Instead of fighting climate change let's accelerate it and see how fast we can kill everyone

Instead of fighting climate change let's accelerate it and see how fast we can kill everyone

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all in lets do this shit

Start by keeping your car on all the time and burning plastic outside

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already do. burn my motor oil all the time and stopped recycling ever since the great how dare you of 2019

Wise words! You are my knights and landlords but Greta is an enemy

Everyone! Buy a V8!!!

Started flinging all my garbage out the car window instead of throwing it away at a stop like I used to. Thanks grembla I didn't realize how retarded climate science was until she became the spokes tard

Cut down a tree today

Spray all of your aerosols!!!

protip: don't throw away plastic bags. Once you get your groceries home just open them up and let the winds carry them into the wild where they belong. For extra luck write "Eat Shit Greta" on them

Support nonrenewable energy

sweden actually pollutes more than china and india combined

Hard to accelerate something that doesn't exist.

we start the climate change




OK, Boomer.

Attached: gigahorse.jpg (600x513, 59K)

Humans have had their time in the sun, and now the sun is giving us cancer.
It's time.

New bots!

Do it faggot. You seem either unaware of the ongoing agricultural collapse due to the ongoing solar minimum, or incapable of understanding the consequences of your actions.

We need ~10x the CO2 we have now in the atmosphere to increase the productivity of photosynthesis of plants to defeat globalists seeking to enslave us through food scarcity and AGW alarmism implemented via surveillance and police state oppression.

I'm way ahead of you, and fully approve of your proposed actions to increase CO2 in the atmosphere, that will have the opposite effect of your expectations. Do the right thing for the wrong reasons. The means justify the ends, after all.

tl:dr how dare you out of 10. gonna keep polluting and hope it kills you first

Sweet larp faggot