americans are overweight, or Obese.

Only 7% of Americans have read a book in the last year.

America disserves what's coming to her

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are you just pretending to be retarded?

You’re one of those cunts that worships police so much you can’t even question their authority. I hope you’re not an American because the founding father would be disgusted. You’d probably be one of the traitorous cowards that supported the British because you’re too stupid to question those who rule you.

You aren't wrong but the problem is our voting system.
One vote only is of course going to end up with a 2 party system. We need STAR voting, or maybe ranked choice could work.
And don't get me started on the Primary system, what a fucking sham.
Also voting day needs to be a national holiday.

Why do so-called "conservatives" loved getting cucked by armed government employees?

Yes our voting system is fucked all round. Yet we’re the country who stands for “democracy”.

I agree that a third party can emerge, but there isn't one strong enough now. You need to be registered as a democrat to vote in the primary, so I think it's good to be registered democrat.

Also, people make a big deal out of the popular vote, even if the candidate loses. So the more we can push the popular vote in the favor of a democrat, the more the electoral college has to answer for the dissent.

well, yeah.
I was actually thinking of another case where a (white) woman called for help foe her sister or something and when the (white) cops came they ended up murdering her in front of her sister.

I tried finding the story but all I'm getting is the Dallas and minneapolis cases all over, which are juat 2 more recent examples of getting dead for calling the cops for help

I don't know a lot of retards... but the ones I do know have "Blue lives matter" stickers on their jacked up truck.

Is this retarded rant suppose to make sense? You're probably a dumb beaner who barely knows English, and you have the balls to bring up the founding fathers. But hey, there's always Mexico you can fuck off to if those scary poolease b 4 moo 4 u to handle.

it makes sense to me. learn to read

What laws are manifestly unjust?

You can literally watch the UPS driver die, live on camera from the helicopter. But yes, it would have been so much worse if the cops had let them drive away and steal some shit instead of killing both the UPS driver and an innocent bystander. Even if they didn't kill the bystander, the cops still got them killed. And did absolutely no hostage negotiating. It was a shitshow and you're a fucking retarded moron to argue otherwise

This guy's gotta be trolling. Also, fuck the founding fathers. Conservatives give too much credit to a bunch of dipshits who were sexist, racist, and classist.

because they want anarchy, they hate the police and anyone with guns. They essentially want the world to be 1940's germany and anyone right wing to be gassed. They're a bunch of nihilist accelerationists who honestly have sub 60 IQ and suffer from a savior complex or white savior syndrome.

It makes perfect sense to me. You're the one who couldn't read a CNN article. It's not our fault you have the reading comprehension of an 8 year old

Why do you beat off to trannies?

>Also, fuck the founding fathers.
>If only they had made a better country
>Like Mexico
Juan, seriously, why do you refuse to get out? Your relatives are waiting for you.


Ghettos are the same all over the world, they stink

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it makes sense to you because you speak dat vulgar english like the rest of us
foreigners outside of the English sphere ate a bit obvious, like that troll.
I 100% guarantee its a division shill or troll

proverit, conrade

>being this brainwashed by far right propaganda

It’s funny to watch a man crumble when he realizes he has nothing to say.

you're saying so much but none of it really means anything at all

Have you ever noticed that people don’t want to associate with you in real life? Have you ever stepped back and listened to the vile, hate filled things that spill out of your brain? Have you realized yet that it’s not them, it’s you?

Imagine being this good at projecting.

Nice anecdotal evidence, fuckwit. Judging by the fact that you're a 28 year old, 400 lb incel living in your parent's basement, I'm guessing you have no experience with hostage situations or police work in general and have no clue how difficult it would be to kill two armed hostage takers and leave the hostage completely unharmed. But I guess I'm just a boot licker for not expecting cops to be literal superheroes and deal with every situation perfectly.

samefag also given you hate guns in peoples hands and the police it's clear you don't value order of any kind and just want a feelings based political system so you can pretend you're fighting for a good cause. But you try and care about everything since it maximizes your self importances.

It's why you're fat and poor and have the IQ of the people you make fun of.

Riddle me this batman; what governing body catches the people who kill niggers? what group of people aids in prosecuting crimes against pavement apes? Also keep seething fag, maybe prove how dangerous a gun is by shooting yourself with one?

for you

>tfw I hadn't realized police boots are basically combat boots now

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The far right doesn’t realize that if there were to be some kind of socialist fascism like they often like to dream of to rise in the US the police would be the ones enforcing the laws to suppress them after their guns were taken away. It’s honestly
interesting. Who do they think would take their fucking guns? The boogeyman?

Sounds like you're speaking from experience.

>Riddle me this batman

Because of this youtu.be/ynBoe8r-NXc

Because they would be held accountable for their bullshit and the crime starts would disprove their utopian diversity claims.

>Hurr hurr, u r boot licker
God, you edgy ACAB faggots are so unoriginal and boring.

Calling police out on bullshit and hating police are completely different. Questioning authority is not a bad thing. All systems are a blend of socialism and capitalism. Either side of the spectrum results in the same shit quality of life meltdowns for the working class.

the fuck are you even taking about, assface?

If you become a police officer you’re literally signing up for this shit. Police officers should be trained for these kinds of situations. I guess when police kill innocent civilians we should lie down and not question it at all huh? Why? Because you’re afraid to question authority? If a civilian did that shit they’d probably be in jail for murder.

>deflects from my legitimate criticism with r*ddit humor

I hope you get beaten and raped by a nigger so you have to kill yourself for having malicious thoughts about darkies disobeying your corporate overlords.

Reading books is boring as fuck, however I read online all day errday.

I don’t understand why lefties want to take gun out of the hands of the working class. It’s just another way to take power away from the working class and make those in power feel more secure while they fuck us in the ass.

>Police officers should be trained for these kinds of situations
they are and that is the problem because it's shit training.


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That’s a pathetic retort, from a small man who has nothing, does nothing and is nothing.

Because they're stopped clocks, and have to be right twice per day.
>pic related: spread this like a virus.

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>legitimate criticism

and why would I get beaten and raped by a nigger when I could just call the police?
911 and problem solved, yes?