>be me >have friend >friend tells me he's gonna try date 8/10 big tit goth girl >yougoman.gif >he asks >she rejects him >he doesn't get the message >he keeps trying >mfw she starts coming onto me >mfw she's not really my type >mfw we hook up
Friend has been doing some fucked shit recently, might just need to tell him this information if he keeps up his faggotry
Some friend you are. I hope you, your "friend" and that big tit gothic slag all get mauled by a tiger. Fuck off faggot.
Samuel Green
Ok reddit fag
Parker Anderson
eat shit. you sold your friend over a pussy. fucking pathetic. kys vermin filth
James Long
you are falling into her trap op. don't have enough details to really judge but it sounds like the only reason she fucked you is because she wants to get back at your friend. Everyone involved is making shit decisions. Your friend is shitty for doing fucked shit. This girl is shitty for using her holes to create conflict, and you are shitty for falling for it. Also when your friend does fucked shit don't just take it call his ass out or get better friends for fucks sake it's not complicated
You're right Bro. Might just ditch this dumb goth cunt.
Gabriel Mitchell
its not about ditching but you have to make it up to your bro, if you dont your broship will suffer from it. also be straight with the dude he should deserve being threated like a man and not a child playing hide n seek with the facts.