>Columbus @ Toronto, 7
>Montreal @ Colorado, 9:30
>Florida @ Vancouver, 10
>olympics whenever
Other urls found in this thread:
I got a warning for posting in /hoc/ about valentines day. I shouldn't be this angry but holy fuck that pisses me off. Who the fuck is scouring /hoc/ to ban individual comments when we were all talking about it?
>it's another no one posts in the grease thread episode
Probably my favorite desu
what a sexist and shitty picture
>6 seconds faster than Greece
how is it sexist?
this is a late thread
only newfags would post here
join me and together we will rule Sup Forums with the forces of /hoc/
Disgusting unfitting picture
Czech Republic
Great Britain
That one Australian yotes fan
The rest of you need to FUCK off
>not later than 17:08:24
Please, don't embarrass yourself.
>I got a warning for posting in /hoc/ about valentines day. I shouldn't be this angry but holy fuck that pisses me off. Who the fuck is scouring /hoc/ to ban individual comments when we were all talking about it?
How does one even see that they got a warning?
Have I always just missed it, or have I just never gotten one?
Are you upset that you don't look like her?
you cant post again until you "look" at the warning. so you have never got 1 softfag.
Post more hockey thots.
I went to post and it made me read a message before I could and it had a link to my post. It's only ever happened on /hoc/ 3 times now. Infuckingcredible, I bet it was kippers.
there's a reason she's hiding her face, Ive never met a hot girl goalie
>post the same hockey thots that always get posted
man, i'm so glad the canucks finished their tour in florida last week
just happy they avoided a school shooting down there
wouldn't want anyone on this team shot
except badbranson
>using grease threads
They're called... the Totems?
Here's some good ol mountain girls for you user
you can't stop the chad wood
which thread is the real one????
the /cric/ one duh
i for one welcome our /cric/ overlords
this one it was made sooner
>Fantastic post!
This one
why would you ever post in a sticky smelling grease thread?
fuck that's ugly
I guess maybe far left or far right
>seattle chugs
>grease threads
Hopefully the mods don't delete the other one so grease doesn't come over and shit this one up
your ugly
I like this concept the best desu.
>only one relevant game tonight
>it's the fucking leafs
t-thank you t-too bettman
>open the other threds
>its just 3 burgers sucking grease off
The NHL is like every other scared corporation in the >current year. They won't touch any name that has anything to do with native americans.
>but what about the Blackhawks?
No shitty journalists or sports writers ever seem to talk about them, so then NHL is happy to keep flying under the radar for now, and if push comes to shove they can point out that it's just a tribe's name as opposed to some nickname for indians that people could take as a slur.
But if they're adding a new team, they're not going to press their luck and roll those dice a second time.
They'll just name them the Seattle Metropolitans, say that they did it because of history (the Metros were the first American team to win the Stanley Cup, in 1917), and then move on.
surely they will stop at 32 teams??????
fat chance
I thought that the nhl was for inclusion and not for racism?
But... but then they wouldn't be able to...
You really think a totem pole is offensive to people?
how are any of those names racist?
You wouldn't kick any of them out of bed for eating crackers
florida will move there
Totems doesnt relate to any single tribe nor has it ever been used as a slight so it'll be fine.
Quebec Panthers
hopefully 41 so the nhl can play a balanced schedule.
>he opened the grease thread
Go back there and stay
No, but the same shitty journalists and activists who decide that they need to get offended on people's behalf and raise a stink about shit probably will. It's cultural appropriation, surely. Or it's grossly insensitive, because this is a religious thing in their culture and don't you understand that you're disrespecting it and ugh fuck that.
It's enough of a chance for a corporation to go "why even bother?"
remove panthers
remove canes
remove coyotes
there I just fixed the league
They'll never get called the Metropolitans because the NY Mets won't let them use that name.
The avs are essentially the nordiques with a better color scheme and stadium anyway desu
Eww, hepatitis.
Really? So thats not racist against native americans?
how do you know?
there are teams in different leagues called the
probably more that i cant think of atm.
only the chl was able to somehow protect a team name.
jackets > leafs
canadiens > avs
panthers > canucks
>blue jackets
Literally all offensive
No it's not.
why would ANYONE use a >grease thread
there is no native tribe or group of people that "blackhawks" is directed at. its literally just a cartoon character with native american influence.
totems isnt really insulting anybody like team called the "indians" or "Redskins" does.
leafs are on a roll
You forgot Vegas, Winnipeg, Isles, and Devils
No idea, it is well known that grease is an enemy of /hoc/
I guess we should change Seattle's name too, since Seattle was named after a native american man.
lol btfo
also sage
join where we, despite the times, insist on discussing and watching the game of hockey
>jackets > leafs
Close, but just barely leaning Jackets.
>canadiens > avs
Close, but leaning Avs.
>panthers > canucks
Panthers, definitely. Playoffs next year for sure.
I have a feeling
jakeey the snakey should've went to school in florida
then he'd learn how to shoot
HAHAHAHA oh dear
really wish greasy little fucks would frig off
>skatelet discussing hokkei
lol no
It's home Avs but without MacKinnon so it could go either way desu.
>he's still here
>he's still shilling a thread with a quarter of the posts
I never used to mind you before, but I'm turning the corner on you with this whole episode.
I know, I'm not sure if the canadiens can do it either but I've got a good feeling about this.
Any timetable for his return?
>Playoffs next year for sure.
they will blow this up because they are going too far above their internal salary cap. marchessault would have left eventually because they wouldnt have paid him.
...have no future
google it you sperg
Should be within the week iirc.
He was at yesterday's morning skate in a no-contact so the outlook is good.
only 8 people post on /hoc/?
Make me faggot
Thanks bro
big enough sample size.
it's decided
I don't want aids