Should I cheat on my wife with our young Persian babysitter?

Should I cheat on my wife with our young Persian babysitter?

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No you fucking retard. You don’t shit where you eat. If you want some strange, go get it from the next town over. I don’t understand dudes whom cheat with women around where they live, especially with someone your wife knows. You are asking to get caught.

You’re making a good point. It’s hard not to seize this oppurtunity, though.

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Shelah needs BWC.

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Persians are insane my friend.

Not worth it man. You have a kid and your wife knows her personally. You WILL get caught and it will open up a whole shit storm.

dude they are insane plus this

sure, then when your wife divorces you and takes half your net worth, you can try to marry the persian. Im sure she will be interested.

If you do it with a rubber it isn't cheating, also in the ass. But just in case, it would be a good idea to not do anything at all.

Why did you get married?

second that

Of course. Her media is wide open for anyone to see.

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This is a yes. Also extra points if you manage to do it while she feeds your baby.

Fake and gay. Kys virgin.

Sup Forumsro if you don’t someone else will

Worth it. Looks delicious

The tats my her look trashy. Couldn't get past those my friend.

Agreed. I can’t stop watching her take care of my baby. Wouldn’t mind seeing it more.

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If you get nudes, please share. I’ve always had a thing for persian women

I’ve got some sexy pictures of her and her sister... but no nudes, yet.

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post wife for comparison

God damn. Idk how you’re not taking her internal temperature right now.

With your tongue

OMG. The fucking cringe. What's wrong with you?

This is a whole lot of reason this will come back and bite you. Your giving away control to a woman who knows your family. Your letting her blackmail you. You want to shit far from where you eat and sleep. This screams bad.

But from my secondary perspective might as well if you've decided to watch your world burn.

larpers gonna larp

Gok for it! So what if your wife finds out. Man up and get some sweet ass

Slut I’m cheating on my wife with. The sex is amazing. Worth it.

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Add me on Kik to discuss this bro I’m into it

>Men cheating
You're just making life harder for other men.

bruh nice LARP, that picture is from the Canada-girls thread

She has tatoos ... she's probably cheating on you already

Look like your kid already on them titties. You may he too late nigger.

No. Never risk cheating with someone that doesn't live at least a half hour away.


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Best advice so far... kidding. She’s great sight to see everyday after work.

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Her fuckin' face is shooped, though. Do you have her real face?

Persians don't even want Persians.

This is her real face?

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Why are we calling them Persians? They like to be called Iranians.

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Gake and fay.

And the simple fact you are pondering it means you are a degenerate piece of shit. Just divorce and do it.

It is not cheating if she joins you.

I've dated several Persian women because I'm a slow learner I guess. They are bat-shit crazy. She is guaranteed to tell your wife.

third that

Fuck her. Your wife won’t leave. Your wife prob wants to fuck her finw ass too. That’s why she keeps her a a sitter. Setup pussy is the best.

No doubt. His wife is prob cheating on him and is using this bitch to get him caught and take half his shit. Bitches are grimey like that. Fuck the shit out of the little whore.

whats her ig?

Chances are your wife is already getting multiple bbc's every day, so why not get some thick ass back onto your thirsty rod?

Do you have discord user?