I am the 'Fairy of the Future'. Just tell me what you want to happen for you tomorrow, and I'll grant your wish

I am the 'Fairy of the Future'. Just tell me what you want to happen for you tomorrow, and I'll grant your wish.

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I want to wake up with morning wood.

I want to bang my friend's daughter.

i want to bang Fairy of the Future.

show us your tits

I want to wake up not having the flu anymore.

Okay I'll bite. Currently on a trip to visit my LDR. We had sex once and she couldn't make me cum, though she came twice. She's now saying she's not ready for physical stuff. I drove like 500 miles and spent over a grand on this trip. I'll still be here for 3 more days. I wish she'd get over her dead ex so she can fuck me properly like she promised she would. Please and thank you.

I want to get my friend pregnant, and she will want to keep it.

To be cured of depression

I want my dick sucked

I want to fuck this dog.

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just to wake up alive


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make tommorow the best day of my life

I want to work up further mentally detached from reality.
Let's speed this up, I'm having a blast.

Uh... sounds like you are the one with the problem if you couldn't get off. Then blamed her for you not getting off, making her feel bad and inadequate, thus making her feel like she might not be ready for physical stuff because she never had a problem with her ex... You sound like a douche

Gimme a dollar

I want to have a giant penis that I have to carry in front of me with a wheelbarrow
Then I would get to walk around showing everyone and if people complain I would tell them it's a health condition and they're being insensitive
And girls could slide down it like a slide but it's not a slide
It's my penis

I want to wake up as a Changeling from Ebberon, pick and choose physical features on a whim to look like whoever I want or create a completely new persona in the mirror. Aside from the obvious of being able to change gender on a whim.

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Actual changelings

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Ever play Corruption of Champions? There is a dude in that you can meet briefly who has that exact thing going on.

Grant me the power to shapeshift. Having one form is getting really boring...

Nah I'm play mario

Give Guildmarm girlfriend plz

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I want to control time, space, reality, the mind, the soul, and power itself (ex: electricity of any kind, reversing time to prevent my own death, atomization, turning my opponents braindead, ect). Also, give me a badass red suit of armor.

I want to watch you and your fairy friends be fucked all manner of small creatures

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i want a girl to want to go out with me, even if just for drinks or something

I just want happiness

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I want to be a cute girl

you drove 500 miles and spent 1000$ to get laid? what the fuck is wrong wrong with you?

Give me AR-15 waffengeist