Wew lads, I was about to cancel my TV licence but then I saw this amazing new show on iPlayer...

Wew lads, I was about to cancel my TV licence but then I saw this amazing new show on iPlayer, I'm so glad I pay £150 a year

Other urls found in this thread:


>tv license
>actually paying for BBC

>actually paying for a tv license

They fucking send their goons to break your legs if you don't. My mate's spending a year in prison for not paying his.

The solution is simple
dont own a TV
you dont need it
just dont buy it or sell one you have

Don't need to pay if you don't watch TV live as it airs

lol stupid bongs. Interracial is no longer the "modern" relationship. Cucking is what's in now.

That woman is clearly a very light-skinned nig. Move along.

>TFW they plant a TV in your home when you're not looking

TV is always behind on trends. This shouldn't be surprising. Don't worry, you'll get the cuck sitcom in about 5-10 years.

You don't need to pay just for ownership of a TV

shits like something you would see in the 1960s

>getting so triggered by a nigger you have to make a thread on Sup Forums just so they can circle jerk and make you feel better

Can Britbongs stop it with the blacks already?

There has been loads of "Attack Brit" threads in the last hour. What's your problem?

1. Every Western European country as a 'TV License'. Some take it under tax (USA, Germany and Austria for example) while the UK has it under an optional license.

2. It's one fucking show on the fucking BBC3. It's Internet Only and I'm surprised it's still going.

so bongs, as a burger I've never really understood the tv tax
is it just a way to pay for basic programming like our PBS?
can you use a tv as a monitor without paying the tax?

They know if you buy a TV.

For the last FUCKING TIME

You do not need to pay a TV license just for owning a TV

you ONLY need to pay a TV license if you watch TV live as it is broadcast

If you don't watch TV live as it airs, you don't need to pay

If you don't watch TV at all, and only play games, watch Blu-rays, Netflix, etc. you don't need to pay

>You need to be covered by a TV Licence to:
>watch or record live TV programmes on any channel
>download or watch any BBC programmes on iPlayer – live, catch up or on demand.


>You don’t need a TV Licence if you:
>never watch or record programmes on any channel as they’re being shown on TV or live on an online TV service, and
>never download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer – live, catch up or on demand.


Because you people just won't stop.

These are shitpost threads. Once upon a time there used to be Brit Troll Threads where Brits pretended you used to have licenses for everything because Yanks heard about the TV license and didn't realise that they have to pay for a TV license, in effect, through taxes. So Brit posters pretended they needed licenses for, I dunno, lawnmowers or deep fat fryers or whatever.

In terms of what it's for, it's to pay for BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4, Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio 3 and Radio 4. BBC1-BBC4 do not have any adverts (Commercials) of any sort bar adverts for new shows. There is no ad break in any of the shows. That's what you're paying for, plus for shit like Doctor Who, The Office, Downtown Abbey and Taboo and shit.

In terms of the meme of them coming round and fucking you up, it's not true. If they come to your down they have no legal authority to come in unless you let them in. It only applies to live broadcasts.

The problem is this shit exists in practically every Western Country. Germany and Austria have propaganda channels for this.

>blacks make up 2% of the British population
>100% of British television has black people in it

Which one is Mark and which one is Shavon?

you lads even named your channels BBC mate.

Fuck off with that, yeah? thanks

>no matter what happens, you will never EVER be a disgusting, pathetic, vile britcuck

We have to make our programs sell to the USA and since you're struggling to make 40% white in vast parts of your country, we have to go for the demographic. We only have 2% black, so it's literally for the USA. You get this, right?

Google "BBC America"

>its modern to have brown kids

the future is going to be very modern

and then probably a mass starvation

>give the nigger the whitest name possible
>give the 'white' girl the niggerest name possible
Unless it's some tranny shit

>BBC America
Which no one watches.

Lil' britcuckie is overestimating his reach.

>Google "BBC
Look at this bong trying to get his fetishes on my browser history.

>mfw there is a guy triggered over brits

laughing at you mate, sort it out.

t. Kiwi

You need a licence to watch TV. If you want to get a licence, you need to take a test. You pay money to take the test.

anything that can go online and use bbc iplayer counts as well.

>t. chink

Nah they go to Australia. New Zealand is like the UK but with hurricanes and shit. So rainy and murky.

All the white women at Weight Watchers keep talking about this ffs

>inb4 reddit
>Tfw not racist
>But see these threads constantly on Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Why the fuck does it ALWAYS have to be a black man with a white woman. Seriously. It really is kind of suspicious.

I wouldn't really give a fuck if there was some variety of cuban dudes or women, asian men, or white men with black women.

But nope. Its ALWAYS black male white woman

someone's pushing a social agenda, they're using Sup Forums to help push that agenda

>implying it's not Sup Forumstards themselves trying to have everyone in a state of racist anger.

Here's a question for someone who hopefully knows the answer. So, the government decided that everyone needed to pay a license fee to the BBC and that money is what is supposed to fund their ventures (via the wiki). Do you still have to pay a TV provider on top of that fee?
So, do you guys still have to watch commercials? How many minutes of a 30/1hr long show is commercials do you all think?

bbc doesn't show commercials, other private channels do though

That may be what the BBC says but they've hired this company called Capita to try and get money out of people without licenses and they send you these letters saying that you owe them money and they'll take you to court, my mum works with dementia patients and a lot of them have been tricked out of money. Really shocking behaviour.

>I was about to cancel my TV licence

Whoa, hold on. Are you saying that you guys are allowed to just cancel your TV license?

That's insane. In my country everybody needs to pay, even if you don't even have a TV. My grandma used to get a small discount, since she is hearing impaired, but they've recently changed it, and they say unless she's technically blind as well she has to pay the full price.

In wars, you fight for women. Today, without bloodshed, the easiest way to conquer is to sidestep the males and indoctrinate women and children, cutting it at the roots. Fuck, consume, get high, get drunk, get into debt, get enslaved.

All those single mothers, all the working white men going (((MGTOW))), all the Christian folk getting criticized for homophobia and traditionalism, all the Muslims getting defended left and right and spirited into the West.

You're witnessing an end of an era and people like are shaming you into looking away.

seriously, what the fuck

Just look at who owns the media (Jews) and the answer is pretty clear. Jews also make black male-white female interracial porn at a financial loss... it's not even profitable, but they make it anyway.

holy shit

i'm an american liberal and the very idea of paying the government for a tv license makes me want to build a compound in the mountains and stockpile guns

Growing up in Germany, most people don't know any better. There's something cynical about being bombarded with government-run TV propaganda, and then get a fucking bill for it as well.

You were always obligated to pay, but not that long ago you only had to pay if you had a TV (and later a PC that could access the internet because otherwise you might use those high quality government-run websites without paying for them). The institution that would collect the money would sometimes send people to your place if you claimed not to own a TV, and they would try to get you to let them into your house, or if you wouldn't let them just spy through your window to see if they can find a TV.

Then at some point they just said: Fuck it, everybody has to pay, and everybody does like the good citizens that we are.

The quality of the program is absolute garbage as well. They literally swallow billions every year, and there's very little transparancy so one can only speculate how much money gets shuffled around behind the scenes. It's obscene, but so are many things in Germany in 2017.

if whites are so racist, why do they consistently keep casting dark skinned blacks with light-skinned women of any race?

if we were really living in some kind of white supremacist reality wouldn't whites push mixed people in black roles or at least light skinned ones? instead we get dark skinned men and light skinned women, even if its light-skinned black women

sounds to me we live in a cuckold reality

Jews aren't white, user.

Maybe its just more profitable?

They just know that black/white is the "edgy" sexual relationship so they pedal it as much as possible to get free press and views. Or maybe the BBC myth really is meant to appeal to women watching.

I don't fucking know. But it'd be nice if something different was used for once. Classy mulatto women or latinas are fucking fantastic but you never see any on TV.

"diversity" exclusively seems to mean black/white.

They're trying to eradicate your race by brainwashing you into accepting your racial oblivion through miscegenation.

>mfw Kraut
>mfw literal Childrens shows are now full of left-wing propaganda

I can't remember it being this bad in my childhood.
What the fuck happened.

>what are jews


>having standards is bad

Go and watch all the nigger porn you want, but don't push that shit on us.

Why do they always call diversity "modern"?

le joooss!!!

kill yourselves. nobody can identify a jew unless he looks like a stereotype. everything bad happening to whites means bad news for jews as well since its not like people can pick them out on the street without their yarmulkes


dude not all jews are religious and there are jewish last names, that's how you identify them

mfw americans would rather pay $120 a month for cable and watch an hour and a half of Jew commercials every day than pay £150 a year for a nationalised TV that doesn't have to suck Jew dick.
You guys are addicted to being under the thumb of shekelstein aren't you?

The West has won the Cold War, but it has also lost the war against socialism.

Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci established a concept of 'cultural hegemony', and pointed out that if socialism was to succeed it wouldn't be through force or violence but by winning a 'culture war', i.e. getting control of the cultural institutions of society: Art, education, higher education and the media.

Now take a look who dominates these fields: They are heavily dominated by people left of the center, many of them on the extreme end of the spectrum. And they have been in charge of these institutions for so long, that they have already indoctrinated an entire generation which is now transitioning into positions of power.

that woman is part black

Slavs were always the ultimate "I'm taking you with me" faggots.

>The West has won the Cold War, but it has also lost the war against socialism.

shut the fuck up, dumbass.

t. socialist

>entire world dominated by blacks and arabs
>this is the final victory of Russia
there was a serious flaw in Ivan's master plan

because if it didn't have one central white woman character no one would watch

Oh my gaahhd, you guys, I was a about to cancel my cable, but then I started watching this, like totally awesome show on ABC! I'm so glad I only have to pay $230 a month and watch 25 minutes of commercials every hour!

>LITERALLY paying for BBC

Lots of things don't work out the way they were originally intended when it comes to socialism.

Plus, a lot of the original 'revolutionaries' weren't exactly Russians.

I hate how they push it in the media, but the fact is there there are quite a few black male, white female relationships in the big cities such as london and birmingham. Especially among the next generation. Most britfags on Sup Forums are middle class and never really have to see black people until they go to a city center to get a mcdonalds with mummy lmao.

I do believe that blacks are worse than whites overall but a lot of them are genuinely nice. My next door neighbors are black and they're friendlier than any of my white neighbors.

I still don't understand how it works. Are you forced to watch television? Why can't you just tell them you don't want TV?