So I have a pregnancy fetish. How might someone hook up with a pregnant woman? I don't want to impregnate a woman myself because I have a genetic disease I don't want to pass on. Thanks Sup Forums.
So I have a pregnancy fetish. How might someone hook up with a pregnant woman...
Oh I should also add I'm not a cuck so I don't want someone to impregnate my gf/wife just so I can fuck a pregnant woman.
Would you be interested in stroking to pics of my pregnant gf?
i hook up with a pregnant women every night, its not all fun. Her nipples hurt so i cant squeeze her tits, her belly is big so i cant go to hard.
Yes please
i would love to trade places with u
Have a kik?
>I have a genetic disease I don't want to pass on.
Sounds like something you made up to mask the fact that you simply fear being a father and having a commited relationship because you know your fetish is only achievable every so often.
I'm not lying i have huntingtons disease asshat.
10 outta 10 nice
Really? Thanks. Who's saving and jerking? Really want someone to cum for her
Oh you got to have stories about that! Come spill the beans.
Well ok, but just remember that you exist and Huntington's disease hasn't been purged from the gene pool and likely won't be. You're basically like a vegan, everybody still eats meat and will continue to eat meat long after your dead.
You won't reproduce by choice, but others will and people just like you will still be born. Either way, what a terrible fetish to have in your case.
Funny enough thats what my gf's dad has, were having a girl tho so shouldnt effect her.
Try intercepting a woman at an abortion clinic!
So we are in accord?
We are pirates and we have reached an accord?
OP... Question about PIC for Sup Forums
- What is the provenance of the woman, pregant with huge black nipples/brown huge nipples?
I get that she is all over porn websites. But look there is a Genetic thing here. WTF is going on with 5 inch diameter Nipples or Aureola?
Nipples turn dark during pregnancy. For some reason a lot of people find that a turn-off and probably because its a biological representation of an occupied womb, which would make sex pointless.
Or maybe because white people instinctively despise brown things.
OP you could try fetlife but I’m being honest, unless a nigger most pregnant women aren’t gonna fuck around on the baby daddy. Too vulnerable of a time.
Niggers don’t have that awareness so you could probably land one
Low income areas probably. I dated a chick for a while who was pregnant and after she had her first she cheated and got pregnant again. I used it as an out but was fuckin turned on
Ill do, but she has way to much clothes...
I can tell you're from a low income area by how difficult it was to comprehend what this post was. Read a book nigga.
You fucking dickhead. Not all of us are base level retards chasing material pleasures like a donkey chasing a carrot on a string. Some of us are awake and understand bringing a life into this prison is a cruel torture, bringing that line into this prison with with an incurable disease, is even more degenerate..
I'm not OP either
I have a thing for pregnants too but then I think “if I was in my mom’s belly, would I really want some stranger jerking it to her/me?” then I feel conflicted. should I just embrace it? I have a lot of moral dilemmas like this.
I would kik me 1twistednoggin
Fuck off wannabe Gnostic. We can comprehend the wonders of the universe but at our very core we are not but a repeating chemical soup millions of years in the making.
If he was actually serious he'd take a few courses at dictator school and prepare for the Huntingtocaust