2019 almost +1

>2019 almost +1
>STILL not sucking logs of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole

What the fuck is wrong with you immature newfag shills??

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Its slidding baby! Hehe stinky

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this desu

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so hot


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remember last night and for the last 2 weeks where you were told by many people this shit isn't funny or ever will be ?

Why won't you listen ?

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You don't get it do you? This is very common for indecisive morons who could not understand Andy Sixx posts. These idiots must postulate supercilious behavior to undermine Andy Sixx logposting, and unsurprisingly, you're one of these idiots.
We tell unintelligent individuals such as yourself to grow up and mature. You think this is all a jocose concept, but in reality, these logposters represent significance about life and feces. I laugh and dance in victory for every post that undermines logposters because deep down, you are insecure.
It is too late to save you, and it is impossible to save everyone.

It's only one guy.

I understand funny and unfunny you sad cunt - this is unfunny.


Yesterday I took an iq test but instead of the usual questions they showed me a Andy Sixx Meme and asked me to explain all of the jokes. Since I'm a genius I was easily able to do so. I explained all the references from the fact that "logg" is based off Sup Forums mythology, to the theory that Andy is inspired from a character in faggotory literature.
As a result they told me I have an iq of 190 if not higher. I pity the peasants who think it's a show like any other.

spoken like a true virgin, shouldn't you be off somewhere complaining about how Chads get all the girls ?

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Please leave the embryonic state

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not funny.

Just terrible.


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>steamed rice

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