
>that music
>"it will stop us from doing anything............ cooking......... whatever"


Other urls found in this thread:




>those fucking eyes

does he threaten to kill her or something or is she even more autistic than cwc?

their house probably has some type of ergot-like mould and they have all been experiencing a 30+ year long psychedelic trip.

Will this be the beginning of Chris Chan homeless kino?

All old people in America are on at least a dozen different meds. They also forget to take their meds regularly, so they get all fucked up from coming off the meds. I bet she forgot to take some stupid bladder medication for a week and this is the result.

Apparently they haven't been paying the mortgage and are down $800. Also Chris doesn't want to get a job.

>that music
>that shot composition

we are reaching the CWC impressionism phase

i have a spare $1k, i don't want his stamp album but i could pay him to do something wacky.
any suggestions?

Why don't they sell there house and move into something more affordable?

You would have to get in touch with the trolls who are with him. Idk how though.
They're at the bottom of the most affordable homes and take credit from a high risks lender.

he should shove his medallion into his mangina

He has these """emergency""" updates every few weeks.

Then he spends money on new toys.

Best MDE skit so far

If they are both on a fixed income and can't pay their mortgage they need to go bankrupt. Bank would not give them the loan if it knew they would be in this situation. I bet Chris is spending it all on lego.

It's funny because Chris is selling his dead dad's stamp album, but not his own toys, which fills up the entire room.

And they have like 5 cats too.

He just got 1500 for the totem



This video is true kino

Gotta keep begging nigga, those figurines aren't going to buy themselves.

he actually spent $400 of that money to buy Barb a gold necklace
Even though Chris is reprehensible that makes me feel a little sad.
Anyway trolls always pay for whatever shit he sells clearly so I'm sure they'll get the money anyway

I feel nothing for Chris anymore. It's no longer fun or amusing, it's a reminder of how life can fall apart for any of us.

He is a human piece of shit, not for what he does or because of his illness but because he has PERPETUALLY proven throughout the years that he's a narcissistic idiotic child, he will pluck your heartstrings and beg for handouts like a nigger for more toys.

He has no fucking concious. It's not fun anymore, the lolcow has run dry. Ulilillia, who I legit like and have rooted for now is being handled by normies who have ruined every interesting aspect about him.

Fuck it.


Christ almighty what is he wearing


jesus, weird to think this has been going on since 2007. 10 fucking years man


Well it was pawned. They never use money responsibly.

I think Barb was banned from like 3 places for borrowing money to buy shit and not paying them back.

has barbara lost weight? she also definitely has crazy eyes now. jesus christ.

>Buy Bob's old stamp collection for as cheap as Chris will let them go for
>Probably worth more than he'll let them go for

>Chris recently sold his majestic Sonic Totem for $1,500

These are dark times for the Chandler household. Still not dark enough for Chris to get a job though.

That high pitched voice he uses to make himself sound more like a girl is disgusting.

fucking normies have poisoned Nick and his purity

they almost never reply to his game related posts since normies don't play actual vidya but when it's boring shit about walmart they post something retarded

he needs to go back to youtube

>ywn go back to the Golden Age
>we're now in the darkest part of the story, where Barb dies from malnutrition and Chris Chan gets locked up permanently, never to be seen on the internet again


Can a freak like that actually find a job in the US of A? Is that the current state of the great Union?


I work at Walmart and we literally hire retards.

We have our very own Chris Chan on one of the stocking teams, it's horrifying.

So yes.

Liquid Chris is the most underappreciated comedic genius of all time.


Chris-Chan as directed by David Lynch

Is he using her body as a fucking puppet. What the fuck.

How'd sh lose all the weight? Wasn't she fat as fuck when ChrisChan was Male (male)


They probably can't afford to eat much anymore.

I doubt Chris can even hold down a job. Not to mention most employers won't want anything to do with him once they google his name.

I've seen Mexican's with their faces and hands removed get their throat cut by blunt box cutters and this is far worse

Do employers generally run a google search on potential employees?

those spin moves are fucking sick

Now a days of course

I hope she dies because I want to see Chris-chan hit rock bottom and become homeless

Of course

It's a super easy way to find if there's any serious dirt that will damage your company by hiring the guy, and also finding out if he's antisocial and get no results.

Reminder: someone already paid them $1500 dollars for that paper mache totem of Sonic. Chris immediately bought a gold necklace instead of paying off his debts.

Their misery, whilst not nice to think about, is largely self caused. They wasted what Bob left them on Chris' legal defence because Sonic's arms are NOT BLUE DAMMIT whilst the fire in their house was almost certainly caused by their horrible hoarding habit (why was a coffee maker in the bathroom?).

but would anybody be there to document it?

chances are he could end up in some mental ward or something (which is where he belongs)

is this kino?

this guy's a genius

Wouldn''t even get to this point, once they see him they understand he's fucked up instantly. But I guess if they get his resume before seeing him they would google him perhaps.

Chris chan would document it because how else could he beg for donations?

>yfw cwc was a decade-long viral marketing scheme for some shitty horror movie

That shit went towards a golf necklace, toys and other unimportant shit as soon as the auction ended.

The crap in the water is turning freaking frogs gay and nerds female (male)!

>this guy doesn't drink coffee while he shits

Dark comedy, more like.


This is abuse, someone needs to help this woman, she's being forced to make these videos.

Yes. Anything online attached to your name will be examined. Video uploads, blogging, social media, and so on. He's fucked from an employment standpoint.

>getting triggered by a narcissistic child extorting sympathy bucks using his OWN FUCKING MOTHER

what do you have a conscious or something? fuck off to the reddit/poopbabby.

no employer is going to google anyone who they don't first consider for an interview, there is no way in hell someone like CWC could ever make an application good enough for any employer to consider actually asking him to come over for an interview

>to stop us from doing anything. Cooking,...............................................................................whatever.
Fucking lol

>implying anyone really gives a shit when you're just stacking crates for minimum wage


chris chan thread?

>xl t-shirts
he knows his audience well

It's crazy that compared to now his life back then actually seems normal.

Both parents still alive, an actual house to live in, still a man actively seeking a woman, still drawing sonichu, active on the internet. Actually a comfy little existence, if highly degenerate. Now it's just flat out depressing.

this is the only pic of chris that makes me feel for him, and it's only because my brother is schizophrenic(which is a real mental illness, not a inept fucking fantasy land braindead freak like chris)

our brains go "oh he wasn't terrible looking, he could've got a girl and led a normal life"

he didn't.

How do you think people in the future will regard Chris and us? What will they think of losers on the internet manipulating a disabled man's life into The Truman Show?

We live in genuinely interesting times. Chris Chan won't ever happen again and you should be glad you got to see as it occurred.

Chris got a job at Wendy's once and got fired within 3 hours.

imagine posting this in 2007

would anyone believe that this is how far cwc would fall?



someone actually bought that?

i want that book

I think the appeal of chris chan is a lot of us grew up knowing about him. He was always on the back of our mind. I came here when I was 13, now I'm 24. Job. Life isn't fun anymore. Chris-chan is a neurotic tranny who has lost ALL grip on reality.

I think it isn't as simple as chris, but "us" as well - we look at him like thank god we didn't turn out like that.

With the advent of the internet time feels strange..I personally still feel like I'm 17 even though I'm 24.

right now it's like the dust has settled

the aftermath of everything, with a bitter aftertaste


it all depends on the spin

Historically, he could be seen as a catalyst of the entire transgender movement

Never underestimate the power of weens. I was personally going to buy an autographed photo for my brother but he sold out and wanted me to buy his custom amiibos instead.

The Lynch thing is even more fitting with the Blue Velvet instrumental in the background

>he could be seen as a catalyst of the entire transgender movement
Not really.


>stamp collecting in 2017

pleb tier tbqh

Do you honestly think Chris could get a job, even if he tried?

>What will they think of losers on the internet manipulating a disabled man's life into The Truman Show?

At this point he's just as manipulative playing off his anti-fame in order to sell his literal junk for thousands

What happened to that plan by Sup Forums to pretend someone to be Chris's daughter from the future and motivate him to become mayor or something?

Yeah, I get that feeling. I think that's factor in a lot cringey stuff today. We know we were/could have been like that and that is what is really embarrassing. You empathise better than most but at the same time you hate the fact.

strong point. in a lot of ways chris' life mirrors our own. we discovered chris when he was safe in his manchild cocoon. he lived with his parents and spent his days playing video games, watching cartoons, and fucking around on the internet. just like a lot of his. now it's about a decade later and just like many of us have had to move on and leave the comfort of adolescence behind, chris' life of leisure has fallen apart, and he's facing the reality of a world he isn't equipped to deal with. it's a very sad and curiously nostalgic feeling.

If he tried, 100%, food stores will hire the lowest common denominator as cashiers

HE should be forced to work in some sort of slave labour camp.

>just like many of us have had to move on and leave the comfort of adolescence behind
not so fast, buckaroo

>implying he has that level of self-awareness

I guarantee you he does not understand the concept of "anti-fame."

I thought he was working at wal-mart?

Remember when she used to be fat?

Please don't, I wanna see what will happen when they finally run out of money.

Her tugboat is sinking.

>barb is not a snorlax anymore
i feel old.

they're both on government benefits, they'll never truly run out

That's a big pussy