What would you name my cat?

What would you name my cat?

Attached: Angry Cat.jpg (780x585, 28K)

is it boy or girl?

Boy. Big balls actually.

Mr. Kitty

You can just call it midnight it's what we called black cats
Or blacky

Your not you of thos I love my pets big balls people you see on you tube are you that's some really cringey shit man


Is a nice name for a male cat

Winrar noggerman

ok buddy

Dude cats with big balls ain't some cringey shit.

As of Sabrina's cat

>Sabrina's cat
That's a good one.

Yes, I thought the same thing. Salem

h.p. lovecraft

awesome cat


coal, coaly

I actually named the other black cat Coal. R.I.P.

undecided between:

(a) Chat Mein; and
(b) Sunday Lunch.


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Call him Blackballs

OP here. You win.