Write the first thing that you would do with my girlfriends ass and wait for more

Write the first thing that you would do with my girlfriends ass and wait for more

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walk away

Beat it with a switch until it was bloody and raw. Letting her screams and crying make me hard....then pin her face down and fuck her ass raw slapping the welts as i go making here ass tighten from the pain till i blast my load in her abused ass

You deserve this

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tease her butthole with one hand and push her mouth down my cock with the other hand

What a crappy bathroom. You should renovate.

I would put my penis in it

It's alright Kevin. One day you will get a girlfriend.

The bath look the size of a thimble!

Smack repeatedly.

let me write something edgy to help you jerk off then

Just don't quote anything from your comic books.

She must be a fucking giant judging by the size of the bathroom.

you can't tell me what to do cuck

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You write, I post

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Silver Surfer?

ayo OP is she indian?

Because your dubs I give you this frontal and you can guess it

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Soooo … English not your first language OP?

I don't think so. No surfboard.

Asshole pics of her please

You, sir, are a true gentleman.

Pics of her being an asshole? Like not picking up her rubbish?

Your GF is hot, OP. Post facial pics and posts pics of her holding her butt open and her vag open and be the hero we need right now.

AHAHHHHA …. 'his girlfriend *sigh* my sides ...

I know, I know, autistic works of fiction and all that. Still, two things are for sure:

1) the girl is very, very hot

2) OP has nudes of her

I'm willing to indulge OP's delusion if it means more and better pics.

I know, I know, OP is an autist. Still, two things for sure:

1) the 'girl' is 3/10 at best.

2) OP is a 14 year old faggot.

I'm willing to call OP a faggot for starting this thread with average pics of average girls.

We absolutely agree on OP being a 14 year old faggot, that's pretty much Sup Forums's core demo. However, I think we disagree on the hotness of the girl; those titties, that lovely ass and that perfect pussy are all top tier. A facial shot is required to judge "hotness", but everything about her body is very good.

If you think she's a 3/10, then you fap to porn goddesses too much and your view of female beauty is skewed user. That girl is a 7/10 in the real world, an 8 on a good day, but still a 6+ even on a bad day.

>Sup Forums's core demo

Collect her half of the rent.

I would make that lazy ass go to the gym
