What are your favorite places in Texas?

What are your favorite places in Texas?
Out of Austin, Dallas, and Houston, which do you prefer? Which has the best suburbs?

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Austin has a good nightlife and so does Fort Worth. Dallas is a little too overpopulated for me.

isn't Austin the densest of the 3? At least as far as the nightife areas go

where in Texas has the most rednecks?


>favorite places in Texas?
just one I can think of. Lake Amistad, TX. my family's lakehouse. pic semi related

basically a copy paste portland with a few more bicycle lanes. PSA, only vehicles belong on roads. If there's anything Texas doesn't need, it's more bicycle lanes and cyclists on the fuckin road.
just don't. it sucks here. 5-10 years ago, it had been so much better. I lived in the Katy area for 17 years. It started going downhill after Katrina but now it's god awful. Houston is the worst city for job growth and opportunity out of the big 4. Unless you have an established career and a flawless resume, gl finding something for your $1200 a month 1 bedroom.
My family is in real estate and half of our clients are from California. 20% New York/New Jersey, 20% out of country, 10 % other.
The traffic is horrendous and the infrastructure can't keep up with the hordes of liberals flocking here with their horrible driving habits.
You cant to get anywhere 'kind of' fast? Start paying that toll, bitch. the greatest scam of all.
Dallas is your best bet. They don't have enough people moving in to fill jobs and the city is constantly updating and modifying it's infrastructure. I was amazed at their highway system compared to that of Houston. Just look at 290.
what do you mean by rednecks? white, low income country folk? or the bottom of the barrel trailer trash you see in Vice documentaries?

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low income country or maybe suburban white folk who like pick up trucks, guns, hunting, country music, etc.

I moved out to Eagle Lake which is 45 minutes west of Katy. no HOA so sometimes people park their trucks in the yard. half white, half hispanic. if anything, it's the Mexican music playing loudly every saturday night a block away.
I've lived in Tx all my life and I've never seen anything remotely close to the stereotypical white trailer park community you see in video games, movies, or TV shows. not saying it doesn't exist here but you're more likely to find that shit east, in the rust belt.

Is that common in Texas? I don't think that should apply to anywhere that isn't a gated community.

and the rednecks are probably mostly in the areas closest to Louisiana

I take that back. I do remember in high school seeing tryhard rednecks w/ rebel flags, lifted trucks, chewing dip and wearing camo as a fashion statement. they would blast everything from country to (un)ironically gangster rap because, y' know, rap is the cool thing and all.
If anything it was cringe, and a fringe minority at the school everyone made fun of.

>Is that common in Texas?
dude anywhere Karens live and growth, there's eventually going to be an HOA. the community has to vote on it but HOA is kind of inevitable for most communities. you have this whole group of single, old (60+) white women that want to 'mother' the community because their kid is dead, moved away, or they never had kids of their own.
also the country can pressure communities into forming HOAs by raising taxes and in effort to replace the low income indiviudals with middle class/upper middle class families (which means more tax revenue)
I bought my house for 105k last year. the county valued it at 120k, and now 130k. I pay property taxes based on that. they want us to get out so they can put up subdivisions.

>anywhere there's Karens, and growth*

that's pretty gay. Forcing that type of thing on homeowners is cucked
How much do you have to pay in HOAs anyway?

I don't pay anything other than property tax out here. but when I lived in Katy it was $1500 a year. that's not including Katy taxes. I knew some people who paid 5-10K a year in HOA fees. just varies depending on location.

but yeah, Katy ISD really wanted their 80 million dollar football stadium right next to the perfectly functioning one.

how is social life where you live?
do you have uber over there?

>social life
sucks. I don't really like the country. It's good for awhile but everyone here is 50 or older and keeps to themselves.
uber is out here but it's like 40 or 50 bucks just to the nearest town and back. Sealy/Columbus is only 12 minutes from here. and Katy another 35-40 minutes.

oh and speaking of Houston area, where are the best neighborhoods for nightlife? Whether in or outside of city limits
I'm deciding between Dallas and Houston for my Texas trip

damn, that's expensive. Where I live, I would get really far with 40 dollars. Like 30+ miles.
If you go to one of the local bars late at night, you wouldn't get the chance to meet some young/youngish folk?

Whoo thinks was him..?! WHO!!??

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>best neighborhoods
depends on your type.
if you're the 'flaming' type, you have The Heights and Montrose.
I used to hit up car meets along Westheimer. just start from highway 6 and head east down Westheimer. when my dad was my age (mid 20s) that's where they would drag race. there's a lot of nice bars for every type.
bars aren't my thing. too loud, too crowded, too obnoxious. I got over my drinking phase when I was 17. If I can I'll get some old friends together and we'll light it up in my backyard.
but I got shit to worry about. work, college, and paying mortgage/bills.

You mean gay? Then no lol. I like grungy places that have cool young to middle aged people

Don't mind me,posting Katharine from Houston cuz I thought it was one of those threads.

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I'll be sure to let her know I think she has a nice ass.

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sex with her probably feels amazing

any good places to barhop in Northern Houston?
particularly places with an abundance of qt Latinas

Houston is baller, if yall are ever going west past Austin look up a small town called Blanco go check it out on a hot summer day and sit on the river

Damn, I wanna hit her up and smash that.

what are your thoughts on this?
And what are the real differences between Dallas and Houston? Which is better for a 5 day trip?

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Got that last name bruh? I'm in Houston, would legit hit her up.

dallas is kinda weird imo fort worth is ok houston is just weirdly beautiful as long as you stay away from south side the gallria is amazing ESP if you wanna wander the underground city that goes on for miles tons of history facts filled thru out if your driving there tho drop your car off outside the city and take a bus in lmao

got anymore? or some sauce

Dallas rocks. Stay in the suburbs, though, for living. Dallas has a cop shortage and the gangs know it, so crime is getting a little goofy. Suburbs are fine. Tons of culture, very diverse population, any kind of food you want, tons of breweries and distilleries, etc etc.

how are Richardson, Grand Prairie, and Garland?

Fuck are you on about
H-town is flush with jobs, engineering, chemistry, law all have job growth in Houston.
And where were you trying to live in houston that rent is ridiculous.
But traffic is the worst in Houston. Dallas has similar traffic though just not as bad

how different would Houston and Dallas weather be in February?

>san antonio is never mentioned in these threads despite being a larger city and having ten times the culture and history

Austin is like someone took a piece of California and picked it up and dropped it in the middle of Texas

Houston is a crime ridden nigger filled shithole

Dallas is slowly turning into another Austin

this guy gets it

GP has a lot of shit getting built, started to llok better than Arlington, Richardson and Garland is more big houses and karens, although nowhere near as bad as Plano or Frisco

honestly, I've lived in Dallas my whole life and I love SA, the city and the nightlife, and the girls too, if you hate hispanics not for you

>if you hate hispanics not for you
literally the whole state is like that. There is not one metro area in Texas without a lot of Hispanics

I like me a shed shack for sum dem dud taters magartnew

I like all exists from Texas. Those are my favourite places.

White horse in Austin, met a sexy bitch named Carla there.

Del Rio fag here, can confirm Amistad is great (except when the Mexicans are littering).