So anyone can just steal from BASED Snyder now?

So anyone can just steal from BASED Snyder now?

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Those look like man hands. Fucking disgusting

You're just mad that Disney has another blockbuster success on their hands and Justice League will flop miserably. Based mouse does it again.

Snyder is legitimately the only auteur in the blockbuster field left. It is no wonder the rest are aping him. Disney quick to smear campaign his work while also stealing his shots like sneaky jews they are.

Can Snyder just steal from Disney?

Snyder will give the people of Hollywood an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind him, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join him in the sun. In time, he will help them accomplish wonders.

Rian Johnson is a literal who. No wonder he has to rely on greater men to carry him. Snyder is the Chad and the rest are the insecure nerds aping him.

You're samefagging in a thread with less than 10 replies. Sad!

Stole it from Neo at the end of the first Matrix.

>glorifying jewness and stealing

The Last Kryptonian.

who do you think produces zack snyder movies? buddhists?

The mouse is a disgusting jew.

Better than the actual teaser

>Rian Johnson
>literal who

You really don't belong here.

Oh yeah, Looper.....what a masterpiece....

Last time I checked Nolan and Deborah Snyder weren't Jewish


I fucking love this film.

>When I think of directors worth knowing I think of Rian fucking Johnson.
Fucking end your existence already.

>Zachariah Schneider
>not jewish

Why are you trying to use language you've seen your superiors use when you're a lowly Sup Forums drone?

Please make sure you answer before I embarrass you


and they stole it from anime. And Anime is from Japan which is where Lucas stole many of the concepts for the Jedi Order.

This movie has come full circle. Continuous themes being played out again and again. It's like pottery

Holy shit the spic can't even spell. I hope for your sake you are an underage and not just a lowly educated beaner.

>Snyder is legitimately the only auteur in the blockbuster field left
mind you this is what facebook movie buffs actually believe. the only true auteur left in hollywood is Bay which is where you've aped your post from ;0)

Same illiterate spic. We can tell from the spelling Pedro.

Me too, man. Me too.

They stole is from vivid verbal descriptions in Gilgamesh.

Who stole it from the Bible as the earth shook as Jesus died and ascended into Heaven.


Are you going to answer the question or are you going to report like the good little snitch you are at 9:48 PM on a friday night? ;0)
She was 11 years old and you spent all weekend samefagging about capeshit and videogames.

what are the physics of him flying? Is he just jumping really high?

>television and film
>only knows about capeshit

Literal board cancer.

He uses the power of autism to create an anti-gravity field.

Haven't you seen Doctor Strange?

Those fuckers steal shamelessly from everyone and in the end their movies end up looking like a lame pastiche of a ton of better movies.

Disney is killing creativity.

No. Kryptonians produce this weird field around them, like an aura. It's also part of what makes them so indestructible. It not only allows them to levitate/fly, but they can also extend it to other objects and people they're in contact with. It's like a form of telekinesis. Some Kryptonians can even extend this field to things they're not directly touching. This same "aura" is how he can lift things that shouldn't even be able to support their own weight. It's that field that's keeping them intact.

It's why Superman can stand flat-footed and not get knocked around by the Batmobile. He's not just standing on the ground. He's being where he wants to be. It takes an assload of force just to force a Kryptonian to move.

>gloriftiyng jewness
>Wonder Woman is literally a Jew

desu lad that webm looks great.

Choreography is solid enough to stand up without the need for excessive jump cuts and shakey cam in order to mask it.

She wasn't in man of Steel you dumbfuck


The soundtrack complements it perfectly, too.

this is mostly true, annoyingly
having said that, scorsese's silence was pretty phenomenal and i loved twows

on top of that, inarritu probably counts regardless of what you think of his films
same goes for villeneuve, though he hasn't been working with quite as large budgets yet

>Originally a trope created in Anime

P-Please google.


someone said in another thread, and i never checked, that when he was shirtless you can see that bruce already had a scar in that region of his chest implying some greater significance to that stab
can anyone confirm


Snyder will be in the books. An absolute master at film, too ahead of his time to be understood right now.




As much as I hated TFA for being a remake, I don't have issues with this.

It makes sense, even more than Superman scene. And it's cool.

How does the force work then?

unless disney writes the books...
>A history of post 00s film, from failures like Daredevil and The Phantom Menace to the brilliance of Star Wars Episode XXIV and The Avengers 6
>written by JJ Abrams

The period should be placed AFTER the closing quotation mark.



no it shouldn't

But Snyder stole that from The Matrix.

and Matrix stole it form DBZ and anime.


It was the Dragon Ball movie I have wanted my whole life. I really love it.

>DBZ and anime

both 300 and sucker punch were so visually avant-garde by is time, that hollywood as a whole will keep stealing ideas from them 20 years from now.

All that matters is that small floating rocks is obviously something Star Wars has never done so they must have stolen it from somewhere.

>who stole it from Unkar Plutt who stole it from Ducan

>Marvel is taking over Justice League's target demographic
>Marvel and Lucasfilm are taking over DC's cool slow motion shots and cinematography style
>Marvel, Pixar, and Lucasfilm are taking over Justice League's theatrical release window
>Marvel is taking over the Australian film industry from WB

Snyder is literally discount Michael Bay


I'll take "what are things that plebs say?"

I unironically hate most of Synder's work, and think Man of Steel is a major disappointment (though not bad).


That fucking music is fantastic. Holy shit that soundtrack cut to that trailer is great.


Everyone stole that from dragonball

Principal photography began on July 4, 2016,[62][65] under the working title Creature Report,[66] at Village Roadshow Studios in Oxenford, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia,[47] exclusively using all nine of the studios' sound stages.[67]

Additional filming was to occur throughout the state of Queensland,[47] as well as in Sydney.[20]

Filming took place in the Brisbane central business district from August 22 to 25,[14][66][76] with the setting used to double as New York City.[77]

Warner Bros. intended for Justice League: Mortal to be the start of a new film franchise, and to branch out into separate sequels and spin-offs.

Marit Allen was hired as the original costume designer before her untimely death in November 2007, and the responsibilities were assumed by Weta Workshop.

Originally, the majority of Justice League: Mortal would be shot at Fox Studios Australia in Sydney, with other locations scouted nearby at local colleges, and Sydney Heads doubling for Happy Harbor. The Australian Film Commission had a say with casting choices, giving way for George Miller to cast Gale, Palmer and Keays-Bryne, all Australian natives. The production crew was composed entirely of Australians, but the Australian government denied Warner Bros. a 40 percent tax rebate as they felt they had not hired enough Australian actors. Miller was frustrated, stating that "A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Australian film industry is being frittered away because of very lazy thinking. They're throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars of investment that the rest of the world is competing for and, much more significantly, highly skilled creative jobs." Production offices were then moved to Vancouver Film Studios in Canada. Filming was pushed back to July 2008, while Warner Bros was still confident they could release the film for a summer 2009 release.

Is that the only time he smiles in that movie?

Lol You idiot

Superman's power is incredibly strong short range telekinesis. He can only use it to move his own body or on objects he's touching to hold them together. That's why when superman catches someone that fell off a building or whatever, they don't die from hitting superman at 150 miles per hour. Or why he can catch a crashing plane without the plane getting torn apart.

No, he can do all that stuff because he's super strong and, along with that, super tough, because you can't lift megatons without having a body strong enough to not rip apart.

That's why he can lift a ship. The ship doesn't break apart because magic.
Walking around with erections because the holodeck can't actually work as-is and requires treadmills and separate viewpoints for each eye, instead of just a fake world, is no way to go through life, son.

>im an idiot

>what is body make-up/body doubles/prosthetics

the music is the only redeeming thing about the film

Are you a clown or something?

>body double for a shot of a hand

Hyped, you say? Let's ignore for a moment that Jar Jar, the Dyke feminist from Lucas film, and the house of rats, morbidity and decay not only cheapened the force but thoroughly and irreparably raped not only the established lore, but forevermore lessened and all but obliterated all character development experienced by our beloved characters. And this poignant marvelous development that occurred over the course of six years and three films was the defacto example of not only the heroes journey, but a leit motiff of humanity ascending mediocrity onward to becoming legendary. And then they killed it all for a Mary sue, placing all four characters, Ben, Han, Leia and Luke, into a disgusting caricature of a character, maRey sue. I hate them all.

Superman has an electromagnetic field, essentially forces he controls, he's not all too aware of it however and tends to do so subconsciously.

>Lucas stole many of the concepts for the Jedi Order.
Gonna need proof, you delusional weeaboo.

The only decent scene in that shit film.

>implying implications of direct statements
As if the entire opening series of scenes based on Krypton wasn't some of the most epic kino in movie history

Looks like a burn wound

I miss that feel of full speed when krytonians fight

I thought that scene was supposed to mimic the Luke and Yoda training scene where Luke raises rocks using the Force.

Why can't marvel do fights like this? Their shit is always so jump-cutty and dizzying.

Looks like the Star of David here

For Seventy fucking years it's been said that Superman is faster than a speeding bullet, and more powerful than a locomotive. We've seen decades worth of superman fighting world leveling foes who were also faster than a bullet and stronger than a locomotive. AND THEN SNYDER TRANSLATES ALL THAT TO FILM AND FUCKING COCK SUCKING DISNEY SHILLS HAS THE AUDACITY TO CALL US, DBZ LEVEL TIER? fuck this gay earth!

Actual autism.

Yeah, because it in no way mimics this scene. if you'd remember, pebbles and snow and rocks began to levitate.

Eat shit, you fucking fuck

If you have Zimmer composing your film's music, it's going to be good music full stop

shut the fuck up you autistic capeshitter

>Yeah, because it in no way mimics this scene.
Is that from Man of Steel? Because I thought the movie was shit so I don't remember.

And I haven't watched BvS in case the scene is from that movie.

Now the paradigm has shifted from promoting the shit that will be, The Last Jedi, the forgotten tree, to attacking everyone who is even remotely not on Disney's shit page.

It's the first time Clarke Flies. Dude, causes rocks and shit to levitate all around him. Neo did the same thing, if memory serves because it came from a superman comic years before it.

And now Rey's doing it. She's about to fly away or pull out a Kamehameha.