Looks like The Rock and Statham are looking to cuck Vin out of his own franchise.
Looks like The Rock and Statham are looking to cuck Vin out of his own franchise.
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Vin is one of us, always will be. He's the dad of the franchise. his crew's the mom. That's how it's been from the get go, and it'll be that way. We love you Vin, no one and I mean no one will ever take you from us.
>Once Diesel learned that the final moments of the film would focus on his two costars — and not the main storyline involving Dominic Toretto’s newfound family — the actor reportedly became “enraged,” raising all sorts of hell with NBC Universal until they finally agreed to remove the sequence from the film. As The Wrap notes, the studio went so far as to have “all the theatrical prints recalled and cut the scene.”
I love Vin but this just makes him seem like a crazy ex girlfriend
Vin literally made the franchise what it is and put his entire reputation, and potential as a serious actor, on the line to make a blockbuster franchise that highlights the importance of family. I get where he's coming from
I think you got that a little backwards, kid. He tried to leave, had a string of flops, and came crawling back for pennies on the dollar.
I still can't tell if this is supposed to be a marketing stint or not. The whole "candy-ass" argument thing sounded too ridiculous the first time around.
Whoever drew this is a genius.
No there's a hilarious interview about it
They kept trying to get him to return for a sequel with multiple scripts and he kept saying no, so they offered to let him produce and have creative control over the script so he finally said yes
go to bed vin
desu, that seems like a good reason to cut him from future movies.
If I were an exec, I wouldn't want the guy in any of my movies.
Why the fuck is Vin so out of hand lately?
>Looks like The Rock and Statham are looking to cuck Vin out of his own franchise.
It's what Paul Walker would've wanted.
Who is more unhinged, Christian Bale or Vin Diesel?
>Vin enraged with the Big Guys
Of course...they never learn...
>big guy
Havin a giggle are we?
I don't like that Vin Diesel.
They seriously should've stopped making more movies after the first 3.Anything after 3 was pure garbage
The movies were about drag racing and family.
What the fuck happen.
The series is fine. They allways were unrealistic trash, they're just taking the series to it's logical conclusion.
Even though I don't hate the series and think the user you're responding to is an idiot, posts like yours makes me remember how absolutely stupid film embryos can actually be. Holy shit you're an idiot. Please go back to Sup Forums and don't come back, you fucking tourist.
That sucks, Rock and Statham were the best part
>muh street race
nobody gave a fuck about those movies and anyone bringing those up are just people whining about the duration of the franchise
It was pure capekino.
I gotta admit that it does seem like they're trying to phase out vin and his character
I've got bad news for you. This whole series was crap
power play, they want to milk this franchise for 100 movies and want out of the deal they struck with him
the early films suffered when he was AWOL but now they probably dont care to keep any of the OG characters and just want to make it some ongoing thing where the guberment (as of now the Rock) recruits streetcar drivers for heists
>corona corona corona
Vin is a big gay nerd with no personalty and The Rock is a cool guy.
I'm totally down for a Rock/Statham movie series.
Read the second paragraph. Dwayne posting this sentence alone must make Vin furious
literally only the first one was
then they realized they lucked into a goldmine but you can't exactly keep doing sequels around racing 1/4 mile in a straight line
i feel like cinemasinsguy makes a good point that people will sperg out over how cancerous michael bay movies but give F&F a pass when huge stretches of 5,6, and 7 are hot garbage
is it all based on nostalgia for the first one?
vin diesel made this franchise and without him, it will be another generic action film
>you now remember in the first movie when vince calls paul walker a faggot
>attempting this now would cause mass outrage and protest
f&f is not cg garbage and actually uses some practical effects and has good direction.
>listening to cinemasins
Manlets are easily riled up
Is the Rock secretly a cock? I could believe it. He could easily be full of shit given the layers of cool nice guy he puts on.
>mfw Vin Diesel is turning into the new Steven Seagal
Nobody has said negative things about the Rock so far.
While Vin Diesel has a bit of a record.
I can see Hollywood trying to fuck over anybody inside. It is after all filled with Jews. Maybe Vin has a reason to be pissed. I don't think Vin is the pedo or faggy type so he sticks out, but I could be wrong.
He isn't a serious actor, he never had a reputation, these films are trash and are only successful because of chinks and retards like you
Candy asses.
The bants between Stathem and Rock is the best part of the film.
5 was alright. Brazil is always a good setting for a movie.
>Vin built this series
>Bankrolled it at times
>Put years into building the story about family up from being something about street racing to having actual serious characters and a fleshed out story
>Producer cucks come in and fuck with the story
>Vin gets mad
>Internet makes out like he's the bad guy instead of meddling Jews
instead of ruining the series, they should just make a buddy cop movie with the rock and statham
>most popular
According to who? Brian and Dom are synonymous with this franchise. Literally only nu-males and cucks know the rock's character
Not even joking, they need to make a Statham-led spin off of Spy
I'd watch a Rock & Statham spinoff.
Thing is, the main series should've ended with 7.
Why is Dwayne so big in your picture, OP?
>INB4 Crank 3 where The Rock steals Chevs gf
Fake news. Hollywood Jews are trying to ruin Vin's career for some reason. Bet you anything we'll start seeing gay "rumors" from an anonymous source soon.
Dwayne Johnson isn't on a box.
Vin Diesel is up a flight of stairs.
Vin is literally a producer of the franchise
The africans reaction makes a lot more sense now 2bh
>You were almost a serious actor? You were never a serious actor. You never had a reputation
vin diesel is a charismaless charmless actor and this is the only thing he has left. but no one gave a shit about fast and furious til THE ROCK came on board, then it started making billions.
maybe he can go make more xXx movies idk
>xXx3 only did well in China
Vin on suicide watch
>but no one gave a shit about fast and furious til A GOOD DIRECTOR came on board
fixed that for you
t. The Rock
Paul Walker was legit heart and soul of the franchise IMO
>tfw I enjoyed all of the Walker/Diesel installments
The series died with Walker.
no fucks given to han
kek is that real? the rock is standing like 3feet further away from the camera to make vin look bigger.
who do you think is the bad guy in the next movie?
They already said that are making a spin off where he is alive.
lmao actually
i had hoped the series would die with walker. it was hilarious how ppl were so saddened about the guy from skull and bones dying.
probably charlize theron again but maybe team up with somebody else
theres too many family members now.
He's standing next to him but sperglords try to meme they're face to face
The best FF was Tokyo Drift and everything afterwards was shit. Fight me.
5 & 6 were the pinnacle of the series.
Weebcuck cringe on-point af hahahaha
The sequels with Han were good, but now that he's gone, idgaf about the ones that came after
Don't even joke about that nigger, if our boy Vin turns out like that sack of shit I'm going on a bender
Are you Asian? Be honest.
I mean you're not wrong so there's no reason to.
the Rock was pretty sucky in the movie but I suspect it was due to Vin being in the final cut eiditing bay
what you talking about, he was quipping so hard and some of them were too corny to enjoy them.
stuckmann made a kino review
Based Rock
Vin is fucking shit
That's pretty funny. They probably still hate each other behind the scenes.
>Those who have seen the film know that Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham‘s chemistry is one of the real highlights of the film; as the movie progresses, their two characters have gone from mortal enemies to begrudging friend
Yeah let's have the LAW ABIDING DUDE totally team up with a murderer who killed Torretto's friend Han.
Torretto never murdered anyone, he just stole a shit ton of electronics.
What a retarded combo. Unless Dwayne's character somehow puts Stratham's character on a huge probation to repent for his bullshit he caused, then it's fucking stupid as shit.
Statham was almost the end all villain of the F&F franchise until these last 3 movies as a trilogy, finding out Statham has a family too that deals in this entire thing on a global scale.
Is this board a literal clickbait now?
it was revealed that cypher forced him and his brother to kill the familia
also you have the same reason why i didnt go see this movie
that's fucking retarded
he could've at least dropped hints that he wasn't wanting to do this solely for vengeance that his brother was in a coma, but jesus
jason saved diesels son, thats the excuse for familia
The Cuck is a leech. Vin built the franchise and now the big grease champ is trying to take all the credit.
>diesels son
what, did this new movie show that torretto had a kid?
This all started because The Rock wouldn't have a Corona.
>Torretto never murdered anyone, he just stole a shit ton of electronics.
He murdered or was complicit in the murder of a lot of people in F8.
it was revealed that cypher had diesel son and the partner cop of dwayne from fast five (brazil) had a kid with diesel when michelle rodriguez was '''dead''
The Rock tries way too hard to be a "super nice" guy and make sure everyone notices it. I'm with Vin on this one
>get cast in small Point Break inspired street racing movie with bunch of other young, upcoming actors
>it does surprisingly well at the box office
>say no to the sequel because you're a serious actor now
>most of your movies flop financially and critically
>agree to cameo in the third movie
>it does just well enough that the studio is gonna fund a fourth movie if all the original cast members return
>they do
>director ups the stakes of the franchise and actually turns it into a huge scale blockbuster series that gets bigger with every installment
>launched back to stardom
>start acting like a little spoiled bitch
>at the point where the studio is probably considering firing you
it's like poetry
Vin is the worst male of the crew, and Tyrese is basically a racist 1960s caricature of a black man. This movie would've been XXX bad without Rock and Statham.
this is making me miss Paul