*muffled monkey noises*
*muffled monkey noises*
Shut up racist
show us your tiny Asian penis, Tenda
got any calls yet?
is that the best you can come up with Tenda? A. I'm not even OP
he's a copycat
B. do you realize that you are part white you fucking moron?
Worship black meat
Worship their souls
im not even tenda. i think its funny you two morons still think im that dude lmao.
the night you raided his yt channel had me in tears
im a 3rd party having my fun
looks more like she's worshipping white meat
it's funny how a nigger dick sucking faggot can act so smug. do you not realize what a pathetic queer you are?
post your face and prove you aren't Tenda
how's it feel to provide free entertainment to someone you will never know?
Lots of unholy business going on here
how's it feel to be gay for nigger dick?
if you won't post it that just proves you're an ugly incel
How does it feel to see your country being taken over by BLACK and brown BVLLS? How does it feel that as your people commit mass suicide and exterminate themselves, you can do nothing but cry, throw hissy fits and come here to post on Sup Forums trying to "own" them niggers, when in reality, you'd get ass kicked by one punch of a BLACK man.
How does it feel to see Muslims, bomb and rape your women, while you can do nothing but post """memes""" online trying """wake up""" the whTe minority?
Tell me, you whTe fuck, say something whToid. Say what? A 100 years ago "you" ruled us? "YOU"? Haha. Pathetic, whTe scum. It wasn't you whToid. Not you, but a small fraction of your elite. That's what it was. You were never them. Your family was just another cracker living somewhere in the middle of Europe. You are nothing but a cracker. Even back then, many "shitskins" were above you.
Today that same elite is now on OUR side. Your whTe nationalist rhetoric being used against you. You nations are being flooded with men from Africa, Arabia, India, and many other nations. All your pathetic kind could do was kill a few innocent women and children in a mosque. And what did that cause? Just more weakness from your pathetic race. Your women being forced to wear Hijabs on National TV. A Hijab! Literally the expression of being owned by Islam.
Answer me, whToids. What happened? You got your ass kicked too hard? Because the real asskicking has yet to come. As more and more nations awake to the whTe menace, your people will be killed and murdered mercilessly across the 7 continents, including your own because Europe is already heading to a whTe massacre. ""Conquer"" us again? Nice try, whTies. You forget how the Arabs and Turks conquered your pathetic tundra shithole you call Europe. The same feat will be done by the Chinese soon as they march across European soil like the Golden Horde marched through Europe.
Make the world a better place,
Exterminate the cracker race.
You are now thinking of him ;_;
i don't have to post anything
but i like to post bbc bait
discord channel full of it my nig
you're a gay cuckold who sucks nigger dick like a pathetic faggot
go tell your daddy you do that gay shit and watch him disown your faggot ass
tell your mom and she will realize you're gay lol
this is the sperging that keeps me going
so mad
so much projection
imagine if your daddy knew you were spamming tranny porn on Sup Forums like you're on some grand crusade
my favorite are the 'Apologize' threads. sometimes it's me, but most of the time it's one or two of the lemmings that post the bbc stuff
how is it projection when you spam black penises day and night you fucking faggot? you are a pathetic bottom bitch nigger worshipping disgrace. that's not projection those are simple fucking facts. you are massive queer.
>spam black penises day
lmao i post maybe one thread every other hour. there's 2 or 3 other lemmings that hop in on the action
i want Sup Forums to die, really. i just think bbc posting is a good way to do it.
Greta pastas are generating the most butthurt lately, however.
>"I post a black penis that I have saved on my computer every two hours for every day of my pathetic faggot cuckold life"
tell your father closet faggot
tell me what he has to say about your hobby, queer nigger lover
guarantee he'd disown you