Ask someone, who will commit suicide by self-administering a lethal combination of morphine and clonazolam soon...

Ask someone, who will commit suicide by self-administering a lethal combination of morphine and clonazolam soon, anything!

I hope those self-harm scars suffice for you to believe me.

I have a lot of stories to tell and questions to answer, if Sup Forums is interested.

I am 19 years old and will not live to celebrate Christmas 2019.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You will friend. We all love you and want you to live out a full life. Those scars are battle scars you will carry proudly for a long time. I believe in you.

Whats bothering you?

Will you livestream it?

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just do it faggot

So many people that DONT WANT TO DIE need your help out there.

Stop being selfish and go help others.

see ya mate,thanks for the added air!

How'd you get the drugs? How much of each?

What exactly, be it one thing or a combination of things, has convinced you to make this decision?

I'm not going to attempt to tell what you should or shouldn't do with your body and your life, but sometimes just expressing your emotions can help you see your current situation a bit more acutely.

Why dont you just say fuck it and wait life out do what feels right or even do some dangerous shit that may or may not get you killed instead of just ending right then and there. You dont even know what happens afterwards nothing to look forward to.


>There are 64 people ahead of you...

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knock it off, get help. too young to have experienced much anyway, what's your story?

I guess that's encouraging also.

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I'll ask you not to and ask you to seek help or self improvement
if you're willing to do this then why not go on an adventure or try something that will enrich your life?

try mushrooms or lsd first

Please dont kill yourself.i know this sounds stupid but get help. Please

That is very kind of you, but I finally decided to take this extreme measure. I have my reasons.

When I hit puberty, I developed extreme social anxiety and couldn't go to school anymore. There is much I could list right now, but I basically can't leave my house or talk to ANYONE, including my mum. I turned to forgery and scamming to have an income. Then I got raided. I have to appear in court soon, but I can't because of my social anxiety. That's why I have to take this route. That's only a few problems I have at the moment. I also developed PTSD from a police raid. I battle for my life every day.

or ketamine

You can't go to court because of social anxiety? They'll drag you to court. Don't bitch out because you're caught. You'll serve your prison time, lose weight, get bullied, beat etc, but you'll be okay after it. No room for anxiety in prison.

Don't use clonazolam to kys. I don't want it to get banned.

Nigga if I had killed myself at 19 like I wanted too I would have missed out on the best experiences of my life.

It wouldn't be exciting plus I don't want my mum to see the video. I don't have contact with her anymore, but still - it would kill her.

Do you work for Nike?

I try, I actually talked a lot of online friends out of suicide and convinced them to get help and they are doing great.

No problem!

Darknet market - 1800 mg morphine IR capsules combined with 100 mg of clonazolam. No tolerance.

Think about it like this. Whether you like it or not, you're going to die at some point. You might as well keep living to see what happens before death comes.

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bye bye loser hope you regret it just before you die

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FBI school shooter recruiting discord.

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death will end all of your problems, doesn't matter how anyone will react if you're not alive to experience it. don't bother with the video - end the suffering now

Y’all don’t do it my man
You have so much to live for

What was your happiest memory of life?

Think long term. 20 years from now would you rather be a forgotten corpse or a capable fucking man? The choice is yours. If you are willing to kill yourself you should be willing to put in effort to better yourself.

End your own life fagot

Sounds like he's going to prison for scamming people online. Getting raped in prison isn't that much fun to be honest.

What a coward, that's what you are. Think of you loved ones, they gonna suffer like shit and you asshole selfish nigga don't think of anyone else but yourself. Nigga.

You better load up o that morphine, the barbiturate probably isn't going to do shit. Better to put a gun in your mouth.

The prison system is pretty fucked man. If he has serious felonies he might serve hard time. A socially anxious bitch will get absolutely fucked by other other inmates.

Fucking do it faggot.
Post a video befor you done!

Getting raped in prison isn't really a thing for most people. It's more rare then people realize. Thank Hollywood for that.

For someone with social anxiety, you just made prison sound like literal Hell on Earth. So now he's even more likely to kill himself. Great job, user!

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- Social anxiety which lead to social isolation
- Depression
- Psychotic episodes
- Crimes which will put me in prison
- Police Raid (-> PTSD)
- Extreme nostalgia

I can't leave my house, not much to do.

See above

I tried almost every drug there is

As strange as it might sound to someone without those illnesses, it is literally impossible for me to go outside - my body just freezes and I hide in bed in fetus position until it's over.

I know the police would drag me to court, hence the suicide beforehand.

Tried it, cool experience, but didn't help.

I mean, I can use any benzodiazepine I want to, I forge prescriptions and scam. I can get all medications for free.

What demos were calling you at age 19?

>Getting raped in prison isn't really a thing for most people.

He's right, but getting beat up is. Look at some one wrong, you're dead meat. Say the wrong thing, step out of line, look at some one, don't do what the yard boss says, all grounds for a beat down. Its not called gladiator school for nothing. Not a great life, unless you're top dog, or willing to take top dog status.

Oh, there won't be any regret, trust me.

Ironically my many stays at psych wards. The first two weeks, I didn't say a word and was in shock, but the people in there are so relatable and understanding, unlike society.

That's actually where I met all of my 3 girlfriends, lol. They put me on a ton of drugs, maybe that's why I was so confident and will not die a virgin.

what do you think will happen to you when you'll die?

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In my mind, I have no choice. That's a symptom of my anxiety disorder. I wish I could change, but I literally can't.

I wouldn't go to prison for long, that's the funny thing. Also, I am in Germany and rape and/or violence isn't really a thing in our prisons.

I never scammed "normal" people. I scammed big companies like Amazon and big pharmacies.

Also, they wouldn't realize I am anxious. I put on a mask of aggression. Being 6'5" and heavy build also helps.

I don't have contact to my family and my mother disowned me and threw me out 3 years ago.

I am well versed in pharmacology and knows what it takes to be lethal, don't worry.

Plus we don't have access to guns in Germany.

Alright, use one that's already regulated. RC benzos are the love of my life. They're my substitute for love.

what's your family situation?

I also have social anxiety and severe anxiety in general but I force myself to get on with shit and try to enjoy myself anyway possible and it usually works out. I dno if you have some EXTREME social anxiety or something but theres no point ending your life over it just fucking do something to keep you going not that hard we all have to do it

The same thing I experienced before I was born - complete nothingness.

Oh you're German? Then don't commit suicide you live in a nanny state dude. Just own up and live life. Bull fucking shit Germany doesn't have good social benefits so you never have to work.

>in Germany and rape and/or violence isn't really a thing in our prisons.

Actually, German prisons are pretty nice, yeah?

Don't waste all the morphine you have to killyour pathetic self, only take what's necessary and give the rest to someone who isn't a sad pathetic shit head to enjoy

Yes, especially for people under the age of 21. They get locked up with the 14-21 year olds in a special unit.


so why is the reason of overwhelming social anxiety?

Nope, I want to be sure to success and not end up in a vegetative state. Also, I have noone to give it to. I still have thousands of euros, which I will transfer to online friends of mine before I an hero.

Hey man don’t do it, you’re young and shit is rough. If you want a friend or someone to love you feel free to post some contact info. Your hole might be steep but have faith.

Nobody has a clue. I was never bullied or anything like this. Always had close and nice friends.

The only thing my psychiatrists could come up with was trauma because my dad died when I was 5.

I think I just hate myself. I hate everything about me.

I am in too deep, but thanks for trying to help!

have you tried improving your anxiety by talking to people online?

has OP died yet

Nobody cares, honestly we're just waiting for you to kill yourself

whats your favorite song?

You wouldn't post this if you wanted to die. Stop being a little faggot and realize your problems are entirely chemical

try to take out someone famous. then they will remember you

>Plus we don't have access to guns in Germany.

Yeah bud stop being a little fag I tried to kill myself and now my life sucks cuz my stomach is fucked from poisoning myself. Just understand that you're in a bad space now but you're young and don't understand the passing of time. I'm happier than anyone i know and ive tried to off myself. those with a high propensity for sadness also have a high propensity for happiness as emotion is a pendulum.

word, teenagers dont realize it just sucks being a teen and people lie so you try to make the best of it. it fucking sucks and youre like a year away from freedom, nut up for a bit

Lmao this nigga isn't doing shit he's getting his cock so hard from the attention hahaha ditch this thread immediately everyone

>Oh, there won't be any regret, trust me.
Oh really? YOu've done this before? Shut the fuck up you little something to prove faggot i really hope you do off yourself now

harm someone else not urself man. cast pain outward not in.

Don’t do it. A lot more to do in life than in death. Do what you like and if you are unsure what you like keep looking.

>anxiety disorder
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ARE YOU KIDDING ME GET A REAL MENTAL ILLNESS YOU FUCKING PATHETIC BITCH. take a xanax and go cry to your female friends you little pussy ass bitch

good enough for me.

Tired of answering questions. So many retards repeating the same "jUsT kIlL yOuRsElF aLrEaDy".

Instead, have a pic I took of the 3 cuts before they healed.

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Yeah I take it back you're undeservingly narcissistic to the point of cringe. Feel free to off yourself man, we're rootin for you to get the fuck off our earth


Best fucking advice ive hear in a long time. Do this OP

Oh really? Have YOU done it before? You must be very smart, sir!

lmao you sound like such a fucking loser

Amercan ignorant without any knowledge of psychology detected

or just embrace being alone lol what this kid is such a fag, he just wants pity and to talk about himself

been there. done that. do not believe some basement troll. prison does not build you up. it makes you tired and paranoid. your mind cant focus on certain subject matter as well anymore. some serious PTSD ~does~ frequently result.

but hey kid. im an aspergers autistic. i get it. but i dont condone the weird angle. you dont have anything shameful to keep you in the shadows. you just have no spine.

get drunk. get that courage in you and make a few cool friends that dont frighten you for being within ten feet of you. theyle show you more friends and this stuff stands a chance of drying up. try harder.

Have you tried medication? I was going to paint the walls with my brains two years back. Went to my doctor, put me on some medication starting taking it, started meditating regularly which helped me stop drinking and decrease my anxiety even further. Started exercising and doing hobbies to keep my mind from stirring and forced myself into a regular sleep routine which was a bitch to do. If you put in the effort you can recover but from personal experience the medication helps big time maybe it will for you.

been to a german prison for some weeks, it cured my anxiety

lol imagine asking for attention on Sup Forums just because you plan to go out like a faggot.

God bless the faggots who atleast have the decency to just go ahead and do it rather then ask for attention

the fuck are we supposed to ask you? You failed in your early 20s faggot you have 0 value please post the webm of you blowing your brains out instead.

lol you gotta have the balls doing that.. he’s choosing the bitchiest way to go

Dude thats probably not gonna kill you, you will just puke everywhere you should revise your method or not kys

In case anyone here is into drugs, a few hundret pregabalin 300's I scammed from a pharmacy

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> You failed in your early 20s

Hes not even 20 yet you autistic fuck

That will definetly kill someone

Probably just another larping faggot who wants attention, but is too pussy to actually just an hero. So he posts about how he's "going to I swear bro". Then thread died and he goes back to his pathetic life.

>1 year off

even better, get rid of useless fags like this even younger.

bUt cAnT yoU see my scars

You sound like you'll probably be putting a bullet in your head soon ya miserable fuck

If I do I won't post about it on Sup Forums crying for some virgins attention

Please, user. Don’t do this.

what this guy said. post the webm of you doing the drugs.

do it

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Before you do it watch this