Is this still accurate?
Is this still accurate?
the general idea yeah
needs a bit of updating for recent media though
Redditors hate Jenifer Lawrence and being a poltard isnt a requirement to be Sup Forums neither is being a sick peado.
>and being a poltard isnt a requirement to be Sup Forums
Wrong. Being aligned with Sup Forums is an essential prerequisite for being part of Sup Forums's culture.
>sick pedo
you have to go back
This image was made before the fappening
Sup Forums culture and loli culture are both required to truly understand the nature of Sup Forums. without it, you will never truly belong.
Have to add
>Posts in Game Of Thrones threads
>Posts Emma Stone
>Posts in Star Wars threads
of course, remember to drop all the redpills so we may reclaim this board from the normies and cucks. MAGA!
Who is Chris Hardwick?
Wrong. Asserting things doesn't make them so.
That guy who hosts the game show that's just Plinko for some reason.
>defending Avatar
>defending Sup Forums
Right. Sup Forums is by far the most popular board on Sup Forums and where the vast majority of new memes and OC originate. It's both the centre of anonymous culture and free speech and the last preserver thereof.
Would you like Sup Forums to be like Sup Forums and applaud every progressive shit that the media tries to indoctrinate us with? It's because of Sup Forums that it has not yet happened.
>defending Sup Forums is reddit
Sup Forums in recent years is factually the largest source of newfags/reddiors streaming into this trash heap
But all those memes are just variations and subsets of "Hitler did nothing wrong", which was stale three years ago. Don't try to pretend Sup Forums doesn't equally "indoctrinate" its particular view.
You mean in the last year
Because "recent years' would be Sup Forums with star wars 7 and then the fappening
I don't see anybody being banned for being a leftist cuck in Sup Forums.
no because brighton is an old hag now
No, just shitposted at over and over with "cuck bluepill reddit numale JIDF beta shill" and no attempt at an actual dialogue. Only right-wing views are actually discussed; dissent from those views is treated as "outsiders" and reed at.
This post is full of shit.
Not even Sup Forums aligns with Sup Forums.
In fact, now that a think about it, this is just a 9/10 bait.
sup Sup Forums
You're assuming that leftists are capable of actual dialogue and/or intelligent discussion, which is a moot point.
No because the reddit meme Banesposting took over FOR YOU
This was literally made by a tourist from Reddit trying to fit in.
>a campus SJW is the same as an actual Leftist
I saw extremelly good discussions against leftist, they are the one lossing and recurring to calling everyone a fat virgin, on various boards
seems like actual leftist are comfortable around them
Avatar sucks shit, that isn't just a Redditor opinion. And pedos are cancer
>all of these fucking redshit losers pretending to fit in by acting Sup Forums
Star Wars is anti-intellectual trash and there's LITERALLY nothing wrong with being a pedophile.
How's that pizzagate investigation going losers?
back the the_drumpf faggots
Everything i dont like is Reddit/(((a jewish boogeyman))):the guide to online debates for infantiles channers
>Negative opinion on Sup Forums
S-stop criticizing us guys W-We're perfect
The average Redditor has no reason to even know what Sup Forums is.
poltard culture is a relatively recent phenomenon, much younger than chan culture or Sup Forums. It wasnt around in 2009 when I first came here.
To be fair campus sjws are just the left wing version of stormweenies.
Epitomizing right wing talk on Sup Forums as being a natsoc hugbox is the same as accusing leftists of being tumblr-fats.
FUCK OFF, Sup Forums does NOT belong to Sup Forums confine your cancer.
lol you Sup Forumsniggers just dont fucking quit
>Sup Forums still thinks everyone on Sup Forums except for redditors agrees with their retarded hero-worship worldview and wants them to shit up every board with non-stop whining about goddamn everything
The fact that it upsets mongs is enough proof its never been more accurate
They do when "Sup Forums" is talking shit about their meme flicks and shows
Sup Forums took up Sup Forums's mantel.
whining about Sup Forums = reddit
SJWs aren't even particularly leftist, though - they get wrapped up in surface-level race/gender/sexuality stuff and can't into economics, class, etc. Ask one about universal basic income or wealth redistribution (actual lefty concepts), they probably couldn't tell you what they were, let alone have any position beyond "capitalism's ok because I like Starbucks".
>defending Avatar
Abatap defined a fucking era of Sup Forums user.
Sup Forums is the closest thing to Sup Forums in its 2006 heyday. But even greater.
Sup Forums has always been hated the whole site over. People despise Sup Forumstards then and now. They get no respect. If that is the mantel that you want to claim then be my guest because its yours weather you like it or not. Poltards need to realize that no one gives a shit about them and they are not entitled to take over the entire chan.
wrong, Sup Forums made Sup Forums ""mainstream"" with the presidential election and their trolling of Shia at HWNDU.
There was also a mass-exodus of autists from r/thedonald. And what's worse is that these fucking shitbags ruin every other board, because they take the Sup Forums autism to other boards and add their ""opinions"" that nobody cares about. Try to have one good Thread on /his/ without having a Weimar-esque Gangwar between nu/pol/ and lefty/pol/. i dare you
>Sup Forums's culture
>they get wrapped up in surface-level race/gender/sexuality stuff and can't into economics, class, etc.
Because its a dog whistle to make sure everyone wears themselves out being bent out of shape about things that don't matter while monstrously criminal shit is being perpetrated under everyone's nose.
this is complete bullshit and you know it.
Almost every SJW was a Bernie supporter and identity politics is has been the intellectual foundation of most prominent leftist thinkers since Foucault.
God your retarded, literally every SJW is a hardcore leftist who advocates for those things. And the reason none of them are into economics is because any honest, indepth research into economics will turn you into a right winger practically over night. Have you been paying any attention to what these people are saying at all?
>wasn't here for Chanology
All of Sup Forums is rightful Sup Forums clay.
Sup Forums is an embarrassment
>And what's worse is that these fucking shitbags ruin every other board, because they take the Sup Forums autism to other boards and add their ""opinions"" that nobody cares about.
Heaven forbid people show enough restraint to not validate shitposting with (you)'s.
And seriously, I'm tired of asking you to type like an adult.
And you wonder why people hate smelly polcunts
It's outdated. No one talks about Chris Hardwick or Her anymore, and Sup Forums is now the most reddit board on Sup Forums.
>wasn't here for Habbo
>wasn't here for Chanology
that was back in the "wild" days were people didn't share everything on social media and it spread like a wildfire, also Normies gave most of the credit to Anonymous and not to Sup Forums
>All of Sup Forums is rightful Sup Forums clay.
>posting about Star Wars or Capeshit
>muuh redpill xDDD trump lmao liberals white people *posts twitter screenshot*
>calling others reddit
thats about it
You're either with Sup Forums or against Sup Forums.
/k/, /fit/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /mlp/ /r7k/, /wsg/, Sup Forums, everybody understands that. Sup Forums is always right, never forget that.
I don't know user, I've seen all kinds of reactionary alt-right cucks crying about their own brand of social justice.
If it walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck...
I despise SJWs with a passion but am strongly left economically. Their being left of center doesn't invalidate the left as a whole any more than inbred Appalachian hillbillies invalidate the right.
>any honest, indepth research into economics will turn you into a right winger practically over night
O I am laffin
Read some Henry George and get back to me
>Sup Forums is always right, never forget that.
Hello, reddittor.
False flagging and boogeymen should be instab&
You scum are worse than tripfags. Everyone else on Sup Forums just keeps to their own board and dosent crosspost their shit into other boards. Furfags know that if people want to see furfag shit then they would go to a furfag board. Not dumb polcunts however, you think there is a different set of rules, a special exception for pol that only exists for them and no other.
Worse than tripfags, worse than scum. FUCK OFF
A unfunny sjw faggot.
>>wasn't here for Chanology
Even worse is he clearly wasn't here for the fucking fappening which wasn't long ago at all
>mods have to remind the board with a sticky to not make too many duplicate threads
Sup Forums is reddit if everyone on reddit were underaged
>Everyone else on Sup Forums just keeps to their own board and dosent crosspost their shit into other boards.
Thats a complete and utter lie. Do you even browse this board you fucking star wars parasite? Every garbage board gets to dump their trash here EVERYDAY
lol everyone hates you fags and want you friendless penniless and toothless
t. Sup Forums
Wrong. Sup Forums is almost exclusively Sup Forums content but threads get hijacked by polcunts.
>you think there is a different set of rules, a special exception for pol that only exists for them and no other.
That's because there is. It's the right of Sup Forums to be on every board, because it is the immune system of Sup Forums. Without Sup Forums, Sup Forums would turn into Something Awful, an irrelevant, stagnant shithole of licking SJW boots. Sup Forums is an example of what happens when they are not kept in check. You should be grateful for us for keeping free speech alive.
The problem is that television and film are the least niche thing in modern pop culture. It naturally attracts the kinds of mouth breathers that flock to capeshit, and trashy reality television.
When your product markets to the lowest-lowest common denominator you're going to attract a lot of stupid assholes.
>You should be grateful for us for keeping free speech alive.
are delusions of grandeur a symptom of autism?
>being an establishment shill
Literally the most reddit thing you could aspire too.
Sup Forums gets their shit pushed in daily by boards like Sup Forums, /his/ and Sup Forums
All other boards make fun of you delusional freaks
>defending Avatar
Avatar is one of the few actual sci-fi movies (as opposed to space opera). It deserved its success.
>Sup Forumstards actually believe this
Go to bed James.
You are too far gone, your mind is too deluded and warped by hours spent in your echo chamber to understand any other viewpoint. Please stop.
this is truth
"I sure love when reddit and Sup Forums come to Sup Forums to further shit up the board with their internet arguments"
- said no one
>spotted the redditor
I know this is just a bait thread but it's still great to see 1 or 2 butthurt Sup Forumstards still around
upvoted xD
Include me in the screencap :D
>Sup Forums thread
>multiple Sup Forums threads
>multiple Sup Forums thread
>multiple [s4s] tier threads
>1 Sup Forumsack thread with actual discussion
Remember somehow Sup Forums is the problem here and not memers
I guess it was about time this autist showed up with his non argument.
Except for the /poltard/ ones are the only ones which actually exist out of that list and its not civil discussion, its people telling popcunts to fuck off and them being buthurt about it.
>sunhumans from /pol consider all the mockery in here aimed towards them """"""""""discussion"""
you're neogaf, not Sup Forums. you're part of the cancer of Sup Forums with your constant eceleb and capeshit threads
whe you say "Sup Forumsniggers" by using the word niggers in offensive manner you are aligning with Sup Forums
i could see that, but you can also argue that putting them on the same level as a race that they hate probably triggers the shit out of them
no. Not since 2016 when Sup Forums was swamped with reddit newfagas from the_donald