My girlfriend got propositioned by a guy friend yesterday. Said he and his gf were looking to bring a third person into the bedroom, and that they wanted someone ‘hot like her’.
This guy is 20 years older than her, and apparently into pee stuff. Girlfriend was annoyed, shut the whole thing down and stopped talking to the guy.
Should I be relieved? I’m glad she’s loyal to me but part of me can’t stop thinking about what would’ve happened if she’d been into it
Do it with your girlfriend. A cheap but entertaining activity.
Michael Reed
They met at her work. Seemed above board since he already had a serious girlfriend but apparently not. From experience, guys tend to want to be more than friends pretty often with my girlfriend. She’s nice to folks & they make it weird
David Harris
Its pretty obvious that word on the street is your girl is in an open relationship. You may not think, but every guy knows your weak, so does she. So more than likely she's had a handful of cocks in her without you knowing.
She’s had the chance to. She’s had a lot of thirsty guys around her since we’ve been together. Guys have bought her gifts even. But I know she’s loyal - just too polite to tell people to fuck off sometimes
Easton Murphy
Tell your gf to be careful. A friend of mine get a similar proposition. She said no, everything seemed okay. But next month, there was a party, the pair got her wasted drunk (probably they put shit on her drink) and the threesome happened against her free will. Some people are really degenerate, take care.
Ayden Anderson
>Girlfriend was annoyed, shut the whole thing down and stopped talking to the guy That was an appropriate reaction, apparently the guy was out of line and he's not a friend anymore.
Hunter Robinson
They probably had a conversation about how it would work before she decided it wasn't worth it for her, there's literally no other reason for her to tell you other than she didn't want you finding out she was talking about having a threesome without you
Liam Powell
If she doesn't want you to talk with him anymore it's because she doesn't want him telling you she was into it before she decided against it or something similear
Nathaniel Hernandez
>She’s nice to folks & they make it weird It's sometimes very difficult to distinguish between a girl who's very nice and a girl who's into you. Possible for guys with social skills maybe but there aren't as many of them as there should be.
>Older guys aren't "friends" with girls 10-20 years younger than them. Well, some of us are just wanting to see them be sluts so we can get a vicarious thrill but yeah, we want to hit it and either are playing a long game waiting for that weird night of vulnerability and need or we're sensible enough to just look but not touch and enjoy being around a little hottie. It's rarely innocent though.
Landon Davis
What happened next? Did your friend went to police?
Asher Sullivan
Thanks man, I doubt they’ll even see her again but I’ll definitely not let anything like that happen
Aaron Flores
You have a normal female, congrats man. Now never let them "make it up" to her or be alone with her ever. Protect your lady.
Benjamin Foster
You think so? Hard to imagine why she’d tell me if that was the case
Jace Cooper
>annoyed I met a few sluts like your girlfriend. They said no, but actually want to say yes. The old men will fuck her eventually, I bet she thinks a lot about doing it out of curiosity.
Josiah Cook
Thanks for the helpful advice. Are you the old man in this scenario?
Knew a girl in a similar situation. Her boss wanted her to join him and his gf. Specifically wanted her to be a sub for them. She denied ever doing it but no one believed her.
Jacob Watson
Do you think she did it?
William Parker
She 100% was into it. She only told you before hand because she wanted an out in case you found messages or somethin
Jaxson Lopez
The worst thing you can do let your gf know this bothers you. A supple grip holds twice as strong and all that.
Levi Hall
>they said no but really wanted to say yes Literally a rapists mentality. Even if she was crying and screaming for you to get off her you'd be like "yeah she clearly wants this"
Gabriel Thomas
If she didn't tell you and he somehow manages to tell you it would look worse.
John Peterson
They told her they drunk a lot too and things just happened. It's not easy to prove it, but she is sure they hammered her and made her do all sorts of weird stuff.
You are welcome.
Owen Rogers
Yes. I knew she had already been with him several times and a few years later she went lesbian. She likely got a taste of the girlfriend and wanted more.
Austin Anderson
you're a cuck, user. get help.
Julian Smith
Doubt it. She was sick and sad for weeks and spent like a year without having sex. She is only my friend, I know her since High School but never dated or such, her sexual life is not my business.
Ryder Campbell
They didn't make her do anything. Jess they were both arrested for rape then it was 100/ consensual guaranteed.
Luis Fisher
I'm the cuck actually, I don't want to talk about it ;_;
Jason Scott
You sound like a pussy arent you gonna do anything about him trying to take yoie girl? If you dont man up now she wont be around long.
Carson Jones
Her sexual life is none of your business but you know she didn't have sex for a year? She was probably just upset cause they didn't wanna fuck her again afterwards. Like I said. Unless she pressed charges, it was 100% consensual.
Isaiah Long
It’s a theory. I feel like she’s been honest with me though
Ballsy move to ask an employee to sub
Brody Price
Just curious. Are you a virgin with no friends, samefag?
Jason Smith
You sound like an insecure teenager.
Matthew Ward
OP please stop listening to these retards who think Every girl is always fucking behind your back and seedijg doubt in your head. They have now way to prove it yet keep spouting bullshit because they think the only thing a woman is good for is sex, a very clear fallacy yet still so prevalent on this incel fucking board. Listen even if she was fucking behind your back, you don't do yourself any favors by assuming. Likely if she told you then it means you two have some trust.
Here's how you actually find out, tell her to go through with it, and then see what she says. If she goes through with it then she wanted to in the first place, and obviously if she didn't want to she would still say no even with your permission, or keep asking you if that's what you really want and do it for you, in which you say you just wanted to see what she was gonna say and don't actually want that. Again, even if she says yes it doesn't mean she was already fucking behind your back and there's no way to prove it so stop worrying about shit you can't change.
Austin Adams
Just take it as is man, she wasn’t into it and shut down the idea when it was proposed. Don’t overthink the “well what if” shit because if you do then you’ll start to see everything through that “what if” glass and that just causes problems.
Honestly I was the same way in high school with a really good girl but I kept tempting the idea of shit that wouldn’t ever happen and we broke up because of it. Don’t make that mistake if you want to keep her and keep yourself happy.
Lucas Scott
Agreed. Didn’t seem the type of girl to go for it. Must have been a closet slut.
Adam Walker
>This guy is 20 years older than her Nothing wrong with that. Older guys need (young) love too. >and apparently into pee stuff Ok, eww, that's just gross.
Jaxon Brown
^^ this guy knows what’s up, a lot of guys on this board think every girl is just the worst of people but if you are willing to date her and have a life with her in it, then she’s probably not so bad and you should listen to people who think like you do too more often then people who will assume she’s the worst kind of person
Lincoln Gray
>Should I be relieved?
You should have whipped her for flirting and encouraging advances by other men.
William Green
>there is no other reason that girl didn't report her rape Jesus fuck you're all so retarded like you can only think in static black and white terms and never see shades of gray, there are plenty of other reason for a girl not to report a rape, such as being afraid, not wanting to make a big deal about it, denial that she even got raped, not wanting people to find out, thinking the cops won't take it seriously, depression causing inaction, etc etc
And then all these people projecting that people only think about sex because Sup Forums is so sex starved and obsessed that they think everyone is like that.
I've seen these personally. Moral of the story here is, take all the advice here with a grain of salt because there are some DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS in here.
Thomas Morris
Yeah, he put it all out there on the table, I’ll give him that
Landon Hill
>gets rapes >is sad about it instead of immediately going to the police You know how retarded you sound?
Ian Thompson
At least he asked her for just a threesome. I got propositioned to do a gang bang once. Just me and ten guys. I was speechless lol.
Asher Hall
You know you've lost a debate when you try insulting a person rather than refute their arguments.
Julian Hall
How was the gangbang?
Lucas Sanders
People assume the worst in general its a huge flaw, good backup but then can fuck you up really hard if you overthink that everyone is out to get you.
Angel Parker
This is probably the best unironic advice I’ve seen here and I thank you for that
How does that come up? Who has 9 friends to gangbang with?
Joseph Baker
It was OK. :)
Samuel Miller
It's almost like human beings have emotion, especially of the female variety. You know how retarded you sound? Maybe it's because you're autistic and cant empathize with people
Jayden Hall
Elaborate. greentext welcome
Aiden Thomas
This niggas so retarded he can't even come up with his own come backs
Wyatt Ross
I had an ex that was the same way. Cheated on me multiple times.
Wyatt Rivera
Did they fucked all your holes? Creampie and such?
Camden Phillips
Hijacking your thread OP to ask question. Me and gf have been talking about threesomes and fucking other dudes and girls and using it in fantasies but only just recently did it actually come up in reality. I mean the guys she mentions are guys she knows but this time she was feeling bad about actually wanting to fuck one of them from her school.
I think it's kinda hot but at the same time I don't want her to take advantage of her, she says he's nice but he's also this super buff dude. I also don't want her to start fucking him on the side without me knowing about it, I would always want some kind of video or something as a benefit to me
Gavin Cooper
Use guys you don't know.
Jayden Sullivan
But use girls you know
Josiah Nguyen
You are cuck, my friend.
James Baker
Old children care about comebacks, the point is to highlight how you sound
Easton Allen
Girls are slightly less easy to find so you can't be as picky on that. You could go online and find enough guys to do a gangbang without much trouble, but finding enough girls to do a reverse gangbang would not be so easy.
Gavin Price
Not quite, can't really fully get into the cuck thing, maybe a minor cuck, I'm more of a sharing swinger type of dude
Adrian Rivera
Definitely. It’s harder to group girls that don’t know each other. That’s why it’s best to go through a friend group. They likely shower together already and are comfortable with each other.
Jaxson Lewis
she already did it. also if she has "friends" that are older men, she most likely does other stuff you dont know about you silly cuck.
How do you do this without worrying about aids and the mothefcuker killing you both, raping her, etc? This is why I prefer it's people I know. Also it's way hotter because this would be like a crush of hers so she would be far more enthusiastic than some random dude online
Christopher Carter
Her # is 1219 5750848MaybeYou Can get her to have sex to
Brayden Bennett
speaking for older men huh. fuck off you faggot fuck. eat shit niggerlover
Justin Martinez
She rejected this only because she's not into pee stuff? You write like this was the only reason. If so you should dump her.
Robert Smith
>maybe a minor cuck Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, cuck.
Andrew Russell
Calling now
Robert Gonzalez
Not to mention std's, and before you say condoms, no one gives a bj to a dick with a condom, and it's just as likely to spread there (unless I'm wrong?) I guess I could ask them to get tested, get her on bc in case the motherfucker is crazy enough to cut the condom or take it off
Oliver Cooper
STD tests, talking to them ahead of time to make sure they're sane. Generally they'll be part of some community, but you keep them separate from the rest of your life.
Camden Scott
My life is already beyond amazing and I'm satisfied even if I died today, and I love to spread the joy around to others who aren't happy, thanks for worrying :)
Isaac Carter
You sound like a child, kiddo.
Ryan Perez
Did you ask her why she shut it down? Because she wanted to be loyal? Not into pee stuff? Not into FMF? Prefers MFM?
Benjamin Lewis
>not knowing women are notorious liars. She wanted it shes says rape to save face
Levi Nelson
Not great, guys were very rough and things went out of hand after three hours or so.
Went to a party, I was snorting coke in a room from time to time with two friends. Last time we went to snort there was ten dudes with me. You can imagine what happened next, they asked me to have a gang bang, I was speechless and high in coke and after a while I say yes, not sure why I agreed to do it.
Not me lol. Not OK, but not too bad. It was a weird college experience.
Asher Foster
You should put a ring on it op. Fuck she shutdown cheating. Most sluts today ride the cock carousel and want to make you into a cuck and you never know it.
So no matter how little you got go get a ring and put it on her. Next tell that bastard he fucks with your girl you will find a place with no cameras and fuck him up.
Zachary Johnson
>having this low a standard for marriage lol
Eli White
She told me she wanted to be loyal but she also told me she was grossed out by the pee stuff, so a little of everything maybe
Liam Russell
Just replied to a similar comment. The pee was a problem but her main concern was not wanting to be unfaithful
Asher Bailey
>alone with 10 drugged and horny guys >things went out of hand what a surprise, slut
Landon Walker
Why is she pissed over a compliment? All she has to say is no thanks.
Aiden Nguyen
If so why ther were even talking about pissing? Or they were like "oh hey you know we want someone hot like you to our bet, btw we're into pissing?" I'm not sure. If she discussed it with details..I mean that's already strange
Nolan Cruz
U better start fucking the shit out of her so she does not feel like going anywhere else