How come leftists and niggers are so fucking stupid but manage to get an university degree? This reminds me of those lawyers who can memorize a book but can't even manage to change a fucking tire.
How come leftists and niggers are so fucking stupid but manage to get an university degree...
Because they study subjects dumber than their monkey ancestors which requires no intelligence to passs
Not knowing how to change a tire doesn't make you stupid, it just means you lack a common skill necessary if you live outside of a major city. Not being ABLE to learn how to change a tire would make you stupid.
t. law student that has had to show grown adults how to jump a car
Because anyone can be indoctrinated. It's actually the easiest thing to do. How many engineers/physicists/surgeons and inventors are considered leftists by today's standards?
The same reason why you need a good gpa to get to a good college if you're not a minority.
They have a quota of minorities that they _have_ to fulfill so they just let in any 2.5gpa monkey that can fill up an application form
But higher IQ always correlates with being left wing
It does not require skill. It is logic reasoning, nothing more.
Because you don't need brains to memorize everything to get a good grade nigger. I've only hs and challenge anyone higher in education than me to battle of brains
And also realising that the warranty of your expensive car does not cover anything in case you somehow do it wrong.
While you change my tire I make a phonecall, send an email and drink a coffee, and leave the shop with more money than I came in with.
University degrees are a lot more simple to achieve now than they once were. You are essentially mollycoddled and guided through the entire process, with assistants and therapists available to you at all times. Spelling is not marked, and irrelevant bullshit is given bonus points as "creativity" and "independent thinking". Not to mention that many of the subjects themselves are ridiculous to begin with.
"I've graduated from x university" used to be something that implied a person was intelligent and well informed. Now it is something that implies your Starbucks barista spent four years of their life drinking and campaigning for illegal immigrants to be given the right to rape local children in order to respect their religious beliefs.
It's exactly the same now as it was 50 years ago.
If you manage to do something wrong when changing a tire you exactly proof my point.
So, not doing well in school makes you jealous? This right here is why nationalism thrives. You think that you're somehow, because of your skin color, better than someone with a different skin color. And then you can't understand when they do better in life than you. You're sad and nobody loves you. Too bad, you could've just tried harder like everybody else but instead you're a lazy fat incel. Give it up.
said the person with a GED and nothing more.
I do not care enough about your point to risk 10k+ on repairs, user.
If, 50 years ago, every other word in your essay was misspelled, you would receive an immediate fail. Now you receive an A and complimentary support, leading to people who are as thick as pigshit completing the entire university process.
People used to be forced out because of their idiocy, now they merely drop out because they "can't be arsed" and mummy isn't there to do their laundry. My nephew graduated from university and he is a gaylord Jedward fan whose largest knowledge repository consists of celebrity gossip 2015-2019 and who genuinely thought that Paris was in London. 50 years ago he would have been out on his arse after the first month.
I doubt you have ever even been inside a university.
I actually left secondary education at the age of 15 with zero qualifications to my name. Still, people with university qualifications serve my cinnamon buns and deliver my pizza on a bicycle.
no even close to the truth. but, you know, your feelings are obviously SO HURT. Your language usage suggests you're English so I can't speak to your personal experience but in the US, you usually are still marked down for spelling errors. And no, you were not kicked out 50 years ago for spelling errors. Jesus wept.
anything's true on the internet. I'm a French model, for example.
I've had several girlfriends at university and thus, plenty of opportunity to look around and meet other students. They were 80% as mentally crippled and gullible as the girlfriends, and 20% Chinese and uncomfortable.
Lol if you're so poor you drive a car with a spare tire.
Lololol yeah dude tell us all about college captain ged
So your exposure to universities is through several failed relationships. Amazing.
>you were not kicked out 50 years ago for spelling mistakes
>people getting honorary degrees half a decade later because they were mistreated due to dyslexia is not a thing at all
he is right though, people did used to fail for being a dipshit. my dad was one of them and today he would easily pass
>So, not doing well in school makes you jealous? This right here is why nationalism thrives.
Bit of a strawman there.
Also, see
The rest of your post really implies you got some soft science degree that really doesn't make a difference in society besides making you feel smug.
half a century even
Dude, you look at a flat tire, you see lug nuts, you see lug holes in the spare. You figure the car will drop if the tire disappears so you figure you have to support the car etc etc.. If you can't finish that though process and complete the steps you have to take to change a tire you are mentally unfit to live independently. You need constant guidance and supervision to prevent you from putting yourself and other people in dangerous buy your actions and choices.
It’s okay if you flunked out of junior college, user. We need McDonalds cashiers, too!
>Lol if you're so poor you drive a car with a spare tire.
This is an example of someone who graduated university in modern times
>lololol yeah dude
You sound just like Warren Buffett
No-one said it would be hard. Still not gonna do it. I pay other people to.
Look, your walk-in-walk-out psychology degree is working for you on Sup Forums!
Changing a tire a just an example. It might as well by fixing a punctured bike tire, assembling ikea furniture, etc etc
>noted renaissance college graduate Warren Buffet
If you had gone to college you would understand what the word 'modern' means. You'd also be smart enough not to waste time thinking on Sup Forums XD
*my mom pays other people to because i am a useless, worthless son
stupidity and ignorance doesn't know race or color. if you believe it does, you're an idiot yourself.
I am not referring to the people who can (and have) but choose to pay other people to do it for them. That they are mentally incapable of completing an action that requires nothing but logic reasoning is the point.
Nah, I am the example's lawyer. If I still lived with my parents I'd just borrow their car and let them decide how the maintenance goes. With my own I've decided to hand that off to the brand shop.
I have a hard time believing there are people that are unable to change a tire, but there may be lots of people that have never done so and are not interested in learning because why should they.
GAH fuck uni students. Stayed round my friends flat for Halloween cus parties.
Went into the kitchen. Literally plates of rooting food piled on top of each other. And no one took the rubbish out. Literal rotting garbage stacked all the way from the floor to the light switch. Shit was so fucking foul.
And the mother fuckers had the audacity to complain that there landlord refused to give them back their deposit at the end of the year
Bonus points. They had over a hundred empty vodka bottles lining the top of the cabinets. Fucking degenerates
Same but I haven't had a car that wasn't under warranty in a while. I swap up for newer cars often enough that it would only be a liability to do my own maintenance and in some cases might void my warranty.
It's this.
hahhahaha jesus christ your stupidity is hilarious, as if someone with a mindset like yours would ever even get a girlfriend, back to you cellar neckbeard lmaooo
I'm currently an English major in the U.S. and can confirm spelling, grammar, and basic guidelines of written communication are regularly ignored by my peers. We are often assigned to review and edit each other's work and the amount of sheer incompetence these people present in their writing is honestly concerning. I've actually had someone tell me their professor won't care as they long as they get their point across, but their essay was written in ebonics and slang, let alone the fact that their argument was complete bullshit. The intellectual value of a college degree has dropped significantly in my life time alone.
>I say "nah" and speak like I have a third world education
>I browse Sup Forums
>I'm a successful lawyer
You have literally never been exposed to real adults. Sometimes we relax. It's ok to be casual here sperglord.
>Psychoanalyzing grammar and word choice for an internet forum post to determine someone's occupation.
KYS retard
>Education level correlates with being left wing
To be fair I don't really know why I still browse Sup Forums. Old habits die hard I suppose.
Back to my cellar I go. Many thanks for putting me in my place with your B in Video Game Studies.
Friend of mine sent me a snap of him at his law lecture where the teacher was using memes and Minecraft to explain law.
I said "you're really paying £12'500 a year for this?"
Wish I had screenshot the pic
Found the roastie!
Ya wanna know what’s funny about them too? They get useless degrees like liberal arts. These degrees literally yield
No useful fields. Most of them don’t know how to do what I do. I fix diesel trucks for a living. Most of these degens couldn’t figure out how to do what I do if their lives depended on it
Hello from Osaka. I did a study abroad at Leeds Beckett in the UK, for translation. I have to say that all I did was get drunk and write a shit paper 24 hours before they were due. I passed easy. I wish I lived in the UK still!! Life is so much easier, especially education. It does a little make me concerned for the future, though. Lots of very stupid and loud people were in my classes and they passed too.
nah your honor
Lol keep telling yourself that.
imagine your university degree being this worthless
i don't care if you're cis or trans, but nigga that lipstick is ridiculous. looks like a fucking clown. go find someone who knows how to do makeup to show you how
hi, right-wing 143 IQ w STEM master's degree here. also a university professor. literally sending students of mine to Sup Forums tonight
on average yes. there are exceptions.
Holy shit is this real? No wonder we slaughtered Labour Thursday :^)
Great Larp, neet
Most people mistake intelligence for lack of ignorance or being knowledgeable. Intelligence is your capacity to learn not what you know.
this post was possible until the last sentence. no self respecting intelligent conservative would consider Sup Forums a place worth visiting
I have two friends who went to university and several who didn't. Two of my friends are rapefugee welcomers and easily triggered by any hint of racism/sexism/religious discrimination (except against white people or Christians). They express sympathy for thieves and murderers and go on marches to "bring home" Islamic State wives and children.
To me, university appears to be a place you send people to get cucked.
>i aM rEeLy Sad ThaT MuSlimS R so PerSecuted AnD fOr What we Did tto BlaCks. WoMen And Our ChilDren Are The DrIving ForCe of OuR FuTEr
A*, see you at graduation
They sound like they have compassion as a part of their personalities and you sound like you have bitterness as the entirety of yours.
All you college boys have probably spent at least a semester studying the cable of the fox and the grapes. Does this thread remind you of anything?
>having compassion for people who leave your country for another to set up an islamic state with the express intention of destroying you and your peoples via terror and subversion
>wanting to bring over people who sit all day in the desert tweeting that they are going to infiltrate and destroy you from the inside
>having compassion for people who rape 5 year olds, cage young boys to dip them in fire/water and drag them behind cars with their skin slowly peeled off
Why don't you just go and attach a parasitic wasp straight to your brain and cut to the chase, you pathetic specimen. My ancestors fought and died for the freedom of this nation and you want to succumb to the hordes of backwards mentally ill cavepeople who would cut your throat in the name of their imaginary sky daddy as soon as look at you.
Your ancestors died? Oh wow I'm sorry they didn't live to be 300 years old. That's on me for sure.
You are kind of proving his point.
Where the fuck did you go to school?
you cucks are playing right into the dealerships jewish hands. Soon or later, the right to repair will be all but gone because of idiots like you. Basic maintenance takes half an hour and there's NO chance to fuck it up if you read what you're doing first. You call yourself a man? fucking moron. Go back to man school and try again, loser.
>an university
My mechanic friend does basic car work for me, I fix his electronics/computer for him.
pronounced ooniversity, libcuck
You're pronounced ooniversity
Maybe if you're retarded.
Nobody said they don't know how to do basic maintenance. I said I'm not going to do basic maintenance myself when I get it free at the dealer and they give me a dope loaner to blast around in for two days. Why would I change my oil when they do it at the dealer for free and wash and detail the shit? It's hard to buy a really nice new car that ISN'T under warranty. Again sorry you're poor I guess? I make more hourly than I pay for maintenance. It makes sense for me to pay someone else to do it and either work or enjoy the time off.
Damn gender studies majors, can even pronounce university
>can even pronounce university
Dumb and poor people always assume that if you don't choose to do a thing, it means you cannot do a thing. (Because they are unfamiliar with the concept of abundance.) I can play the piano. I do not because I have better/more productive things to do. Same applies to changing tires.
Better an more productive meaning what?
people like you are the reason that innocents are stabbed to death walking to work, and 10 year old girls are blown to pieces at ariana grande concerts
Again I'm sorry your ancestors didn't live to be 300 years old. Totally on me.
Kek, my sister went to uni and got a 2:1 in anthropology. She is a maid in a hotel and spends her weekends dying her hair and marching against crap that doesn't even affect her, since our dad pays for most of her shit.
Are you driving a car from the 80's?
>the dinosaurs died out due to an asteroid
>lets set up a system to destroy asteroids before they reach the earth
no, let's welcome the asteroids. i'm sorry the dinosaurs didn't live to be 300.
It would be hard to quantify exactly which activity takes the place of playing the piano but like I work or work out or work on projects with my homies. Those are the same kinds of things I do instead of changing my own oil and brake pads.
post hoc ergo propter hoc