>I see the light and....the dark side.
What did she mean by this?
>I see the light and....the dark side.
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
She is the balance.
I thought it was supposed to be something deeper than I thought.
what did you think?
I thought she had the power to see the future just like her father. Luke.
what's going on with her arm
it looks like something from the 80s
will they do a more traditional poster?
Looks like she got hurt during her game training with Luke
>she has gray clothes
>gray jedi omg!!!!!
Apparently she sees the light side and, in addition to it, the dark side as well.
Many millenia ago, a family visited uncharted planet.
There, a Force sensitive tree has grown up. A boy and a girl visited it. They were the first humanoids that felt the Force .
Kids start to develop strange powers while standing near a mysterious tree.
The boy then apparently kills the girl and falls to the Dark Side, but she actually survives thanks to the powers of the tree and becomes the founder of the Jedi order.
The founder of the Jedi order eventually died, but promissed what has become a Jedi legend, that she will return as a "Chosen" in time that nobody knows, and should be trained by the Jedi to bring the balance back.
She was granted the spirit survival after death,
while the brother has seeked the way of immortality in flesh, as his spirit can't survive death.
The boy , his survival, is main reason of lost of balance in the Force.
Only demise of brother can bring back the balance in the Force.
The Jedi order has spent millenia in seeking to train the "Chosen One" as only the trained Chosen will bring the balance to the Force. They trained millions.
Rey is probably the incarnation of the Founder of Jedi.
Anakin was false "chosen one" designed by Snoke, in order to eradicate the Jedi.The reason was to kill all the Jedi, and to prevent the training of any eventual reincarnation of the "Chosen one".
will this finally kill the franchise?
The quote was actually something like.."I see light...I see darkness...and balance!"
I think Rey is supposed to represent the rebirth of the old type of jedi, before the sith broke off, and force sensitives became either light side users only or dark side only, before they were a mixed bag....they each embraced light side and dark side of the force and found balance within themselves.
>Light Side isn't even good anymore
>Dark Side isn't that evil
>It's all some balance BS game that involves both of them living in harmony together, that's the true will of the Force
>Luke, of all people, wants to end the Jedi Order to restore order
Seriously, what the hell? The Jedi Order was almost completely eradicated and wasn't even close to being restored when it was under Luke's leadership. Now, Luke wants to end the Order that he promised Yoda, Obi-wan, and his father he would keep alive? What, does he think the Jedi existing will somehow makes the Dark Side stronger?
I'm sure being a hermit made him think about how all of this is complete bullshit and that just maybe those force ghosts were wrong.
It's not like they forced him into anything.
>What, does he think the Jedi existing will somehow makes the Dark Side stronger?
Thats literally the moral of the story. All of the stories. Not just Disney Star Wars. The very schism between light and dark is the problem that results in the cyclic chaos in the galaxy. Light wins, takes over...Dark wins, takes over, rinse repeat. He realized the cycle must end.
>Time is a flat circle
Shhh don't spoil it for the triggered faggots, they'll learn soon enough
I find it difficult to see how the Dark Side offers anything positive to people and why it needs to be part of the balance equation. Even their belief in freedom is horrendously corrupt, because it entails freedom from all restraints, including human morality, State Laws, and even emotional attachments, all of which should be accepted, enforced, and embraced by the Dark Side.
It's no wonder pretty much all the Sith are sociopathic, traitorous, eugenic darwinists that desire oppressing the weak and allowing only the strong to live. When your moral framework operates under the assumption that people shouldn't be treated humanely, and even trying to is considered slavery, then that's a messed up perspective. The Dark Side should be completely destroyed, not be some part of a balancing act.
All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again...unless light side and dark side have a baby, lets call her Rey, and within this baby, a new order is found, the Great Schism is ended. She doesn't choose to embrace light only and deny the natural darkness found in herself and all living beings, she doesn't succumb to darkness and gets lost in it, she learns to control it...she becomes the first in eons to find balance in the force...and the conflict ends
Or we could all hope for the best and see an end to the "Skywalkers do everything" era and they just fuck off somewhere
I hope they fix her character in this movie now that Jew Jew Abrams is not directing it.
basically to fit disney's new political correctness agenda for star wars.
There must be some kind of way out of here
what's that tree story all about?
I know this is the "start" auf the light and dark side (supposedly ) but is it canon or sth?
Forcing memes doesn't work, it's just sad.
That's an interesting interpretation
kill yourself and go back to leb/b/it
>I don't need training to use the force because I could use it in TFA but I'm going to be trained by Luke in how to use the force anyway
What did she mean by this?
Grey Jedi is retarded EU bullshit that is based on a complete misunderstanding of the way the Force works in the main series of movies
fuck you srsly
just fucking kys
instead of answering you decided to be a complete asshole with an inbred answer
you fucking dumb pile of freakin shit
words cannot describe how fucking useless and pointless you and your dim-witted and gormless response are
jesus christ
fuck you
preposterous piece of shit
So is rogue one worth it?
I'm thinking of watching it with my family for free
You're not particularly bright, are you?
She doesn't want to hurt the feelings of the old fart.
The Sith are the good guys. They just want everything to be more efficien. Like Germans.
Forget RLM but Mike has a point, these fucking movies are so asexual.
Atleast in the OT we had Leia flirting and Han eventually scoring Leia.
Nowadays they want gritty, but ban everything human. Why not make Rey getting all hot for Kylo because hes mindraping her. And then shes struggling between her addiction to sith dick and being a preppy jedi.
Fuck this sterile Disney shit. Sci-fi as a whole needs the pulp treatment. MORE sex and gore!!!!
If both sides of the force are part of a greater whole that is neither good or bad then we can safely say Disney Star Wars is now fanfiction tier.
I ain't even a star wars fanboy and even I know the dark side is the bad side. Its based in Zoroastrianism. The "balance in the force" is when the dark side is defeated, not when both exist in harmony.
If both existing in harmony like yin and yang becomes the story, then it's a flat out retcon. The balance comes from DEFEATING the dark side. Come on Disney.
Who here eagerly awaiting the /quips/?
Its not and never was. Force is neutral, only the force user can decide for what porpuse he uses this power, to create or to destroy.
Thats the great thing about RotJ which was only hinted at. Luke posseses both but eventually solves everything by just being the level-headed farm boy instead of an indoctrinated prodigy who broke under the pressure of his masters (Anakin).
>Grey Jedi is awesome EU content that is based on a complete logical expansion of the way the Force works in the main series of movies
>all these (((disney))) fags unironically excited for nustar wars
So this is how Sup Forums dies....with shilling and faggotry.
i think the quips will kick off when luke and leia reunite
she fell for the retarded meme that is horseshoe theory
being a curmudgeonly faggot must get exhausting bro
>tfw you bring balance to the force and defeat the empire only to be retconed to point 0 again.
ich checke die trips aber der post ist recht faschistisch du neger
Yea bro! You told that cis white hater!
>Why not make Rey getting all hot for Kylo because hes mindraping her. And then shes struggling between her addiction to sith dick and being a preppy jedi.
just like my animus
My guess is that Rey will bring Luke out of hiding and he'll realize that the galaxy is fated to a permanent battle between good and evil and that he's a faggot for giving up
>it's a Sup Forums thinks balance means equal light and dark force users
>muh grey jedi
Imagine being this bootyblasted by a meme.
Who else thought that Kylo scene was Anakin? They looked alike in that shot.
Back to Sup Forums, kiddo.
Couldn't Kylo's mug be slightly higher? Who designed this shit, it looks so odd
When are the memes guys?
You don't know where you are, do you?
t. Mickey mouse
It must get exhausting ignoring blatant pandering and agendas. Everything Star Wars since Disney has:
-had a female lead
-had no nonwhites on the bad side
-had no white male protagonists or main characters on the good side in any film except for Luke and Han where Disney had no control of their race and gender
But their is certainly no agenda or pandering going on here.
And MY axe
You are wrong. Balance was achieved when Vader and the Emperor got killed, the Force is good. George said that.
>Rey, see that tree down there? It's closely related to this event that my father was involved with during The Clone Wars television series about a forcewielder family: Father, Daughter, and Son. The Daughter being the Light Side, the Son being the Dark Side, and the Father being the bringer of balance until my dad killed them all. But anyway, Rey, there must always be balance. We have to do what it takes to make Grey Jedi relevant. Just like Ahsoka Tano. She was a Grey Jedi. Rey, you must watch Star Wars Rebels, now available on blu-ray, and to further understand my story, Star Wars The Clone Wars (2008 series also available on blu-ray). Grey Jedi are cool. You can also check the Massively Multiplayer Online Game Star Wars The Old Republic. Being a Grey Jedi there makes for a tedious playstyle but it's worth it. You can subscribe to the game for $14.99 a month. The Jedi must end.
It's in accordance with the golden ratio, pleb.
Luke is going to train her in the way of Hegelian Dialectics and she is going to negate the negation of the force through the sublation of both light and dark.
>muh cycle of light and darkness
>YFW Star Wars is a better Dark Souls story than Dark Souls was, and it will give us a better sense of closure.
I predict that Rei is gonna die in episode 9, and Kylo will end up being the one who brings balance to the force.
>a white male doing something good in Disney Star Wars
They fact that they're gray, by definition, means they're not jedi
so this is the true power of Disney
In the OT Jedi just meant trained in the ways of the force. It didn't mean light side force user like Lucas made it in the prequels.
You see, Rey... *Sniffs*
The light and the dark are nothing more than *scratchs*
Pure ideology!
Let me get this straight, there are many forms of Dark side users, one of which is the Sith which follows the doctrine by Darth Bane while the current Dark side users, the Knights of Ren, follow the doctrine of I assume Snoke, right?
Does that mean that not all "pure" force users are Jedi?
>a white male doing something good in Disney Star Wars
He'll end up being gay, gay white men are allowed.
The Force Awakens already showed some serious sexual tension between Kylo and General Hux
Of course it did you fucking retard. Were Vader and Palpatine called Jedi?
>Yoda goes on a half hour talk with Luke about how the dark side is bad
Fuck George. George doesn't know shit about anything.
What difference does it make? You'd still hate yourself.
whatever the current jewish (and probably female) writer(s) wants you to believe
There's the force and the dark side of the force. Using the force for ambitious purposes is considered the dark side. Jedi seek to prevent perversion of the force for one's own benefit.
Were they ever called Sith?
Just watched the trailer, i felt nothing.
Only in prequels.
They never mentioned what Dark Side users were called in the OT.
i think they are referred multiple times as "sith lords"
>Disney shills can't stop with the bad George meme
Nice one you got me, keep ignoring Disney's blatant agenda and pandering.
Das hast du aber toll gesagt. Musste bisschen lachen.
I usually go crazy for anything Star Wars. Even Rebels. But that trailer did nothing for me
>yfw you realize that the word "sith" was just invented by the jedi, to describe any force user who doesn't do what they are told.
The jedi were a fucking cult, and everyone in the universe regards them as such. They're always referred to as that wacky order of monastic mercenaries who won't shut the fuck up about the force.
>He says while shills and Mark Hamil run damage control for the prequels.
Someone's got a widdle winky!