VIDEO: Faggot 14 year old wearing MAGA hat gets hospitalized by 8 African Americans:

VIDEO: Faggot 14 year old wearing MAGA hat gets hospitalized by 8 African Americans:

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No attempts to defend himself
No attempts to fight back
Just lays there akwardly

White bois are the true betas

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Maga people have no survival skills in the real world

link to video please. The article only has a picture

>He deserved it, he was wearing a MAGA hat

Look, I hate trump as much as the next person. But was voted into presidency by 66 million people. How are these people still shocked when someone shows support for him?

He's gonna have to ride the short bus after this.

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That hoodrat would fuck pretty good I guess

civil war has started

there are only 538 people in the electoral college, user


Damn I'm glad I'm mature enough to not have to wear my political opinions on my clothing. Also, I carry a gun 7 days a week. Ooga booga niggers. Come get some.

Oh shucks, hope those niggers don't get in too much trouble! Nah honestly the father should risk jail time and go crush some skulls and move the family out of country

He got what he derseved...
And this niggerbitch has a nice ass

Imagine basing your personality around a maga hat. He's a fucking retard for walking around with it, but that being said. They should get jailed regardless of age. There needs to be consequences. But again, what a stupid fucking MAGA wearing faggot.

you expect a 14 year old to turn into John Wick and whip everyones ass?

what would you do in the same situation? get your ass beat, that's what.

>Jumped by 8 african americans
It was literally one nigger bitch pounding him

>Parents are talking with their attorney
Why is it that white people need the police involved with everything? It's a bus fight and he got his ass kicked. Kids do this all the time. Forget thin skinned white people have no skin.

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>VIDEO: Faggot 14 year old wearing MAGA hat gets hospitalized by 8 African Americans:

There's no video

Poor kid, he tried to fight back but he was no match for the strength of the pack

Good, hope the doctor makes him impotent

>what would you do in the same situation? get your ass beat, that's what

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Dirty nigger savages strike again

hah, ok
now let's switch the roles
14 year old black girl gets beat up by 8 white kids wearing maga hats
now tell me lawyers or police won't be involved

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>you expect a 14 year old to turn into John Wick and whip everyones ass?
No I expect him to be able to push a way 1 teenage female.

>what would you do in the same situation? get your ass beat, that's what.
I have been on a bus fight before. The one thing I didn't do is just lay there like a fat turd why someone is beating on me.

I think you magatards need to leave your house a little more.

nigga what

>wear MAGA hat
>walk around niggers
>wait for an attack
>shoot them to shit

ooga booga
me angry
me not good use words
me hit
me hit
ooga booga
why everybody hate me

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uhm did you watch the video?

It was one sweaty out of breath trumptard that fell to rabbit punches by 1 preteen nigger girl.

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Sure thing. MAGA-hat wearers only wear hats. They never do anything else but wear the hats and look innocent.

how's that not a hate crime?
don't try to act like if it the roles were reversed it would also not be considered a hate crime
or wait, are you saying black people are incapable of committing hate crimes and ONLY white people can committ them?

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He’s talking about the popular vote - you know, the citizens who cast their vote for the orange dickhead.
Some states have laws that require their electors to vote the same way as the majority of the popular vote in their state, others don’t - those are called faithless electors. They can vote how they want.


Being black isn't easy and shit like this makes it even harder for the rest of us.

you mean like the popular vote for brexit?

This. I don’t like any of the national candidates, but I carry anytime I go out. Past fucking 2 months, there’s been half a dozen murders in my small city - it’s all niggers killing other niggers, but those fucks are doing drive bys and shit.


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Gas the blacks

Your slutty gf loves bbc, whiteboi

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I don’t know about Brit politics, that’s why I don’t comment on their shit, other than fuck the EU - everyone should leave those fucks.

But then the Jews would have no one to do their dirty work for them?
What then, user? Won’t you think of the Jews?!

well a guns not going to help you in a driveby situation, in which you wouldn't be justified in returning fire anyway
the law would say you should have just ran away and that returning fire wouldn't have been your last line of defense. im not against concealed or open carry or anything but as protection from a drive by? that's just silly
drawing and firing your weapon has to be proven as your absolute last line of defense after all other options were exhausted
t. someone who's done it
(still dealing with civil suits from the family)

He doesn't know the thrill of settlements yet. How's an extra $10k sound when someone fucks up your day.

Serves them right too. The price to pay when raising an animal that can't contain their emotions.

>B...bu..but what about mah reverse racism!?!?!

Talk shit get hit.
It just so happens that a white boi got his ass beat by a black girl. Instead of developing a thick skin and realizing this is a normal occurrences amongst teens. He decided it's best lay his fat ass down and have his parents take him to the hospital and hugbox him.

And of course weaker people such as yourself are going to drop their twinkies and lose their shit because you relate to him.

Have you ever looked into getting a gym membership?

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Interesting topic, what most people don’t understand is the majority of wealth (in the world) is held by white (Caucasian) men, insignificant fights over political disbeliefs doesn’t shy e shit besides civil dispute and media views

Change * also ps suck my dick

oh well it's very simple
the recent vote in the uk basically mirrors the sentiment of the u.s. in voting for johnson
the popular vote voted for the Trump-like guy basically
the same will happen in the u.s. in 2020

Fat beta whiteboi got some bitchslaps.

Hail to the black master race

Fucking monkey needs to be put back in her cage. I don't give a shit if you like Trump or not
This is why the monkeys will never get ahead

he screems like a bitch lol, also fuck niggers

My gf has a bbc nigga

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ah, i see. you're trying to avoid admitting to what i said by incorrectly assuming im some kid who needs participation awards
i grew in the late 80s and early 90s, and back then kids were still allowed to have fist fights to settle disputes. my friends and i met up every weekend and boxed each other all day, that was our pastime aside from football at the park or generally playing outside.
this situation is not just two teens getting into a scuffle, it's one racial group targeting another based on political sentiment, and that's a hate crime
now, admit that if it were a black girl getting beat on by white kids, it'd be major huge news and blasted as a hate crime, and the white kids parents would be sued into oblivion

Although it pains me to see a fellow MAGA supporter get hurt, politically, this is a good thing. It only serves to drive us deeper underground. Just remember that Trump got elected and will get re-elected because of shit like this. Keep chimping out. The internet will remember.

right and now with the limeys voting for johnson, it's basically a guarantee that trump will do a 2nd term

Enjoy getting your white mancunt ripped up by a bbc

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>saved the thumbnail

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Nobody saw that coming because they were too busy bringing machetes to Frozen 2.

Gay niggers will stay gay and hopefully die without reproducing to make more niggers

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This is the face of MAGA

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Race bait thread pay for by the Jews nothing to see here, move on

>he doesn't enjoy a nice prostate massage

Paid *

Time to cull the tribes.

now he's a klan member.

I'm sure there were good people on both sides of that fight

Did not ask for your whole life story good sir.
But I have to say we're probably around the same age. And to answer your question while I was serving in the Army I've seen numerous white on black and black on white fights with numerous victors.

But now recently it seems if a fat white boi gets pushed down by a 90 pound nigger bitch the parents wants to get their attorneys and media involved.

Hmm I wonder what caused this phenomenon

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You spelled niggers wrong fag

niggers are savages

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And niggers lack any self control. Much like their primate cousins.

African american more like nigger

its amazing how you continue to avoid admitting that if the roles are reversed, it's immediately called a hate crime and lawyers are definitely involved while this incident is completely ignored simply because the person being attacked is white

well yeah, maybe build a civilization that doesn't suck balls and you can be wealthy too.

That is the face of people using the word nigger in this thread.


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I agree, I’m white and wealthy just point it out that, the low income demographic acts like their plight is anything more then a media buzz, when all it’s doing is holding the whole working class back, not that I particularly care

For real tho man so true Fuckin nigs would be in a uproar the world would be all over this shit if was a black kid Fuckin double standard bullshit


Sounded like a group of heated chimps

Black bitch had a fat ass. I woulda been swinging knocking bitches out and filling them with seed.

Fellow successful white man here.

Niggers need to stop knocking up white woman and start raising their own kids. Stop acting like fucking apes and crying about your great great great grandfather being a slave. If they could see what little progress niggers have made for themselves theyd probably just go back to the fields.

And this REAL hate crime wont get nearly as much attention as that piece of shit smollett and his fake hate crime.

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Most of them don't do anything and collect benefits from the man. Real hard to be black......

Yeah well, I’d say the little faggot learned a very valuable lesson. When you wear your ideology on your sleeve, you might be persecuted for it. You think this wouldn’t be the same if it had been a black kid wearing a black lives matter tshirt on a bus full of redneck white kids? The thing with you young people is you purposely find the most polarizing thing to be passionate about then get mad when people disagree with you. Fuckin children. That little fag got what he deserved because he rides that bus everyday and thought he would make a statement because he believes he has the freedom of speech. Well kiddos, speech ain’t free. While you can say what you want, your speech has consequences. And if you’re too naive or proud to see it, you might not realize it until you wake up in the hospital.

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My "lying motherfucker has never seen a gun outside of a tv show" sense is tingling.

Act like an asshole in public. Get rekt.
Seems fine.

Can’t say I disagree but I might not word it exactly like that but yeah my stance on it is that as long as interracial breeding doesn’t become a norm I think people can make more money working together, more people for the wealthy to tax, or if you own a business a bigger demographic base for customers, but when all you get is race bullshit there’s always going to be crime, violence, etc bringing down economical values of both the housing they live in/near as well as other affects that stem from that, such as education and in crease and state spending for judicial services

>wears hat
>makes him an asshole

Increases *

Yeah, I mean he is a trump supporter.
It goes without saying.


Getting beaten up for your political beliefs is not ok. Lying cocksuckers have convinced stupid people that anyone who disagree with them is evil and racist. There is going to be a civil war




It's just not any hat though, is it?.