>scores two goals
>penalty and a tap in
>Sup Forums will still defend him
Scores two goals
>scores two goals
Enough said, fellow macaco
>scores two goals
stopped reading there
>scores two goals
>hurr durr he scored 2 goals what a cuck
unironically that tap in was not easy at all to hit
>Sup Forums by a large majority is laughing in every thread at Tapenaldo's inhability to do anything but scoring tap-ins and penalties
>"Sup Forums will still defend him"
The austistic couple of guys and their sock puppets like the NZ mentally ill proxy opening 10 threads a day to defend his mancrush is not exactly "Sup Forums" defending the fraud.
>a CF shouldn't score tap ins
>scores two goals
enough said, stay mad
>>scores two goals
>>penalty nearly saved
>>tap-in is actually the cross deflected in by his knee
>>misses two free kicks from 20 meters
>>misses tap in from 10 meters
>>Sup Forums will still defend him
>Higuaín scores 2 goals
FFFFat SHIT CUNT t.ortellini choker
>Penaldo scores from a penalty and a tap in out of pure luck
they both chocked away 2 goals which would mean a save next round especially for juve
>2-2 at home is the same as 3-1 at home
dumb favelao
>he shouldn't score because his haters will be seething again
Top kek.
this more than defending him. this is some uefa babbie shill work
according to Sup Forums there was only 1 game on tonight
Stop posting shitskin gypsie
>both score 2 goals
>B-BUT Ronaldo is better cuz his teammates are better
Ronaldo didn't miss crucial penalty you brainlet monkey. Also Higuain is and always was biggest choker so that's what makes people actually make fun of him and him being memed on. But what would you know, probably got your first TV last summer.
no we wont
>Higuain scores a goal, scores a penalty, misses a penalty and misses an easy chance
this, honestly this
>both penaldo and higuaín miss a lot of goals
>both score 2 goals
>penaldo is carried by kroos and marcelo
>piguaín c-choker!!! penaldo #respect from panama
>unironically comparing Higuain to Ronaldo
With brainlets like you no wonder your country is still in 19th century. But I ll give you the benefit of the doubt and guess you are just mad because Nerman got exposed.
>r-ronaldo is better cuz he's ronaldo
stop embarrassing yourself
Hope this will make your sleep a little bit easier.
Ronaldo is better because he's all time CL top scorer and assister, won the CL 4 times, won 5 ballon doors and 4 golden boots.
your Neymeme won a treble carried by Messi and a mickey mouse Olympics against 19 year old german shitters, and now everyone thinks he's actually worth 22222222222222222 millions
>run out of arguments
>(y-you) m-meanie huuuh
>achievements from a trillion years ago
>b-but they don't count when it's missi
>Higuain scored and amaizing goal
>Then a penalty
>Then fucked up a pretty good counter
>Then missed a penalty
>CR missed a sitter against the GK's face
>Then scored a penalty
>Then missed an absolutely open sitter again
>Then scored the hilarious tap in
That's ALL they both did. From tracking back, to tackling, to assisting, to whatever the fuck. The rest was up to their teammates. Higuaíns teammates fucked up, Cristiano's didn't.
Kek. See. That's your curse, gypsy autist... no matter how many retarded stats and marketing awards you throw at people's faces, most of them actually watch and remember the games, and WILL keep calling your fanboy bullshit for what it is.
>scores two goals
still stopped reading here
Go watch messi dribbling compilation it will help with the pain.
>won last UCL and ballon d'or
>a trillion years ago
What? I actually watched a interesting CL game and even got to laugh twice! What's not to like?
>stats and trophies are irrelevant because they hurt my feelings and when I watch Messi I feel good inside
seek professional help m8 I'm not joking.
>Ronaldo won la liga, CL, supercopa, club worldcup, ballon door, a trillion years ago
just dump that stat about missi not scoring in the cl quarters+ since like 2011 (penalties don't count you said it yourself chicos and chicas!) and they'll be over!
Messi has more trophies than Ronaldo
Messi has more goals+assists than Ronaldo
Simple as that
>not recognizing lionel ''la concha de tu madre'' missi as the one true goat
wow it's like you don't even soccer wtf dribbles bro
>arguing with huehue about Neymar Higuain and Ronaldo
>suddenly the mentally ill argentinian
Messi plays next week kid, or go make another thread.
kek, I like how it starts arbitrarily in 2011, the year where Messi dribbled past 5 Ronaldo's teammates and single-handedly eliminated Ronaldo from the cup in semifinals
I also like how it's not even true
You brought up Messi yourself, imagine being this retarded
>gets a shitty pass but the goat still controls it some how
>Messi has more goals+assists than Ronaldo
in la liga
>Messi has more trophies than Ronaldo
carried by 7 world cup winners, half of those are Xavi's
>I like how it starts arbitrarily in 2011
8 years ago in not enough? really? how much back to you want to go to dig out solo goals against Gago and Sol Campbell?
>in la liga
in the world cup too
>is literally the star of the team, not just the most goals but also the most assists
>8 years ago
so you want to delete Ronaldo's humiliations by Messi because they happened [random number] years ago? nah
>gago and sol campbell
and Ronaldo, who was invisible in both games
and Gago, the guy that Messi carried to a World Cup final, kek
Yikes... cringing hard
Why is it that in a sport like Basketball what Steph Curry does is more impressive than Klay Thompson because he is able to create his own shot rather than rely on others yet in football every goal is viewed as the same?
>Sup Forums tries to defend it
>he taps it in on the rebound
It's not, everybody knows Ronaldo is no better than Cavani
Swap them around, and the result is the same
and it was an accident
>7 consecutive seasons scoring +10 goals in the CL, while no other player has done so in more than two
>it's luck, I SWEAR!!!
the absolute state of messifags
>scores two goals
isn't that a good thing?
it's not luck, he has a team that creates 5 chances for him in every game he plays, plus penalties
>el clasico stats carried by Xavi and games against Nigeria at the world cup
big boy games aka CL/knockouts: Ronaldo shits on Messi and wipes his ass with barcelona shirts.
>he has a team that creates 5 chances for him in every game he plays, plus penalties
sounds a lot like Messi at his """""""peak"""""""
yes, his job is to score the goals but it seems like he scores them the wrong way
>Champions League:
>2012: chokes against Chelsea
>2013: chokes against Bayern
>2014: chokes against Atletico
>2016: chokes against Atletico
>2017: chokes against Juventus
>2014 world cup: chokes
>2015 copa america: chokes
>2016 copa america: chokes
mental illness
This. ABR is a mental illness
literally a wrong way or "wahhh my anus is ripped I hate pendalo" the wrong way?
2007–08: chokes penalty in CL final against Chelsea, if Terry doesn't slip, he costs his team the tournament
2008–09: cucked by Messi in the CL final (1)
2009–10: cucked by Messi in the league (2), chokes against Lyon in the CL R16
World Cup 2010: invisible
2010–11: cucked by Messi in the league (3), cucked by Messi in the CL semifinal (4)
2011-12: chokes penalty in the CL semifinal against Bayern
Euro 2012: invisible
2012-13: cucked by Messi in the league (5), chokes against Dortmund in the CL semifinal
2013-14: cucked by Messi in the league (6), bailed out by Ramos, Di Maria and Bale in the CL final
World Cup 2014: invisible
2014-15: cucked by Messi in the league (7), chokes to Juventus in the CL semifinal
2015-16: cucked by Messi in the league (8), bailed out by Ramos in the CL final
Euro 2016: chokes lot of chances throughout the tournament, doesn't face real opposition until the final, doesn't even play in the final (!)
2016-17: needs Barcelona to have legit goals disallowed to win the league, needs several offside goals to win the CL
2017-18: cucked by Messi in the league (9)
>Messi is leading head-to-head in games against Ronaldo
>Messi has almost as many goals in two fewer seasons
>Messi has more assists
>Messi has more titles
>Messi has been the man of the match twice as much*
>Messi's best CL performances are 9, 9 and 8 MoTM performances, while Ronaldo's best are 7, 4 and 4*
>Messi's best league performances are 25, 24 and 20 games being MotM, while Ronaldo's best are 17, 13 and 12*
>Messi even has more succesful tackles
>Messi even has more succesful interceptions
* not even rated by journalists, actually calculated statistically based on performance
wait, has Barcelona and Messi really only won a champions legue since 2012? kek
>Ronaldo has never once choked in his entire career
He choked against Atletico both those years. He can thank Ramos for both winner medals
>2009–10: cucked by Messi in the league
>2010–11: cucked by Messi in the league
>2012-13: cucked by Messi in the league
>2014-15: cucked by Messi in the league
>2015-16: cucked by Messi in the league
>muh hattricks against bartenders from Osasuna and 10 men Eibar
>Euro 2012: top scorer
lmao what?
what a seething brainlet lmao.
So you're saying Real Madrid lost the league all those years because Ronaldo couldn't do the same against Osasuna and 10-men Eibar?
>Ronaldo couldn't do the same against Osasuna and 10-men Eibar?
So you admit Ronaldo needs good teammates that feed him perfect passes to truly shine and can't do shit on his own?
>and can't do shit on his own?
AND STILL he's CL top scorer and assister, trully the GOAT
And he only achieved that when, like I just said, he had teammates that fed him perfect passes for him to tap in, like today. You literally just proved my point lol
>2 more seasons
>30 matches more
>22 goals more
Enjoy this years while they last, cause all of Sup Forums knows that Messi WILL surpass cr7 in EVERYTHING at the end of their careers
Woah dude, get off his dick for a minute. Let the guy prepare for the next game.
>2017: chokes against Juventus
To be fair, juventus was pretty fucking great those games
>all of Sup Forums knows that
>everybody knows
no they dont lol, but in your head obviously they do
>juventus was pretty fucking great those games
and Ronaldo still raped them in the final.
the finish on that "tap in" was absolutely clinical.
you will find very few footballers in the world who could score with their knee with such ease
it is as if Cristiano 'CR7' Ronaldo has feet on every part of his legs
I cant even kick a ball hard enough to get from the penalty spot to the goal, please dont say scoring a penalty is easy
reminds me of his goal against north korea. incredible reflexes and understanding of where the ball always is
lmao antiCR7 fags seething
>Missing a penalty is the same as missing a free kick
Nobody says he shouldnt score. He absolutely should score goals like this but comparing him to Messi is just pure retardation. They dont even have the same role. A goal is a goal and shouldnt be distinguished from dribbling
Based Syria Poster
>ronaldo stats
>so, you admit having the Spain team who dominated world football feeding you passes iS better than having fucking Gago, Drenthe and Lassana Diarra?
Your contortionism is wonderful. Are the rapefugees just trying to stay the fuck away from you?
taci ba tigan prost
>scores two goals
Don't need to read further.
Mane scored 2 proper goals and he didnt recieved the golden ball
>doesn't win a copa america or world cup
>"dominates" in the same league as le statpadding greasy portuguese closet homo XD
>gets called GOAT
it was a really good penalty tbf
Spuse jupanul cersind pe strazile din Paris
I thought Villa and Puyol only had 1 Euro
Ronaldo is so far past his prime, but he's still better than 95% of the other strikers out there.
>tap in
Who fucking cares. He still puts the ball in the net at an incredibly high rate. Most teams would kill for a striker like that.
Is messi better than ronaldo? Sure. But that doesn't take away from how good ronaldo actually is.
Why doesn't everyone else do it then?
Why does the bar keep raising?
>Lol statpadder against relegation teams only
Scores against PSG in cl twice
>Lol not even a bicicleta or rabona goal
I love raping halal shit
lmfao nothing triggers Sup Forums autists more than this cunt scoring an awful looking goal, myself included. He makes me seethe to the point where I just laugh at how this guy can get away with it.