If you vote for Trump you deserve to have the fuck beat out of you.
If you vote for Trump you deserve to have the fuck beat out of you
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That's why I carry a gun so i can defende myself from irrational people who want to do me harm only because I have a different opinion than them.
Wow, how peaceful and sane of you. Fuck off. Trump 2020, fuck your feelings!
nice try trumpshit
we tried that for the past 3 years
you didn't listen
now you're going to talk to the fucking hand bitch
I voted for trump
100% fact
I wanted to see this guy get kicked out of office
I'm loving this shit
It sucks that it's taken so long it even seems the shit has ran its course to where the Senate wont dispose of this trash
You'll be talking to muh .38+p
Yeah, you cant remove someone from office who hasn't done anything wrong.
And they say Republicans are the violent, irrational ones.
>That's why I carry a gun
Actually I'm glad you brought that up.
The first thing you'd notice is your gun getting kicked out of your hand. Then you will be pistolwhipped with your own weapon.
And if you don't shut up you could be fed pieces of your own gun as it is dashed against the pavement. Do you understand, trumpshit?
I didn't vote for Trump in 202616, but I will vote for him in 2020.
I don't even like him, but he's way better than the alternatives.
Tolerant left. "Vote for my candidate or I'll attack you"
Ok Walker Texas ranger. Sure you'll kick my ar15 out of my hand....
That's admirable, user. You might join me in here telling trumpies like that they literally need to have the fuck beat out of them for still supporting this shitbat.
If your In arms length reach I'm not drawing my gun lol.
No we won't. Your gun will very likely be used to give you a cockpunch, and if you shut up after that, maybe we'd send you off with an empty gun.
>Texas ranger
Then you need to be reported to your superiors that you are threatening to abuse your powers as an officer. You need to shut up or step down asshole. That's a fact.
>gun getting kicked out of your hand.
Kek please tell me this is b8
Idiot I was saying you're a wannabe walker texas ranger. How retarded are you
Stop talking about your stupid cringing penis extension. We all know you're trying to hide behind it. It doesn't mean shit and your gun could be shoved up your ass if you keep talking shit. Step to the front of the line and take the beating you deserve. Maybe you'll only get one if you shut up and take your fucking punishment.
You don't even have to do that, just stick the gun in his gut and shoot
Look shut the fuck up. If you're a trumper, you need to have the fuck beat out of you. If you're going to post from the wrong side of this discussion, you deserve a beating as well.
But you lean left. Studies have shown by default I have more testosterone than you. You cant physically overpower me nor beat me with skill unless you know how to counter bjj and muay thai.
I bet you say that to all the girls.
Me, my entire family, every friend we have, and every guy in my local union is gonna vote for Trump, you cunt. So fuck off and die.
You won't do shit. As you attempt to aim your gun will be kicked out of your hand and used to fucking beat you with it. Shut up trumpshit.
Shut the fuck up and stop trying act like you're in control. You aren't.
Do faggots really think this happens?
If you were threatened at all, you'd shit yourself, let alone with a gun.
Too risky. At that range I'd use my taser strobe flash light and round kick his left knee.
>I have more testosterone than you
which means you're balding with a shrinking penis
your point?
>your gun getting kicked out of your hand.
It means I'm your wives boyfriend. Now be good or we will take your switch away
Fuck the flunky
He is bound to become a new curse word for whatever eternity is left
Hourly reminder
and this is why people keep their guns and will vote for trump in 2020 - also good bait thread
he's creating jobs retard - please fuck off and goodnight
Anyone think there may be a civil war?
>actually believing this
>ruining your country to “own the libs”
I’d laugh if it wasn’t so pathetic
your own gun will be shoved up your ass if you don't shut up and take your beating now
no trumpshit
I’m looking forward to all these second amendment humping losers getting absolutely shitstomped by the majority of America
my fuckin sides
Imagine taking this bait lol
I agree. Fuck the jews and people that protect them like Cheeto Rabbo. gas the kikes race war now.
>he's creating jobs
for rich people
step to the front of the line trumpshit
front of the line
Imagine seething this hard three years later.
No, but there's going to be an open season on Liberals. Unfortunately, there's going to be a 5 Liberal Limit
Yeah, creating jobs for Chinese children
You’re a joke
- the rest of the world while youre hating each other for voting "incorrectly"
>durr the j00s durr
found the 8th grader
Rich people are the only ones contributing to society anyway.
You should be glad someone actually pays taxes.
With what guns?
did you learn a new word sucking cock over at Sup Forums trumpshit
shut the fuck up and take your beating
which sounds like it might be more than a couple times a week
>conservacuck "humor"
He's creating jobs for rich people? Is that really your argument? You suck at this faggot.
>rich people contribute
but you don't trumpshit
your asshole is making a huge sucking sound
a good fisting might plug it up
...said the person with no guns.
bend over trumpshit
Pieces of your own broken gun will be force fed to you until you shut up
Keep dreaming. The senate will let him stay =)
Everyone has benefited.
Best economy in 35 years.
Why is Ignorance and leftism so linked?
I wish, I would love to gun down lefties.
Most would start crying if they had to shoot anything larger than a .22
Good luck fuck
>ruining your country to “own the libs”
Country is better than it has been in decades.
But continue being stupid. It's not like you have a job anyway.
lol we are the majority and faggots like you can't even shoot.
We are waiting ever so patiently bitch
This has nothing to do with the Senate trumpshit
it has everything to do with the fact that you literally need to have the fuck beat out of you.
This is bad bait
I paid more in income taxes last year that you probably make all year.
This guy gets it
Do you enjoy hard erect penises? Have a lot of them saved on your computer?
As am I
Then why don't you volunteer? Name a time and place for you to "beat the fuck out of" him?
We'll all come and see.
If you back out, you're a pussy though.
Yeahh...Elon Musky..you was all time..!
OP is a troll
MAGA 2020
I voted for him the first time and will again...
Get use to it, he’s going to be president for another term...
Watching all the keyboard warriors cry and whine is very enjoyable....
It was Andy Six, his turds was ALL TIME.... Sup Forumsro!
Ok liberal
Do any of these libfags have any fucking clue how guns even work?
Ya gonna tell your mommy on me?
Nah, fuck you, trump pisses off people I don't like without even trying. I'm not gonna put a jew, a woman, or a chink in the office. kys and don't have a nice day.
america deserves trump. we dont deserve a functioning govt. putin won. game over.
Go back to Sup Forums faggot
Trump2020. lol. Eat shit.
Lmao delusional soyfaggot
if you encourage violence based on politics, you are a terrorist.... all terrorists should get raped and their heads cut off.