Is 13 reasons why worth watching?
Is 13 reasons why worth watching?
yes, just binged it in 2 days, its great
its like Twin Peaks Lite Highschool
It's not the slightest bit like Twin Peaks at all. Where the fuck is that comparison coming from?
I barely remember this book. Didn't some chick let herself get molested, witnessed a rape, and was in a car accident that knocked over a stop sign that later killed someone? All of this in one night. Shit is ridiculous.
>is X worth watching?
lol these threads. Come on user. As if your time is valuable and you need to be choosy. Come on.
More like 13 reasons why this show sucks!
I didn't like it, very cliche teen drama and obnoxious characters that just annoyed me. A lot of people seem to like it though so don't listen to me.
I liked it, but it isn't anything like twin peaks. twin peaks is SHIT.
Yes it's worth watching.
Yes the acting isn't brilliant.
Yes the characters are all dumb af.
Yes I cried like a pussy.
why does every retarded teenage white girl talk about this on twitter and makes shitty gifs and normie memez about it
is this the "paper towns" genre kind of stuff?
mre like 13 reasons why should i watch this
Why dontcha watch it and find out??
Read the book then watch the show. The show is pretty good, but you have to realize even Hannah had her flaws (despite her being the victim).
I'm about 10 mins in, full of cliches and cringe stuff, does this improve?
no there's cliche and cringe throughout it's very painful if you're not full normie
its meh but im still watching
am at ep 8 currently
i think its for a younger audience i wouldve liked it more if i was in high school i bet
hannah baker man, i dont wanna speak ill of the dead but..what a FUCKEN whore
You'll like it, unless you're an unsympathetic chad who bullied others and never gave a shit, or an unsympathetic nerd who got bullied and blames it on others, or if you're a tired cynical watcher.
What I mean is that you gotta feel for the character for this whole thing to work.
toni looks like a bro
even tho hes a faggot and a manlet
how come there are people on here that unironically watched this white girl cuckflix normiefest?
Lesbian asain chick is best character. Hannah is worst.
It's the type of show that's your run of the mill CW teen drama but since it's on Netflix instead people act like it's some dark, complex masterpiece that's totally different then all the other teen dramas about bullying.
>People like things i don't like
I haven't seen it mate but come on
That's another reason I actually liked the character. She wasn't some perfect, skinny, lala land, butterfly chaser that got accidently raped due to unforseen events. She was up for fucking in ep 2 then got BTFO by the chads saying Justin had poked her in the park. Then she was up for fucking the black dude. Then she sat flirting with chink dude. Meanwhile she was debating whether or not to fuck Clay.
She was literally hungry for the penis.
Dude, she's literally a reptillian.
did she get blacked?
pls answer
A girl dies at the beginning and people are sad about it.
13 Reasons Why is a dark but realistic YA Lit adaptation. Twin Peaks is about people literally getting possessed by rape demons in a town full of goofballs.
A lot more like Donnie Darko and Heathers than Paper Towns.
This is in that subgenre aimed at people who had to have weekly visits to the shrink in their teens.
Jeff was trying to talk Clay into getting laid by boring chicks. Clay wanted a rebel and an outsider like he proved he was by the end, not a cheerleader.
what are you even talking about? Jeff was trying to hook Clay up with Hannah for pretty much the entirety of the show
so what made her do it? bbc?
damn i forgot how much of a bro jeff was
Jeff died because he was such a bro.
>it's cool clay, you stay and fuck hannah, ill drive across the city for..
wait, why did jeff go driving again?
>That driving montage at the end
>The Stand by The Alarm plays as they drive off into the distance
beer run, they found smashed beer bottles in his car and thought he was drink driving
How the fuck did you manage to cry? I was keking to the next life when she was killing herself.
I almost cried several times watching this show, her killing herself wasn't one of them, but her parents bursting in to find her was
are you a teenage white girl that believes herself to be a deep complex person by any chance?
I want Tumblr to leave
no im a middle aged white man that has never browsed reddit, tumblr or twitter
I've only cried once my entire adult life without media
I've only cried twice my entire adult life from a form of media
I was pretty much Clay in this story and my girlfriend was Hannah but she didn't kill herself
I thought a combination of too much time spent on this website and taking political science classes in college had turned me into a heartless sociopath who thinks other peoples' lives don't matter
but this show, this show made me feel again
>How the fuck did you manage to cry?
This scene here.
I'm a parent, so putting myself in their shoes wasn't easy desu. I had a few lumps in my throat, but this scene here I had tears running down my face. I wasn't crying, I just couldn't stop my eyes from forming tears lel
It's snowflake bait, with mediocre acting about a self absorbed entitled chick, who blames everyone else for her mental illness. Literally every bitch on social media won't shut the fuck up about it, if it really takes a tv show to make you realize that bullying is wrong then I'm sorry you are fucking retarded.
not to mention the bullying in this show is very light (other than for the rape)
a nice kid i knew was bullied so bad i'm honestly surprised he never killed himself, what hannah went through in the first 11 episodes of this show seemed so shallow
If you like terrible television, unlikeable and unrealistic characters, and a fan base who is on joker level of damaged and wanna freak out mom you should check it out.
Haha, first episode even mentions han solo (little known fact - han solo is a fictional character in the space wars movie) which is a nice little wink to all the nerds who watch it ;)
Did she died?
Lol suicide is painless tho it brings on many changes.
Worth it just for this scene and the one when her parents find her corpse Also, rape
Can someone Thin Man edit this pic
>some vitcho sees her friend get raped and does nothing then goes into a hottub with the rapist and gets raped
>she then kills herself after making some gay tapes and is found by her completely innocent parents
I mean suicide is always a selfish act but that cunt deserved to be raped anyway. All the other reasons are bullshit
Haven't seen this shit show by the way
you never had many close friends, have you? This show is about the kind of really dark stuff friends confide in each other about how they feel.
No, its actually not worth watching on its own merit. If you're bored go for it.
>twin peaks is SHIT
>reddit post
Checks out