This was way better than the David Lynch movie

This was way better than the David Lynch movie.
>Didn't skip half of the book
>The Duke Harkonnen is portrayed far better, a scheming glutton instead of a gross wierdo covered in warts
>The guy who played Liet-Kynes was based
>Chani shows her awesome tits
Agree or disagree?

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Too bad it was tv shit tier. Low budget actors and directing.

The sets, costumes and effects are too laughable to take seriously

The acting & direction were superb with Shakespearian gravitas and excellent use of color & lighting
The sets are huge and amazing, the costumes are very imaginative and the effects are fine unless you're just a Michael Bay viewer level pleb who thinks more cg & explosions makes something better.

Worse Chani, Sting was a good Feyd Rautha

Miniseries Chani is better and shows off her big tiddies unless and every other actor in the miniseries is better than the Lynch version with perhaps the exception of Dr. Yueh and I still really like the minseries version of Gurney Halleck though it's difficult to top Patrick Stewart.

Best Dune is best.

Yeah, Sean Young was not good but she was still hot. Gurney was criminally underused in Lynch Dune anyway. I don't remember Yueh in the miniseries but hard to beat Al. Brad Dourif was also great.

The best cast were in the worst roles in LynchDune.

Alright kid

No it wasn't.

Feyd was supposed to be a plump dark-haired ME-looking teen. How is making him a skinny middle-aged ginger nordic man in rubber underpants good?

Because portraying him as a better-in-every-way version of Paul as the "legitimate" Bene Geserit Kwisatz Haderach candidate is amazing.

>putting /thread at the end your own comment
lurk more before posting newfag

>calling someone a newfag

Lynch movie comes off as a bad parody after seeing the miniseries.

I liked it so much I bought the dvd...then again, I also bought the Lynch version too...

I really like LynchDune but I'm not a bookfag. Lynch wasn't even tripping balls for Dune and I'm not sure he knew the source material at all, just aimed at kino and went for it. The end result I dunno, does the Third Stage improve on it or just make it more canon-y?

>Baron has flesh eating disease
>my name is a killing sound bullshit
>rains on Arrakis at end making Muad'dib magic when he's not

You're right the movie is not Dune.


>Lynch version has some flaws
>So scifi shit doesn't

Deep thought user


What? Did you read the book? He was described as basically otter mode.

deep enough to fuck your mother

Both adaptations are poor adaptations of the book.

I don't get why it's so fucking hard. All the inner dialogue could either be spoken in thought, or just portrayed with body language. It's not even that long a book.

Well voiceovers are basically not an option, that's the route Lynch went and those are the weakest parts. I wish there was less lore in that movie.

>The Duke Harkonnen is portrayed far better, a scheming glutton instead of a gross wierdo covered in warts

Fuck you asshole, that sounds like me. Fuck you and fuck off. Go to hell, you fucking shitbag. Fuck you.

My main complaints with the SciFi miniseries version, was the Mentats, Bene Gesserit, and Spacer's Guild were all poorly portrayed and fairly boring and generic. Lynch/DeLaurentis version was top-tier on the esoteric aspects of the universe. Also all-around, except for Kyle Machlachlan, the Lynch/DeLaurentis Dune had a way better cast (I did really like Ian McNeice as Harkonnen though, and McAvoy as Leto II was solid; same with the adult Alia actress). Irulan was also well cast in the SciFi version, and her character was used much better than the Lynch version.

I actually like both the SciFi Miniseries, and the Lynch/DeLaurentis adaptations, both for different reasons. I think the positive aspects of each when combined make a decent adaptation, and personally I don't care about nor look forward to future adaptations of the subject (as they will undoubtedly have disappointments).

The only thing I really dislike, is so far no adaptation has got the original Duncan's death properly. Lynch version was some slow bullshit screw gun, and SciFi was some bullshit missile attack. He goes out like a fucking boss in the novel, getting shanked in close-quarters combat holding off the Sardukar so Jessica and Paul can escape.

>It's not even that long a book.
The paperback is like 900 pages.

maybe if you get the large font, four eyes

Dune should just be left the fuck alone. It's far too high brow for conventional consumer television and film.

When reading the books I always thought the all blue eyes of the fremen or anyone with spice addiction meant that even the whites of the eyes where blue. I haven't watched the show or movies but it looks like they just gave the actors blue eyes. What gives?

they glow blue in lynchdune, don't remember miniseries.

>some flaws


they use reflective blacklight sensitive contact lenses in the miniseries so they do glow but its more or less pronounced depending on the ambient lighting or what direction they're facing.

You look like this guy? Kek.

that looks way better honestly, i bet the eyes in lynchdune cost thousands of man hours to roto

>>and I still really like the minseries version of Gurney Halleck though it's difficult to top Patrick Stewart.

He's Hatchet Harry from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.


Not yet.

Fuck you asshole, it's a thick book, yeah, but it's more like 800 pages and it doesn't take a fucking Einstein to figure that out.


From what I remember in the book, it's all the freaking spice/melange (is it worm droppings) that saturates the air and food and everything on Aracis that make the fremens eyes blue.

>mfw Stoneburner

>it's more faithful to the books, therefore it's better

Hi, Stephen King.

One of these days I'll go through 2000 miniseries for screen shots... i only have some Children of Dune screenies because it was the first to have a 1080p pirate rip released...2000 dune had no bluray and thus no HD rips apparently for ever until some time ago...downloaded sitting on my HD but who has the time

That's correct, their "blue in bue" eyes is a side effect of consuming too much spice. Consuming even greater quantities would have the greater effect of mutating them like it has to the Guild Navigators.

Wrong, Lynch's Dune is much better and until this very day THE boldest blockbuster attempt ever. I unironically LOVE that film, bros. Matter fact, I find it a masterpiece and top-tier sci-fi accomplishment. I know Lynch himself hates it, but I think it's because of goddamn Hollyjew scumbags ruining the filmmaking process, and not because of the quality itself.

>the mesmerizing, god-tier score that gives the film a divine touch
>incredible, expensive-looking sets
>believable props
>dropdead gorgeous cinematography, especially the shots of the sea and desert
>calm and collected build-up and pacing
>stellar cast and beautiful ladies
>bizarre and wonderful at the same time (seriously, that first Harkonnens scene is borderline experimental)
>Lynch doesn't spoon-feed you to make it easy - we're dropped right into the middle of the big feud between major political forces with strange names and complicated alliances, there's so much mythos and weird gadgets thrown right into our face, Lynch demands attention and learning from us, there's no lasers, speeders and quips
>fucking sandworms, bros!
>Dune is about ecology, politics, philosophy, religion, masculinity, femininity, greed, heroes etc., and Lynch captured it perfectly
>the theater-style of acting focused on dramatics was fitting

Sure, some effects were cheap and laughable, but it's no biggie to me. I fucking LOVE Dune and the way Lynch made it all serious and challenging, and because it flopped and Hollywood hates it, I fear Legendary is going to pick the easy route with everything watered down for manchildren and tumblrinas. Why do people hate this film, fellas? It's beautiful.

I think Lynch was onto something, but he went too crazy with shit like on-screen monologues and unnecessary changes. Not to mention movie had an insane budget that shouldn't even be put in the same category with the mini-series.

only flaw was he only got an arm instead of going full wurm-guyver body suit

>goes literally blind
>can still see because he needs to see

Oh, i really wouldn't know that, i've never read the books or watched any of the movies, not even when the sci fi channel was showing Dune or their own version of Dune from the 2000s. But, uhhh, ask the albert einsteins who are like uber nerds about the books and movies and shit.

Besides, I can't really get into the Dune series, all the racist alt-right love reading Dune and talking about the alt-rightey-ness of the books.

>alt right loves dune
huh? last I checked the alt-right isn't a fan of religious terrorists overthrowing the government?

Lynch version= best for woldbuilding aspects and its own portrayel of the organization (mentat, ben gerest, etc)
Syfy= best for story and character development..

Combine both halves and you got a movie equal to the book


The alt-right can fucking go to hell and I really don't like those right wing shitbags. Of course, liberals personally hate my guts as well and are probably wishing that I end up in hell with the alt-rihgt. But whatever, I fucking hate the both of them.

This. Too bad bookfags don't understand the logic that there's more to a movie adaptation than just being faithful.

Yeah that is my general opinion on the Dune adaptations currently.

I'm glad they appropriated your scifi book and made you mad. Nerds deserve nothing less than to have everything they enjoy appropriated by the alt-right

I appropriated your mom, tough guy.

No, it's all right that the alt-right loves the Dune books. My enemies who are 27 or 28 years old right now and who were born in 1989 turns out to be like uber nerdy about the Dune books and all that shit, especially when I thought one of their favorite books, The Anatomy of Depression as well as the works of Nietschey or Nichy, were the books they would read, like Einstein's favorite reading materials would be physics and the Manhatten experiment that made atom boms. Oh, my enemies are also like super liberals and shit and they got the Dune books for themselves but the alt right also loves those books. So I don't give a fuck.

Of course. I liked it a lot too.
Ghani a cute, A CUTE!

Since i'm not a uber nerd, Irulan's mother's name is Ghani? i thought it was Ghaneemah. also, i heard from the other nerds that the fremn give the water from the womb of their birth to the children to drink? Is that like the same thing as eating the placenta or something?

>Tell me about the waters of your homeworld, Muad'dib.

Nadalac has plenty of water to grow rice.

My paperback copy is just shy of 500 pages, not counting the appendices.

Lynch Dune
>14 rewrites with Lynch working hand in hand with Herbert
>Raffaella DeLaurentiis repeatedly espoused her love for the book and desire to stay faithful to it and avoid executive meddling
>fuckhuge unheard of budget
>score done by Toto, coming off their multiple Grammy wins and massive multi platinum sales of TOTO IV, possibly one of the biggest bands in the world at the time, members Steve Lukather and David Paich have gone on record saying they are fans of the book.
>Lynch coming off the unexpected success of an uncharacteristically straightforward The Elephant Man

Really had everything going for it. I don't know what went wrong.

Not as much as could have gone wrong, Most of what is claimed as bad about it comes from really awful critics. I never read any of the books but apparently they couldn't follow it at all. I'm not sure if there was some really shit theatrical release I haven't seen yet or what, it was a straightforward movie.

Navigators being mutated by the Spice is an invention of the Lynch movie. In the book they were mutated as the result of hundreds of generations living their entire life in zero gravity. They're basically humans evolving into sea creatures.

I've never watched anything Dune related besides the Jodorowsky documentary, where should I start? (besides the books)

Yeah I can't blame them, if you watched Lynch's version without reading the book first you would have no clue what was going on

As a book snob I always thought the costume and set design was completely off from what I had in my head.

Having so much of the sets and costumes in the first act probably threw everyone off when they saw it.

By slitting your wrists.

It's not laid out but the whole film makes pretty good sense from the context alone.