Seeing your club choking in an new original way every year since you're a little boy

>Seeing your club choking in an new original way every year since you're a little boy

I still believe we will make it, r-right ?

Is your team even playing the Europa League?

u got refballed last year desu

Suck to be you, Abdul

>the flag
>the image

The last goal was still choking. And you can't refball without chances.

Last year was the biggest way PSG choked since that game at Salzburg.

>thinks that n*gros have that high IQ to play football intelligently
PSG will never win anything European if their team continues to fill with low IQ retards.

>low IQ

Only Neywar was to blame tonight. Lo Celso had a lack of experience and made the same mistake Marquinhos did last year with Suarez, but after that, PSG played well. Until the last ten minutes.

Barcelona is arguably the best team in the world though. You guys didn't get horribly refballed, but you did get refballed in slight ways. And with a team as good Barcelona, even slight refball gives them a massive advantage. For example, I agree that the last goal was a huge choke, but you were only in that situation because the refs gave Barcelona like 5 or 6 minutes in extra time. It's those little refball things that added up, the little things are all Barcelona need to come out on top. Just because it was minor refball doesn't mean it wasn't refball, had there been no refball at all you would have won.

It's still choking. In every way. And it's not the first time.

But I must admit PSG could find resources to win other games, like the 4-0 just before or the game against Chelsea in 2015. We use to say that PSG is a cup team because they can give everything on one precise game, just like you need it. 16 cups won in 25 years without even counting Ligue 1

if the eagles won the superbowl, psg can win the cl

So you were born in 2010? You don't belong here

Stop falseflagging
>implying we would have been eliminated if no refballs last year

>remember Bernard Mendy and his third post centers
>remember Apoula Edel
>remember Reinaldo

>Meunier falling
>Kurzawa's own goal

>we began to do it by ourselves, the refs just finished the job

that is far from a good comparison

Not even a historical team in france


fucking gabachos you are a disgrace to earth

we didn't even thought we would be C1 conterders 10 years ago, so it's okay to not win C1 now, the problem is that we used to do well in european cups (even last years with at least quarters or in the '90s).

I'm happy if PSG wins the Champions League in 2026, just before Mbappé scores the only goal of the World Cup Final in Los Angeles.

>he supports ps fucking g
Mohamed? Is that you?


Wait. That's a word we Mexicans use for Americans.

it is spoken differently, but everything in shithole states come from europe.

Yeah we began ourselves, and so we deserved to lose that game. Not the elimination

>spend 500m in two players
>to win ligue1
lmao congrats guys

We don't care about Ligue 1 that much that we refused a title in 1993

>not because Canal + wanted to keep all their southerners subscribers

>tfw the worst Ronaldo in over 15 years still scores 3 against you

>we didn't even thought we would be C1 contenders 10 years ago

I doubt you'd think you'd be owned by one of the richest families in the world then though. You are one of the richest teams in Europe, you shouldn't be getting beaten 3-1 by the team 10 points off second in La Liga

Gotta love this retarded meme that people parrot. Sup Forumstards are such braindead sheep

Two goals and one was a penalty

>Penalties aren't goals

I'm not sure how they keep fucking up. They literally have a handful of important games a season and they just keep losing. The french league could be won with just their reserve players.

>wow ronaldo shat on you lmao hat trick hero wow
>it was just a penalty and one normal goal

Ronaldo's two goals meant RM got 3 pints
Ronaldo is at his worst in many years
doesn't matter how they were scored, Ronaldo everyone has been saying is past it has as good as knocked out PSG

>A fucking leaf

>he got madrid 3 points
Just stop posting you're embarrassing yourself