Be Greta Thunberg

>Be Greta Thunberg
>Manage to TRIGGER millions of boomers and white trash incels

You've got 5 seconds, 5 fucking seconds to tell me one single thing you've done in yr entire life that's even 1/10th of 1% as brave as her on any given day.

>Protip: you indisputably can't

P.S. Queen of Sup Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

>P.S. Queen of Sup Forums
That title belongs permanently to Boxxy

I fapped to stolen pics and vids of my friend. She fucking masturbates with a book and moans!

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I fucked your mom

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I love her. I want to have children with her.

literally who tf

Greta spam is better than Jasiri spam at least

she's fuckable, I guess

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>hates humans
>still hasn't killed herself


what about the bbc stuff

here we go
here we fucking go

This is the kid that is a literal retard, no?

How is she? Not known here in Poland.

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if only had a wealthy family
and ties with the media iyy

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I traveled across the world in a plane and not a diesel powered floating carbon factory

What so brave about preaching to the chior?

she sure motivated me to change. i litter more than ever now. i bought a cow and feed it nothing but corn and taco bell. i bought an old ford maverick and deliberately cracked the head gasket because i like the way the smoke looks. i even bought a case of aerosol hairspray just to shoot it in the air.

Dumb link but really cool pic. If I ever buy a house I might do that

>even 1/10th of 1% as brave as her on any given day

nigga you're so stupid as to actually think SHE's behind the shit she's doing, let alone her Twitter account? She's being used as a puppet, dummy.

But whatever. It's hilarious because most people who praise her already know deep down that she's a fake. And that's why it's funny: your team has abominations like this; mine has the President haha.

she is a communist antifa supporter controlled by her parents and PR agency

Patrician trips detected and acknowledged

She's the newest puppet because Malala got older and stop looking fuckable. No one will care and corporations can keep feeding us sawdust

I can't wait until two years from now. I want to be able to jack off to her.

I don't know much about her, but that kid definitely lost a chromosome on the way to the tree hugging competition.


every goddamn time

Why wait?

I'm just waiting so I can admit it and be able to find deepfakes of her.

Literally the only two reasons why I'm waiting.

I died
Which makes me a lot better than her. Like to see her try and die.
Guess what bitch, you cant, youll die

>1/10th of 1%
trash incel with intelligence complex detected

kys fag

The only thing Greta has done is spread awareness


spam bot trash thread

Did Leo............

Braveness doesn't exist
People do whatever brings them peace of mind theres no morality involved in it at all

The fearful forces plot their plans by proxy, and one day you shall know.

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> (OP)

Translated answer: I am completely useless and have not achieved anything in my whole life.

Thanks for participating!

Elitist jew detected.

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Shes a fucking loser like you OP.

A retarded crybaby with nonstop whining about something and virtue signaling about it.

Can we change 1/10th of 1% to 0.1% from now on in this copypasta? Its literally triggering me every time.

You don't even know what a boomer is, you retarded climate nazi. Also you are trolling, but I don't care about that.

>Protip: you indisputably can't
She made a speech, it wasn't even a good speech, she made a speech without using logos and ethos. She only made a speech appealing to pathos which is worse kind of speech. She hasn't been reported to do anything other than advocate for environment protection, which is fine, environment protection is a good cause. But, Literally anyone could donate to a charity or do volunteer work and that would be beneficial and "braver" then what Greta Aspberg did. Hell, I did volunteer work for the environment for 5 fucking years straight before smoothbrain here had her little shit fit this year. Someone could have a made a better speech about environmental awareness appealing to reason and ethics making them "Braver" than little Miss. Ing Chromosomes.

>that's even 1/10th of 1% as brave as her on any given day.
She does fuck all, on any given day. People in the military, going out in foreign countries, putting their life on the line to protect their families, friends and their country. But I guess that's not as brave as someone who misses out on getting an actual education, to travel around the world, polluting the environment to get to her conventions so she can do her big girl speech about how the big, mean corporations are killing the environment and if we don't do something now the earth will die in point .3 seconds.

>P.S. Queen of Sup Forums
She's not even the fucking jester of Sup Forums, she's not even the commoner of Sup Forums, she's not even the peasant of Sup Forums, she's more useless than rat shit in the sewer, just like you, OP

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only the right is supposed to troll god damnit

i am so angry this bitch is like 1/3rd my age and making me angery as shit

the left can't meme damnit

the left cant meme

> actually triggered by bait

Ok boomer.

That's actually immediately what came to mind. Are you also in your [spoiler]late 20s?[/spoiler]

>be a worthless disgusting kyke
>spam some downie tard I worship
hehe you guiz mad?
Kill yourself, vile jew rat. I don't even care about some dumb hippie zoomer, but you sir are a nigger faggot that deserves the rope.

why are you seething


>I can't counter argue the fact she is just a Soros puppet, so let me say the same thing again
Kek. Disgusting kike, you are so sad. Spam her more, little greasy kike, god knows your pathetic little mutilated cock gets hard at every reply you can.

Nice response Kike rat. I didn't expect anything intelligent from you anyways.

that which can be asserted without evidence can likewise be dismissed

ad hominem

I piss in the shower

>can't actually prove me wrong
How's that tiny, mutalated cock working out? hunh kike faggot? got anything better to say?
that's actually your level of trolling, you filthy kike. I'd choke the life out of your soulless, beady little eyes if I could.

Grew up without a family and made something of myself through hard work. Didn't have everything including a script handed to me on a silver platter.

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ad hominem fallacy

get an argument or get out

Ok boomer, take your meds.

Your whole point is that supposedly no one has done anything to be worth as much as her, yet you say this. You're such a stupid kike, you can't even adhere to your own rules. Typical kike behavior, kill yourself.
Is your tiny jew dick hard yet from all this salt? post your cock faggot, do it!

you're hysterical, please calm down and explain your position without resorting to these epithets and fallacies

No, you can leave, dumb faggot. You can't even make an argument, and you're only here to piss people off. What a disgusting, vile little kike you are. Prove me wrong you aren't a vile kike. Go ahead. Prove it.
cute meme zoomer faggot, why did I expect nothing intelligent from a dumb, greasy little faggot kike like you?

why are you seething

cool bro

heard you the first time

You're a faggot kike, how about you kill yourself.
Why should I talk politics seriously when your only goal is to piss people off? That's what you wanted, so stroke your tiny jew dick already! that's what you wanna do, faggot! don't blue ball me now!!!

I haven't read a single argument yet, just a bunch of insults and ad homs

so no you're not going to calm down or posit an argument?

Pretty sweet doc I picked up over at /Pol on climate activists

>the myth of extinction

can't wait to find out where the Dodo is hiding

lmao same responses as before!
typical dumb kike, you can only go in circles.
See, what a typical kike. Has nothing to say so just keeps going HEHE U MADDDDD
you won, JIDF! I am sorry for being a bad goyim! take all my sheks! take all my white guilt!
You're such a vile little rat. It pleases me to know your tiny fucked up dick will never see real pussy, so the best you can do is post some ugly downy girl all day and troll other, equally as autistic as you faggots.

such a bitter little man

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Fools will follow anyone.
Even Fools that are themselves being manipulated by a political/theological agenda.

It's because of alliteration. You should look at this stuff like a writer, not like a mathematician.

Your entire post is to insult people and get them mad, and I am giving you that! god, you kikes can NEVER be happy, even when we whites give you EVERYTHING you want!
such a shame the kike and negro's infinite greed and ego! Shame it is! shame I say!

I'm not following your logic here, I just want you to stop using insults and ad hominem attacks in place of rational arguments

I killed my neighbours kid by running the little nigger over with my car and blamed it on some black guy in a lexus.

...besides, anybody who would encourage blocking traffic for people in the mornings after they have to wake up early as fuck to take public transit deserves a punch in the mouth.

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Came to comment Boxxy. Glad shes the first post.

Godspeed this shit site is still chuggin along

what does that have to do with the price of milk


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Oh my god this fucking board

I am already lost but did someone say ...Milk....

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>You've got 5 seconds, 5 fucking seconds to tell me one single thing you've done in yr entire life that's even 1/10th of 1% as brave as her on any given day.

I drive sprint cars for a living.

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She literally looks like the stereotypical anime loli.
I've taken shits better than her.

Dispose of this trash.

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that just makes me like her more. She's like a real life Jesus.

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You know why box head

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He will be out of our lives very soon.

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Every time they post how dumb and disabled she is it makes her better lol. She's literally overcoming her issues to reach a wide audience instead of crying alone on a computer his parents bought him in a basement and posting on an incel retard forum. She belongs here, but she's there. Why aren't they? Hmmmmm

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