College Asian cheating with bbc

College Asian cheating with bbc

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Whore kill her

>Cheats with someone who looks so drastically different from their partner that the baby would obviously not be theirs.
I thought Asians were supposed to be smart?

no name

She made him wear a condom at least

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More like BAC. Seriously though, whats your point OP? Women do dumb shit like this, become single mothers and go insane over the universal rejection that comes from their actions.
If it happened in an earlier time period without forced peace within a multicultural society, she'd probably be forced to commit Sudoku by her mother or some shit.

more. she's still dumb for taking aids cumshot to the face but ngl this is fuckin hot

Her: petite. Born in Japan. 19.
Him: big . American . 40+

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BBC is the new wave apparently

How do you even know this information? I swear despite the fact that Sup Forums is a shit tourist board now it still has weird jew bots sent to spam Sup Forums saturating other boards.

They took so many pics

Attached: DD275AA1-3583-4062-AF5C-B4F986D7F037.jpg (4032x1710, 1.12M)

Look at that skinny fail gook body you cant tell me a black man would ever want that
We all know what black men really want

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This isn’t the guy she cheated with but look how small she is

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Literally can’t believe she let him take a pic like this. I never took pics like them

Attached: A135AC2A-BD59-40D3-965D-103378319575.jpg (1152x2048, 227K)

hot. could you post her in a vola?
r / 141qg773m

Those are some nice thick lips. Blowjob pics pls


Attached: 893982EF-F6CD-42D7-B781-7EA3F771E426.jpg (750x1334, 148K)

fuck thats hot. dump in vola?

Did you guys break up?


>I never took pics like them.
What were you doing in the room? What are you?

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She called me on FaceTime to make me watch

what a good slut

Did you record it

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Miss her little petite ass

Attached: 8741D8D0-7823-43E1-AAE8-1EF38FFE8A18.jpg (1536x2048, 475K)

bet she enjoyed ever second of being pounded by him

His dick is so much bigger than her wrist. I know she felt how wide his dick was

Attached: 724407A2-8939-462D-ADD4-12E5944CD92E.jpg (750x489, 232K)

Wtf? Who would cheat just to get that small dick?

Heinous face, endearing pussy.
Shame it got ruined by hiv though.

Her looking at how it would fit

Attached: 86846646-81AC-4A08-BC21-1CC6BFE56A9A.jpg (750x519, 243K)

More penetration and face expression photos please!

please upload the vid on that vola.

Attached: 13E9614C-809C-495B-983E-D3A8E630E9BB.jpg (1232x693, 109K)

Not the same guy in the nude scenes.

This was her face before he went in. Doesn’t it look different?

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Idk I never told her I was into this

Attached: 0D5369D7-AA16-440B-A5E6-5D110E0D58A8.jpg (1334x750, 121K)

Are you?

Now I am. I’ve never seen her look so out of it

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She looks so worn out after

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what is the fucking sauce bros

He was watching her face so close

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Nice. Continue...

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Yeah this is where I call bullshit. Pscyhological studies show that when women cheat, they hold an incredibly high fear of being caught. The idea from a biological sense is to get impregnated by a man with attractive traits while with a man with superior fathering/resourcefulness traits so she can get "better" children AND good parenting.
They don't want their partners to know, because in a non-hand-holdy child supportless world a man would just fucking leave her if he found out.

My bet, assuming this is your girl, is you're a cuck. An Asian cuck.

Attached: 78CA4A53-6133-4952-A581-7E836FE2A3F1.jpg (360x640, 45K)

She’s just been pounded for 4 hours what do u expect

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Who’s in the back?

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where are you guys getting these pictures

Attached: 929E91AC-5CF3-4BFF-92FD-4533FFCFBADD.png (750x1334, 1.28M)

ur pops

The World Wide Web

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is this the source?
i don't trust that website's name

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What site can I use to covert the vids? Want her to be a Sup Forums slut for this and posted daily

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What format are they in?


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I'm asian but my cock is only Average 6 inch. I guess u can that's big for asian lol



Just post it on a mega

those teeth r so fucked

That’s exactly what I got from this post user. OP is a faggot & you don’t deserve that thing you call a dick if you’re letter some nigger ruin your girlfriends snatch. You’re an idiot

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Just search webm converter

Is there any way you could send me the entire set of pics?

In Japan, crooked teeth are considered cute. I like it.

Her setting up

Attached: 6A151C75-B991-4BB9-8EE2-20EC98B09C47.jpg (1891x3365, 1.26M)

This is the set

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where do you get this

Attached: 29C83C54-4A63-4B3B-87EB-A6760F6757E4.png (750x1334, 1.28M)

Post the vids

bet she loved getting stretched so far

shes 19 and born in japan. I bet she did too

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it's just a snaggle toothed gook. they'll fuck anybody.

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easily the best sex of her life then
probably orgasmed every time he was rough with her

This is bullshit. Asian girls hate black guys.

I know. He is 40 with a little girth. And she hasn’t fucked too much. Look how small her pussy is in the other pics

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pussy looks like it's about to break