User....I need advice. I've been hooking up with this MILF I work with....and my live-in girlfriend just found out...

user....I need advice. I've been hooking up with this MILF I work with....and my live-in girlfriend just found out. She's been screaming at me for the last couple hours and is threatening to move out. What do I say to get her to stay? I don't have feelings for this other woman, it was just hooking up

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Your taste in porn is frightening


Top kek

Why were you cheating if you cared about losing the other one?

I don't have feelings for her or anything, it was just hooking up. I didn't want to hurt my girlfriend

First you're going to need to prepare yourself to look the part.
I suggest a pale white foundation. About 3 layers will do. From there put on a red nose and join a circus, because apparently you realtionship is a fucking joke.

99% of posts about relationships on Sup Forums turn out to simply be proof that op shouldn't be in a relation

Exactly, you cared if you lost the gf. Why cheat on her?


Like I only know for sure cuz of my own failed relationship(s). But damnit we can be dumb. Like we get so caught up our own asses to not even see how much of a fuck up we are. And then we sit around and whine about it like it's everyone else's fault.

Maybe dont be a cheating faggot

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How hot is gf tho?

Got any pics?

Then why did you?


I'm hoping op at least has a really jackknifed explanation of why it was okay

What can I say...I was just horny and did something stupid. But I don't want my girlfriend to leave

you say...

i understand why you're upset and completely understand that i made a terrible mistake. i hate that i did it to you and to myself, to put us in a situation like this. it's unfair and wrong.

and then accept it like a fucking man when she ditches your ass AS SHE SHOULD

You need to literally admit to her you are dogshit, and that you and only you are at fault here.

You made a dumbass little kid move being all selfish and shit.

You don't deserve her back, get that through your thick skull.

In the hopes that she will forgive your nasty cheating arse, you will never talk to this other woman outside of the work related unavoidable conversation.

And you better be doi g breakfast in bed for her for the rest of your life. Pathetic.

Didn't seem to bother you one damn bit till she caught you.
So fuck off with this petty nonesense

She's probably gonna leave you. The only thing you can do is apologize and accept her decision to leave someone who clearly doesn't make her happy.

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Been there. Paid the debt. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but here we are. Good luck on your new life, friendo

Go to bed Darryl.

man the fuck up faggit and accept your fate.

Yeahh...Elon was all time..!

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You deserve everything that's coming to you, dont try and stop it you piece of shit. Own your mistakes.