He wasn't alone.
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Star Wars was literally a mistake, the original movie should have never been made.
>those copy and pasted storm troopers
>literally just mirrored
It would be okay if they didn't look like ass from this angle.
So all the dull female humans? No aliens?
Christ it's a fucking miracle TCW even got made.
No, actually they confirmed Maz Kanata will be in it as well. And there's nothing dull about Leia.
Buttholes eyes midgets don't count, and they're not protagonists.
Okay, try again but in English.
>that art style
Its going to be cheap flash animation isn't it.
The Newgrounds flash cartoon animation is a bigger travesty than the pandering
It's got the animation of a parody skit on adult swim
>Lucas never killed Han Solo because dead Han figures wouldn't sell
>Years later dead Jyn Erso figures are selling like hot cakes
Makes me think
she was never confirmed dead
This is how Star Wars dies with thunderous nu-male cucks.
It looked pretty confirmed to me
>Jyn Erso figures are selling like hot cakes
Says who?
Only reason Han died is because he hates Star Wars and wanted to get out of there. Same thing as Obi-Wan.
The 200 Jyns on my shelf
Are you a Walmart?
Jyn and Cassian pegwarm hard along with Rey and Finn. I have no idea what you're talking about.
usually they put clearance items in a bin
Still can't bring myself to beat off to Leia.
You're mistaken, that's the point I was trying to make.
The only character you can't find from the new movies is Phasma. That's it, and only because it's Brienne of Tarth in shiny armor, not because of anything having to actually do with the films.
I think the old EU did a better job of being "feminist". You had legitimately important female characters, heroes (Leia, Jaina, Tenel Ka), villains (Isard, Daala), and both (Mara, Tahiri). They were all actual characters, with at least a bare minimum level of depth and character development.
But the new stuff? Just seems a bit boring, almost as though "strong female character" means "completely invincible and has a vagina".
>"completely invincible and has a vagina".
It also means brunette and English.
I'm trying to give it a fair chance, but it just keeps disappointing me. Watching Rogue One and it's just terribly predictable at this point. It's like they all have to be the rogue and the hero and the princess all in one all the time.
> tfw we will never have a series about regular trooper/rebel trying to deal with the civil war shit at their level
Jyn may not have been the most memorable character but Rogue One was great.
"series" of 2 minute shorts on youtube
I heard the second half is better so I have to wait and wee
Not the guy you're replying to but I didn't like Rogue One at all. It wasn't a bad movie, exactly, but it reminded me a lot of Episodes I and II. The vast majority of it was awful, with only the rare scene that made up for that awfulness. And the childhood nostalgia that got me through Episodes I and II wasn't in effect for Rogue One. Honestly, I would have left 20 minutes in if it wasn't for the fact that I was there with my little brother (who begged me to take him).
Little bastard says that it's his 2nd-favorite Star Wars movie, after Episode 6.
>didn't realize this in 1993
We had the Rogue Squadron book series, about Wedge Antilles and other X-Wing pilots doing their own thing in the immediate aftermath of Episode 6. Pretty entertaining, shows the perspective of the normal people while all this crazy high-level magic politics crap is going on.
I love that series (it's actually called X-Wing, Rogue Squadron is just the name of the first book). Especially the latter half about the commando group called Wraith Squadron. Probably one of the best things I've seen from the EU.
I saw a piece of Ahsoka concept art
Ahsoka sucks.
TFA: Female lead
Rogue One: Female lead
Rebels: Multiple female leads
Last Jedi: Female lead
Forces of Destiny: Female lead
Battlefront 2: Female lead
Your posts suck.
We need the bro's back in Star Wars.
Does literally anyone give a fuck
Her story is done, she's dead, who cares
I'm for it mainly because I want more Jyn, despite how Rogue One ended.
They need as many women as possible for the pandering. men no longer allowed, unless you're black.
>Her story is done, she's dead
I don't think they showed her die. I think she made it.
I do, I like her.
I want more of her.
So happy for this, even as a male fan. The girls always deserve the place Disney gives. Great work!! Keep ideas likes this living :D Gonna be so great!
She needs to live so she can give birth to Rey so Rey can take town the Galactic Patriarchy once and for all.
"Wew," as they say.
Why did BB-8 cum on Rey's face?
Rouge 1 is a thousand times better than tfa. But I'm not a star wars coniseur so my opinion means crap.
No, your opinion is just as valid.
don't encourage his shit
I'll encourage whatever the fuck I want and if you don't like it you can suck my dick.
that's a nice vagina you have there
You can feel free to lick it.
When will we get a Star Wars show/movie that is completely unrelated to a previous movie? No cameos, no relatives, just a completely clean slate.
Yeah, that's fair. They were both bad, but Rogue One was better. Although honestly, Rogue One was the one that made me realize that Star Wars is really just meant for kids. It's impossible to watch it as an adult for the first time and like it. You need nostalgia.
Never again. The mouse is in control now.
That's your personal opinion.
they have to have the lightsabers, xwings and darth vader and all the other imagery to be there for it to be star wars. this isnt 2003, you can't just make something with similar traits and expect people to recognize it. you have to copy 3/4's of the imagery to have people get hyped enough to go see it. that's why no one is excited for this tree shit because it looks lame as fuck but people go ape shit after seeing an AT-AT clone for the 5th time
Jesus christ
>only 2-3 min long episodes
Not even 15 minutes?
What the fuck?
my ass
Stormtroopers and that girl look like they are from two different shows.
>shows the perspective of the normal people while all this crazy high-level magic politics crap is going on
lol star wars as a franchise is such a joke. I shit at the people who try to make it more "serious"
I grew up watching star wars but I never got super into them. To me me they're a bunch of b movie tier popcorn flicks. I enjoy them them for for what they are but I never understood the fanatical devotion people have towards towards them. Hell I even liked the prequels.
And everything Star Wars since Disney took over has had a female lead, and their are no nonwhites on the bad side in the TFA or RO, except for Finn who switches to the good side 5 minutes into the movie, and their are no white male main characters on the good side in TFA or RO except for the ones from the OT where Disney had no say.
But there is certainly no agenda or pandering go on here, you must be a racist and sexist from Sup Forums if you noticed this!
I know I would
Never ever again. Every movie is going to push an agenda and forced diversity.
At least read the sample of it on Amazon before you pompously shit talk it.
There has not been a single white male protagonist or main character in Disney Star Wars except for Han and Luke where Disney had no choice in their race or gender. Every white male in Disney Star Wars has been a background character or on the bad side but there is certainly no agenda here.
A very good read. I tip my fedora to it.
Lol are you being sarcastic, because that is awful.
I can tell you find reading to be "beneath" you, like most teenagers.
>that's why no one is excited for this tree shit because it looks lame as fuck
they aren't excited for it because it's lame as fuck but original ideas still exist
>but original ideas still exist
not in this franchise anymore.
i love the x-wing series (best genre fiction) but you'll find nothing but condemnation for it if you staunchly defend it while posting an excerpt
Sup Forums can always find something to mock in an excerpt
>Grown men butthurt over a cartoon for little girls.
we'll never have because of retards like most of this board that shit on whatever tries to be any different(rogue one) than the manchildren good vs evil of the main series
lol I will never watch Star Wars again, haven't seen a Star Wars movie since The Clone Wars
Director Krennic, I rebel
Is this female focus actually paying off for disney?
Is there any data showing an increase in female fans since the focus shift?
>jews get mad about star wars being for everyone and make it for little girls instead
Now I'm upset it's a "show" with 2 minute episodes.
What kinda Jewery is this Shit?
probably they already have secure the white males. they will eat up this shit regardless so they're just trying to pull in women and make even more money.
but ree my man
>star wars cartoons have to be for everyone unless they're just for little girls
Why don't little boys deserve one? Is this the power of equality?
diversity hire project
foolish user
>All Lives Matter
Absolutely. Film and pop culture would have been better off without them.
nustar wars is dead to me.
Really? I stopped following Star Wars after how bad TFA was, are white males really that cucked now?
The Clone Wars
But you would think they would learn with how they've alienated their original marvel fans.
Anyway star wars real money maker is merchandise and women ain't buying that shit.
The Clone Wars was for everyone and not made blatantly for little boys like how this new cartoon is for little girls. The Clone Wars was also not created by Disney.