>Young men suffer and die by the millions in WW1.
>Some are even shamed into conscription by women.
>A century later, massively financed blockbusters are made, depicting women as the real heroes.
Why is this accepted?
>Young men suffer and die by the millions in WW1.
>Some are even shamed into conscription by women.
>A century later, massively financed blockbusters are made, depicting women as the real heroes.
Why is this accepted?
>capeshit is shit
I doubt those young men would care.
Get laid
WW1 was one of the most retarded conflicts in the history of mankind, its an underlooked setting though, so the more it gets explored the better.
it was all the eternal anglos fault, obviously
>young men suffer and by die the millions in WW2
>comics come out explaining that Superman didn't kill all the nazis because Adolf Hitler had the Spear of Longinus
Teach me, sensei.
It's a comic book movie you autist, not a history class
Drop the dude I hate women lmao post
Yeah but S-Snyder's our guy?
Snyder isn't doing Wonder Woman
It's that hag who directed Monster and a bunch of cop shows
There's been literally hundreds film reiterations of the First World War - all depicting the average soldier's struggle with a grim, albeit sympathetic reality and tone. Why does making a fictional movie about a CHARACTER, not the event, upset you so much?
Granted, they could have come up with a better scenario to place her in - like Vietnam or the Greek war for independence. Seeing Wonder Woman slut it up with Lord Byron would have been a unique and fascinating tale to tell.
Why was it retarded?
Soldier worship is one of the most overrated things in our culture I swear to God.
They were drafted to serve in hell and bleed out for the affairs of fat rich men playing politics. That's tragic for them. Many died, many were permanently scarred. We should learn from that instead of pining to repeat it and sucking the dicks of everyone who suffered through it.
I just want to see Wonder Woman go berserk on the roaches
All films are inherently dishonest. And this is capeshit, I don't see why this of all things would upset you.
It just reminds me how lucky I am to be born in a time that I won't be conscripted to die in a war because some turk assassinated someone.
Thank god the only wars I fight are on the internet.
>Some are even shamed into conscription by women.
Sounds like bunch of pussies who needed to man up.
>its an underlooked setting though,
t. film embryo that hasn't watched a film before the 90's not named star wars
its just a film you triggerd Sup Forumsack. You had literally nothing to do with the war and have no "right" to be offended.
just ease down on the woman hate and go get laid yeah?
soldiers are the ones protecting you. show some gratitude.
Protecting him from what? Manufactured terrorism?
I admire people who choose to don the uniform, but in this day and age it's the uniform that's become undeserving of the man.
I do have gratitude. I also appreciate the farmers and ranchers who put food on the table, and the police who keep communities safe, and the cooks and waiters and staff who make the food, and the utility workers who keep the power on...etc...etc...
You get what I mean, right? Soldiers do nothing for me on a daily basis while my fellow citizens work their asses off to keep this nation great.
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
>muh misogyny
I love women even more than you love reddit, and that's saying a lot. You need to go back.
women are the real victims of war goy
She wishes she looked half as good in real life as she does in that poster
Everytime someone complains about something seen as petty or silly there's one or two people telling said person to go get laid. To the people that may be lurking right now that regularly have sex, does getting laid keep a person from complaining a lot? If yes, why is that? Genuine question, btw.
I actually tend to get more easily annoyed with women when I am in a relationship. If I go single for a long time, I eventually enter the "tfw no gf" mode.
You know, the grass is always greener and stuff. And no, getting laid will not magically cure your insecurities.
>these brave men fought for OP and his freedom to shitpost in a bhutanese cartoon imageboard
gee I wonder
>And no, getting laid will not magically cure your insecurities.
It helps, though.
do they call her wonder woman because you're wondering when shes gonna look like an actual amazon warrior?
Actually, I have no idea what they fought for. What was the actual reason for WW1?
Is that the official poster? They made Gal like twice as big as she really is.
Depends, but it does boost your ego, I'll grant you that.
Each nation had different reasons
Austria Hungary wanted to conquer the Balkans
Russia wanted to reestablish her former glory and liberate slavs
Germany wanted it's 'place in the sun'
France wanted its former eastern land back, and revenge to the humiliation of 1871.
Britain wanted to end the German naval build up
Italy wanted to be a recognized power
The Ottoman Empire wanted to restore its former glory.
The archduke shot an ostrich because he was hungry
And America?
>Kikes instigate war to make shekels
>Kikes continue making shekels after the war is finished by making stories about how they were the real victims of the war
Woodrow Wilson basically wanted to establish America as a non-isolationist, regional policeman. He wanted to show America was involved in global politics and assert itself, so he figured he could join so he could dictate peace terms. He didn't though, as Britain basically took over the treaty.
>white men are sent into wars to steal resources and land
>white men die to fighting, and disease, and cannibals, and poisonous wildlife
>white women are doing nothing except enjoying themselves in comfort at home
>white women receive most of the stolen resources and benefits of colonization from the dying white men
>gold and precious stones for their jewelry and silverware
>silk and leather and hides from exotic animals for their dresses and shoes and purses
>precious woods and metals for their ornamentation and furniture
>various powders and chemicals and minerals and exotic plants for their makeup and cremes and shit
>white women are the biggest spenders in western society, and the biggest resource wasters, as all stats and surveys showcase
>white men are the ones who are privileged
>Austria Hungary wanted to conquer the Balkans
they conquered the Balkans by doing a foul-deal with the Turks, Slavs fought for independence, namely Serbs fought to liberate their lands, when they won Austria-Hungary moved in and attacked them from behind basically conquering their lands when they were restoring from the war against the Ottomans.
>Russia wanted to reestablish her former glory and liberate slavs
Russia didn't want to do shit, since it was in a really fucking bad position economically, with people starving basically, but due to some slavic-romantic centuries old bond they had with the Serbs, the moral of the Russians to help fellow Slavs prevailed, this was also in the time of the pan-slavic renaissance and romantic-nationalism, where monarchies started to turn to ethnic and nationalistic markers we know today.
>Germany wanted it's 'place in the sun'
Germany wanted to be a colonial power like the others, but since it had no great colonies it figured, why just not fuck them all up in Europe where they are based instead and coerce them to giving me my share of the pie.
>France wanted its former eastern land back, and revenge to the humiliation of 1871.
>Britain wanted to end the German naval build up
>Italy wanted to be a recognized power
>The Ottoman Empire wanted to restore its former glory.
Was basically clinging to survive and concentrate on the fiefdoms they had in the south, didn't manage and eventually fell apart. The death was brought by the aforementioned romantic-nationalism. The ottoman-empire was based upon officials not lords, thus it could never really control Europe where lordship is based on blood and soil not some paper decrees and shit. when the arabian fiefdoms in the south became ethnically self-aware, due to some european intermingling and idea-sharing, it became a problem in the south as well.
>Russia didn't want to do shit, since it was in a really fucking bad position economically, with people starving basically, but due to some slavic-romantic centuries old bond they had with the Serbs, the moral of the Russians to help fellow Slavs prevailed, this was also in the time of the pan-slavic renaissance and romantic-nationalism, where monarchies started to turn to ethnic and nationalistic markers we know today.
I should've said Nicholas II, not Russia. But you seem to be more or less agreeing with me.
Diana is a peaceful warrior. Whatever else is happening in this movie, I guarantee you it's not about her just trying to beat proto-Nazis. It will be about her trying to stop a senseless war.
Hey asshole or neckbeard, women helped and contributed to the war effort during World War 1, check this website out: striking-women.org
>By 1917 munitions factories, which primarily employed women workers, produced 80% of the weapons and shells used by the British Army (Airth-Kindree, 1987). Known as ‘canaries’ because they had to handle TNT (the chemical compound trinitrotoluene that is used as an explosive agent in munitions) which caused their skin to turn yellow, these women risked their lives working with poisonous substances without adequate protective clothing or the required safety measures. Around 400 women died from overexposure to TNT during WWI.
Women had to handle dangerous chemicals without much protection against the harmful effects.
But don't worry, because we (all of us real men whining and complaining about women becoming superheroes from behind our computers and laptops) need to feel like macho men in the present day, many of the women of World War 1 who did the factory jobs and many other jobs that had to be filled when the men were conscripted into the military, many of those women were given much lower wages than the men would recieve if they did the same work.
>Women’s employment rates increased during WWI, from 23.6% of the working age population in 1914 to between 37.7% and 46.7% in 1918 (Braybon 1989... The employment of married women increased sharply – accounting for nearly 40% of all women workers by 1918 (Braybon, 1989... But because women were paid less than men, there was a worry that employers would continue to employ women in these jobs even when the men returned from the war. This did not happen; either the women were sacked to make way for the returning soldiers or women remained working alongside men but at lower wage rates.
Don't worry boys... I mean men. We all need to feel great that women get paid a lot less than us real men for the same work.
Don't forget about all those superheroes movies starring men who get paid a lot to be the superheroes. And if they're starring as a popular superhero like Wolvering who means everything to all men everywhere, the man starring as the superhero will get at least, or more than half a dozen superhero movies starring him. Oh, and he'll take a paycut for his last movie. What a great guy.
Yea fuck em right.
Lol trust me dude you don't know one thing about what it's actually like to be in the military
They get a half dozen movies because their franchises make a shitton of money. Female-led superhero movies have been, for the most part, some of the shittiest superhero movies ever made. Not because there was a woman leading it, mind you, but because the movie itself was just awful.
Wonder Woman will probably be the one to change that, though. And I bet Captain Marvel will go the same route as well. The character is unknown but the Marvel brand alone will make people go and see it.
>400 women died in factories
>11 million men died on the battlefield
I'm not saying that no woman suffered during WW1, but men clearly suffered vastly more, provable by simple numbers.
Marrying a fat local girl who trawled for uniforms, getting a massive infidel tattoo on your chest, blowing your entire salary on financing a Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat, bitching and moaning about civilians and how entitled they all are while living in the greatest example of a working American socialist system themselves...I've known enough to have a pretty solid idea. But I'm sure you guys slay dragons or something when I'm not looking.
What about them ladies from hell?
No. My gf literally only likes consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, and then she complains about how she doesn't "get much out of sex."
I've gone from complaining about a lack of sex to just complaining about sex.
It's true, but it was a war like no other before it, the entire european society was ground to the bone. Separating it into genders is losing scope of how devastating that war was, and what a toll it took on europe.
Go MGTOW, save your life.
Sounds preachy and like propaganda but seriously though, do yourself a favor and look it up.
I thought movies like Chocolate, Zieram, Resident Evil, Yo-Yo Copgirl, etc. were okay. They all get like an 8/10. Even in that Returner film, they sent a woman back in time to prevent an apocalyptic war. Yeah, a couple of weeks ago, I'd be giving them 7/10s just like the rest of you. But I think Albert Einstein's birthday was a couple ofdays ago, or it'll be his birthday in a couple of days. I'm not exactly sure them he was born. So yeah, now everything great will be 8/10. Oh and all the hot actresses will be 8/10s. All the kino films will be like a high 89% on RT with the stories being 8/10.
That's because alll those men were shooting at each other and dropping chemical bombs on each other and running tanks over each other. But that's okay, because we macho men of our day deny combat roles to women while women in the IDF have combat groups that women can join.
I'd also like to point out that I'm a 29 year old coward who has never served in the military. But I do like watching and reading gory war films and books, because religiously worshipping the U.S. military makes me as patriotic as Donald Trump who dodged the fucking draft. Or well, he knew he would never actually get sent to Vietnam because he's a rich white guy and the conscription system was rigged in his favor. And because I think he had fucking bone spurs or some kind of std from sleeping with so many women.
A tiny minority consisting of around 0.0001 of the total fighting force
Those aren't women you stupid shit.
I think plebbit is more your speed.
Actually, you're right. There's absolutely no sign that neither WW nor CM will be any good. In fact, there's a high probability they'll be complete shit. Because they're about female superheros and let's be real, no one gives a fuck about those.
Warrior worship is what any non-shit culture does. In western society we worship athletes instead of soldiers, but it's the same idea especially for team sports.
>I thought movies like Chocolate, Zieram, Resident Evil, Yo-Yo Copgirl, etc. were okay
>Wonder Woman
You've gone in too deep.
Oh shit, I didn't mean to offend and disrespect you men. I meant that the Wolverine movies were such superior movies and that we should all get down on our knees and prostrate ourselves before Logan's holiness. All hail the Wolverine. We pray to thee forgiveness and thankfulness for all those movies about your holiness.
So yeah, those kino starring wolverine, we need like another dozen movies about wolverine.
so not only are you triggered you dont know your history?
why am i not surprised.
Holy shit.
they did this with captain america saying a steroided up white male won the war and not russia
got to bed vlad
at least putin has a bed. I hear that other Russians aren't doing so well when it comes to their economic situations. Is that true?
Because cucks are too focused on jerking off to notice
i've only looked a little into it but the whole reason for the war was retarded. basically, tons of countries had secret treaties to be allies in case war was declared on one of them. the thing is, a lot of the countries in europe had those treaties. cue the assassination of franz ferdinand, who would probably have been better alive for the serbs i think? one country declares war, entire continent gets pulled in
then you've got the fact that the countries weren't ready for war. out of date equipment, and hilariously out of date tactics. when you're up against machine guns, you do not wear bright colors and march in formation in an empty field.
then then gas and trench warfare means thousands dead for just a few feet of land.
The US is unique in this though. I'm not saying we should go full hippie and spit on troops coming home, I'm saying the cultish worship surrounding the US military needs to dial back a bit. It's gotten to the point where "duh troops" can effectively kill a conversation or turn back a point without any thought involved. It's feels over reals.
>warrior worship
>instead of becoming a warrior
You're a faggot and a spineless bootlicker. That's why you hide your coward ass in here isn't it?
>white whore butthurt about someone pointing out how she's avoiding paying the reparations that she is due
Typical. I wish feminism excommunicated all the white bitches.
Whites women are the most privileged and victim-less class in history.
The closest they ever got to discrimination was witch hunting, and that had nothing to do with gender or skin color and also applied to warlock heretics.
>triggered white cuck autist projecting
kek that whole paragraph over 2 lines? not an argument, i didnt say that at all cunt.
They were ready as fuck for war, though. That was the whole point the war broke out. Everyone had new toys and wanted to use them, except for a long time (relatively speaking) Europe had been at peace so no one could. One excuse to declare war was all anyone wanted and when it was given all hell broke loose.
As for the old tactics, they worked for ages and never failed the generals. No reason not to keep using them. The first few months were a clusterfuck, and then everyone figured out what everything did and trench warfare was introduced. By then arrogance and pride of superpowers took over and perpetuated the bullshit.
Read more on the War outside of a paragraph of a wiki article.
Keep being butthurt white bitch.
The white faggots have paid enough.
Now it's your turn. For every penny that ornamented you bitches from the colonization that you didn't do anything to get except spread your legs, you will pay twice.
Between this bullshit and all the Battlefield 1 thinkpieces it's like people don't realise that the world wars have been pop culture fodder for at least 60 years.
>Keep being butthurt white bitch.
>The white faggots have paid enough.
>Now it's your turn. For every penny that ornamented you bitches from the colonization that you didn't do anything to get except spread your legs, you will pay twice.
fucking kek calm the fuck down son. why so triggered?
the really bizarre shit is how WWI became a play field for games and shitty girl stories.
It was a fucking meat grinder for soldiers with diarhea to die for aristocrats and generals who would dine with "enemy" aristocrats and generals
it's like making counter strike in auschwitz
>nazis win
Why would i be triggered about white cucks and white bitches who over-estimate themselves?
We fucked you good since the 14th century,
we fucked you when your Brits came here and failed spectacularly during WW1,
we fucked you and still are since WW2 given our numbers in Germany,
and we are fucking you now with immigrants.
Keep crying white bitch.
> muh penis
jenkins is a good director you faggot
>Why would i be triggered about white cucks and white bitches who over-estimate themselves?
>goes on a sperg spree and keeps insisting im a white bitch to make him feel better about being a bitter virgin
fucking KEK keep these coming son its hilarious you're gonna die alone surrounded by your mlp dolls. Also trying to pretend you are not white is really pathetic dude, everyone knows white men hate white women the most.
the kikey holy shit
post some 18yo semi nude idf jewess who pushes military papers around, you fag
men on drugs and alcohol won the war: fact
If white men hated white women,
white women would end up like they do here if they dared whine about rights and muh privilege or anything at all:
Beaten and fucked.
You don't know shit about hate little cuck faggot.
Soldiers are the reason Russians arent raping your vagina sweet cheeks.
>Stop war guys
Never war will never stop because we are violent apes.
>You don't know shit about hate little cuck faggot.
You're right there, you clearly do, you also know a lot about having a stick up your ass.
you're trolling is only about a 1/10 ,
it would be funny if you died a virgin tho
Given your spectacular negative birth rates,
you are the ones dying as virgins cuck faggot.
>>Some are even shamed into conscription by women.
whats youre proof of this claim, faggot
not him, but wtf look up "white feather" and just basic societal norms. Women love a man in a uniform and hated faggy long haired bums
>being this mad
top kek. so what race ae you roleplaying as tonight? are you pretending to be tyrone so you can imagine getting some pussy from stacy hmm?
Are you really trying to claim that a war between multiple countries that killed millions wasn't inherently retarded. Are you saying it was justified because they had new guns?? Would you be saying the same shit if it had happened in Africa???