Ok, this is fucking it

Ok, this is fucking it

we went through this entire god damned parade two fucking years ago. Sup Forums as an entire board was designated star wars general for 8 months straight. this needs to end and we won't let this happen again

/mlp/ has their own board
/vp/ has their own board

it's time for star wars. no amount of moderation will be able to stop the ridiculous overpowering hoard of posts and threads made by tourists who think star wars is the only movie to ever exist

if you won't make a capeshit or star wars board at least give us /film/. it wouldn't even fucking cost you anything. just please fucking end this nightmare that is Sup Forums post 2013

Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 404.

A SciFi board maybe. That would be neat.

Star Wars and Star Trek would probably be enough to carry a reasonably fast board.

star wars isn't sci fi though

Star Wars shitposting is the only thing good about this board

Fuck off you autistic motherfucker

How about a board for fags and we put you in there OP?

sheev posting was the defense against the star wars posting; finally something built around the fact that star wars is mostly shit rather than being unironically hyped up for more Disney schlock


Here is the new trailer btw.


so unless you put absolutely no thought whatsoever into things that to do on a daily basis then you have autism?

There are curently 13 StarWars threads. What more do you want?


>What more do you want?
I want less

I want either star wars posters to enjoy a full board of delusion to themselves or a board for film where I don't have to see tourists and casuals pretending to discuss "depth" in a modern disney blockbuster

>being triggered because people are discussing a new trailer on Sup Forums
We can just tell you are pissed because it's a trailer/teaser for a movie you don't like

not true at all. I explained in reason why this one in particular is a bad thing for the board.

When episode 7 was coming out the board was at least 50% star wars from May 2015-January 2016

How would /film/ help? Star Wars is a film, it would get shitposted there.

It's gonna get shitposted whatever happens

>How would /film/ help? Star Wars is a film, it would get shitposted there.
because /film/ would exist specifically to talk about older and/or independent films

like a pre 2000's ban like /vr/ would be good

Tell me, what valuable interesting threads is our Star Wars posting crowding out?

>fuck these star wars threads!!!
>makes a star wars thread

You realise the irony in this, right?

The force awakens was dogshit

>hurr Sup Forums sucks it's only good for shitposting that's why i come here and dump shit all the time what are you complaining about?
this is obviously not a star wars thread

>because /film/ would exist specifically to talk about older and/or independent films

You imbecile.


the is the most newfag post I've ever seen in my entire fucking life

Star Wars is arguably the biggest film franchise of all-time.
This is a TV and film board.
The first trailer of a new film in that series just released.

Why are you surprised people are discussing it?

I only know one truth - it's time for the Sup Forums... to end.

Actually it wasn't, I just don't try to fit-in like the others. Yes I /threaded my own post because you're a fucking retard

>ooo lets have a board for old movies or shit that cost £12 to make

Do you realise how fucking stupid that sounds? You killed your own argument.

>>ooo lets have a board for old movies or shit that cost £12 to make
>Do you realise how fucking stupid that sounds? You killed your own argument.
why are you here if you hate film? do you just really love television that much?

>mods drop in to remove actually Sup Forums related threads when they get too popular
>completely fucking ignore the board 16 hours a day and let BLACKED/pedo/>>>soc/>>>s4s threads be for hours unless they get heavy reports
just hire actual hotpocket janitors. they obviously aren't neet basement dwellers since they don't ever even browse the boards they're supposed to be moderating. every refresh of the catalogue and all threads against the rules could be gone.

>Pokemon gets its own board
>Star Wars doesn't
Makes zero fucking sense.
Star Wars is multi-media franchise too, except a lot bigger and more relevant (currently and probably for the next 10 years) than Pokemans.
It's like mods are afraid to make anything new after moot left and only do what Hiro tells them

making a separate board for any highly marketed franchise or genre would be, in effect, assigning a board for advertising. That no one would go to. because no one cares. thus the advertising would be to no one for no purpose.

its like the idea "that kid" had about moving all the commercials to their own channel so there wouldn't have to be commercials on every other channel.

in short, its marketing, they want it to be as invasive as possible and they have enough control over the site to block any attempt to impede their ability to market.

Hell, the sticky itself is a goddamn fucking advertisement.

Oh another Star Wars thread, yippee!
My favorite of the newer ones is Rogue One because I like Jyn Erso more.
I'd rather see more of than Rey, but I'm still gonna see it when it comes out.
I wonder if Rey is gonna become some sort of Force User in this one.

Forcing all the threads into one has always been a terrible idea. They move too fast and end up with no interaction

Just let Sup Forums handle capeshit and Star Wars or create containment generals


this is not a star wars thread

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are being merged and /film/ is being made. Check the Sup Forums IRC.

It is now bitch.

Het guys check out the trailer

What do you like more, The Force Awakens or Rogue One?

Pokemon was stuff was way more out of hands on multiple boards, but a newfag like yourself who was 10 years old in 2010, couldn't remember.

/tvg/ - tv general

Sup Forums has vg for jusf this reason

Tv should have it too

They are both gay and faggot

>Sup Forums IRC.
bullshit. show proofs or GTFO

How new are you? The IRC has existed forever.

How about you create an interesting thread instead of being a manchild user?

hes right though.
there would basically be no discussion after like a week.

I do on a regular basis. They often die out and are drowned out by capeshit and star wars threads depending on the disney release calendar

Not enough traffic on Sup Forums. It's just "your board" that gets flooded with newfriends on every capeshit release, but it's never been as popular as Sup Forums. Even Sup Forums and /fit/ were more popular than Sup Forums just a couple of years ago.

show proofs of merging Sup Forums and Sup Forums you faggot or GTFO

No u

There was a threat earlier with the IRC logs, but I can't find it. But apparently Hiro is having his emailed spammed and something about a 'global meme' or something daft the Engrish idiot. Anyway mods seemed to agree.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums join together as /hobby/ or something like that I forget. /film/ created for giggles. Sup Forums and Sup Forums mods will combine to monitor /hobby/ or whatever the new board is called.

>nobody likes film
then don't go there you stupid faggot

this is every argument against /film/ in a nutshell
>I wouldn't want to go there so you should remain hostage here and watch us drown the board in franchise worship

>stop liking something I don't like

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums join together as /hobby/ or something like that I forget. /film/ created for giggles. Sup Forums and Sup Forums mods will combine to monitor /hobby/ or whatever the new board is called.
doesn't surprise me one bit

the mods hate this place and make it worse every single day on purpose

Oh shit, didn't know that. Do you have any stats with page views or anything?

just like there's no traffic to /p/ or /m/ or /po/ right?

It's way out of hand.
>ban bane threads
>allow star wars, rick and morty and got
Mods are fags.


Because clearly that's the part I responded to.

>implying /film/ wouldn't drown in shitposters on day 1

>taking anything said on Sup Forums irc seriously

this postwas in reference to you

I fucking dare you to merge Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Fucking do it, you cunt.

We have a filter for a reason. Just type in "Star Wars" and its variants and you'll never see its threads again, OP.

English please

my point is the board will either be dead within a very short amount of time or will become just like Sup Forums due to the fact that you autistic shitbirds will drag your réddit memes with you and thus dragging the mobile-posting trash heaps there too.

Ask if you're so interested. He'll confirm it.

might as well get rid of /asp/ too, while you're at it.

rename the new horrid mess something that implys worksafe Sup Forums, cuz if its on tv, it should be on Sup Forums! Could work with youtube bullshit too as shit from youtube is regularly reported or shown on television

just delete Sup Forums

>A SciFi
>Star Wars

The new board needs to be /disneymarvelstarwars/: Containment for Shills

there is a difference here though. The force awakens was the beginning of a new Star wars era. This one is just adding on to that. It's nothing monumental. New star wars movies will just end up being like new marvel super hero movies. I doubt we'll have the same amount of threads about this new movie that we had about force awakens


No, I haven't looked up any recent stats. I'm sure you're able to find site traffic stats on Google.

Just create a /pleb/ board for people who watch action flicks in general.


Make a new board called /fan/.

DC, Marvel, Star wars, star trek, harry potter, GOT, LOTR,

Hence the reason I referenced three boards that are, by your (read: modern mainstream Sup Forums normie) definition "dead."

The site as a whole was fucking great when every board was "dead." When each board's post rate (apart from Sup Forums, which was always a toilet) was measured in posts per hour, rather than minute or second.

I mean, imagine, threads last long enough that people don't think "should I put in effort on something that won't be here in an hour?"

Mods are doing a nice job, quit bitching.

>dude marketers don't advertise star wars
>sticky star wars advertisement


>still gets flooded with star wars/capeshit/"IRONIC" kinoposting

Yeah I actually see what you mean now and take it back.
Most boards I like move quite slow and it shows in terms of quality and that.

But what I would be worried about is the current influx of shitters on this board following over to /film/ which they would probably do.

>has moderation
>things are deleted

The only thing worse than Star Wars is capeshit


They're actually film related. That's the board those thread would belong to. Also
>any active moderation anywhere on Sup Forums except the report bump list

well, most of Sup Forums's failings since it went mainstream have been a failure of moderation. keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums has been a global rule since the site opened but they just kinda gave up enforcing it.

Star Wars has been plaguing cinema for much longer and has the single most obnoxious fanbase in history. Capeshit has only been a problem during the last 10 years.

>went through this shit last year
>mods REFUSE to give a sticky

But capeshit is constant, Star wars is once a year

>merging /asp/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Oh man, you guys are not ready for the WWE waifu wars

probably because stickying an advertisement for something that's currently being actively marketed in order to reduce advertising is completely self-defeating.

considering that bullshit was all over Sup Forums before Sup Forums was a twinkle in mootle's eye, yea, anyone who's been here long enough to have any idea what they're talking about when it comes to the site as a whole knows what "if its on tv, it should be on Sup Forums!" means.

>make a rule for /film/ where you can only discuss films that were originally released in black and white
All "muh /film/ will just be Sup Forums2.0" arguments BTFO forever

Star Wars is capeshit-tier normies and pleb infestation, making prequel memes and discussing the originals is fine but caring so much about Disney's shitty new flicks is outright cancer

>since it went mainstream
i knew it had gotten mentioned a bit more in normal media and that, but that it had gotten to this level really surprised me.

Have I got this right? The Mouse spent 4 billion dollars to purchase Star Wars from Lucas and an additional 4 billion dollars for Marvel Studios?

Wew, lad. No wonder they shill so aggressively.

It's because of The Fappening. Every normie on earth heard that they can come here to find the leaks, especially after Reddit started cracking down on them.

star wars in sponsored content

Keep in mind that the entire history of that graph is "mainstream Sup Forums"

>its that one autistic person that refuses to say "disney."

oh yeah definitely, but it had a 5 year stable period were it wasn't as popular as it is now.
you can see it has actually more than doubled in like 3 years.