This is Evangelos Marinakis (Ευάγγελος Μαρινάκης). He is basically the Greek Pablo Escobar.

One of his ships was found loaded with 2.1 metric tons of heroin and he is still free. The judge overseeing the case fled Greece because she was scared for her family.
9 main witnesses were found mysteriously dead.

He also owns one of the biggest greek football/soccer clubs, Olympiakos, often accused of fixing matches.

He has strong ties with politicians and other powerfull people.

Can /b fuck up his life?

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Can you fuck off?

Well I guess b is just for nudes now. Sad

Not your personal army




I actually thought this could be fun

This is actually OP’s PE teacher who has molested him the last 2 months

Why would we want to? He sounds based as fuck.

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As if that fat fuck could find his dick

Why do you care about someone else's drugs?

So basically, the hero Greece deserves.

And mitch McConnell father in law smuggled tons of coke. .. what's your point? Go fuck with cartels

Couldn't care less about the drugs. It's about the people he's killing, the politicians and cops on his payroll and all his power in general

Who has he killed?

The 9 witnesses for a start

Only thing this man kills are burgers

Did he sit on them OP?

How could you be retarded enough to think Sup Forums could fuck with a notorious druglord? Even if we started to, he’d probably find and kill sone of is. But really, the last raid Sup Forums organized was taking down Shia Labeouf’s stupid flag and that was 3 years ago...

How can you prove that he killed them?


It honestly seems obvious enough if you read up on the dude. Its his ships and people just seem to die

They were main witnesses and they were all found mysteriously dead. The judge said she was fleeing the country to protect her family. It's really obvious actually. He is a friend of the greek minister and he is a relative of other politicians of the ruling party. That's how he's still getting away with it.

He also looks a lot like Skorpio from Archer S01E06

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I honestly thought It would be a fun thing to make Sup Forums interesting again. Now, I just feel stupid

Escobar got shoot by a DEA killing squad on the roof tops in Medelin, how this mother fucker gonna die?

Heart attack?

You're a fucking underage faggot. Go away.

Nicee! one Elon Musky..

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If he's a big drug dealer then most of /b are his customers