There are people on this website that unironically find H3H3 entertaining.
Explain yourself.
There are people on this website that unironically find H3H3 entertaining.
Explain yourself.
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I'm not a pretentious asshole who feels the need to prove to everyone how smart and sophisticated my personal taste is.
Old shit was genuinely hilarious, new shit is just shameless pandering to their high school fanbase. Patreon was a mistake
At how many hats was he wearing when you finally broke into tears by laughing so hard?
>that time he tried to take on the Wall Street Journal and got BTFO
still keking
His videos are entertaining.
I don't even know who that is.
Did Hila actually kill anyone while in the army?
I was saying to my girlfriend "I think we don't have the whole story here" as I was watching
Ethan is fine, I like it when he calls bs out. But he went into a territory (ie legitimate media) that he is unfamiliar with
Most people that use this site are alt-right 14 year old weirdos, so yeah.
i want hila
He's shit. Then again I enjoy iDubbbz, so don't take my opinion to heart.
what was his best video and why it was "Ethan joins a 90's boy band?"
vape nation fags need not to apply
This, final answer.
Personally I blame reddit for helping make him more popular. I don't understand why that site likes to burn the candle at both ends of anything they like.
Legit 12 year olds enjoy this shit, no need for better explanation.
He genuinely has good comedic timing and is just a naturally funny person, especially compared to most other popular youtubers.
Can't stand the videos where he discusses his opinions on social and political matters though. He acts like his opinions hold more weight because he is a famous youtuber. He should stick to comedy and reaction videos instead of trying to get philosophical.
I've killed people and I was never in the army.
>crying that people enjoy what you don't
This is a major sign you have real autism.
His classic reaction videos are the best. Prank invasion, Bradberry, fucked up destist, and the Im addicted series reactions are golden.
That's not the Ethan Bradberry saga
i smell a story
are you threatening me?
*makes an youtube celeb thread*
yeah the old reaction videos were beautiful
>bobo the diaper stealing bandit
"ethan joins a 90s boy band" was his best "scripted" video imo. vape nation is pretty good too and is one of the best yt videos of 2016 imo
post edited hila gifs
you know the ones
listen to this super mature 18 year old who knows what's up
>Le silly double chin face
>Le wear silly hats and clothes
>Le rehashing catchphrases in every video
>Le ugly crypt keeper wife
Anyone who actually likes this must have some sort of disorder.
He's a very intelligent and charismatic guy. His golden era videos are way better than what he does today. There are genuine golden videos by him. Here's an example of H3H3 comfykino:
Vape nation just worked on so many levels. The store clerks, park cops, and news anchor interactions were just too perfect.
Most of his stuff is unboxing cancer
He makes like on good video each year
What do you mean user?
2014-2016 (pre-Vape Nation) Ethan was funny. 2016 (post- Vape Nation) Ethan is bad.
fuck it, best youtube video of 2016
>dude like, lets be ironic while making funny faces and looking like shit ironically, dude like this is funny
I don't know the ones you speak of, but I want them
All I did was kill mentally ill hobos breaking into my house. It's self-defense because they had a knife.
They were white tho
why does she talk like a retard
I agree that his videos are not for everyone. Do you perhaps have any recommendations for comedy entertainment? whether its youtube or movies/tv?
Just curious what your taste is like
She's Israeli.
It was like he peaked with Vape Nation and stopped trying to be funny because he knew he made his best content possible already.
She's born and raised in Israƫl. Ethan is born in LA but his parents are jewish.
If you got a taste of that Youtube money, you would all start pandering to teens too.
we need more idubbzz/h3h3 comps
they're better than their own individual outputs
I've suspected for some time that she might be partially deaf but doesn't want to publicly state it. I have no idea why and I admit it doesn't make much sense, but is that how Israeli people sound all the time?
YouTube doesn't, and has never, paid as much as you think it does.
>Make a video about how Tai Lopez is a scam artist a year ago
> Recent video is about how Tai Lopez is legit.
Is this what happen when the jew get you.
Ian is genuinely handsome as fuck.
Probably just MDE and ISIS beheading videos on liveleak.
>the fucking smoke machine box at the end
I like how they call themselves "comedians"
Of course e-celeb cancer threads start popping during after school hours on a Friday evening.
>Not Tim Heidecker: The Guy
Real answer- No. She was a desk jockey.
I've managed to miss who this faggot is entirely. Can someone give me a tl;dr of who he is?
People make legit livings with half of the subs Ethan has based on their 60/40 model of ad revenue money.
>It's a Ethan is dickriding PewDiePie episode.
There are only a few Youtubers I watch nowadays. This is the biggest non-science channel I still watch because he doesn't throw political shit into everything yet his demographics are kids around 9-12 which makes since considering his content.
hey fuck you funhaus is legit. I agree with the rest though
Is there a worse fanbase on the internet?
He was okay, but now he has sold out to afford that lawsuit
Filthy Frank.
"Edgy" humor based on making fun of other people rather than making your own content. Easy to absorb for a large viewership because it's saturated with mainstream editing techniques and epic memes.
He was right those, those pictures were fake
It must though. It's actually public information how much youtubers make on their videos. If I cared I would look it up, but have you seen the big tuber's houses? They are mega rich.
I rather talk about e-celebs than another thread about that fat guy or starwars.
At least his fans are usually aware his content is garbage.
>legitimate media
Story ofa lot of youtube people. His old stuff was genuinely calling out fucked up stuff on youtube in a funny way as an outsider. But nowadays he's on the inside and he's lost the thing that made him special, his outsiderness(?)
>literally what Sup Forums is
All the partnered ones, yeah.
From all those meme reddit youtube celebs, this guy is the only one whos even remotely funny
>it's a Lawrence must defend his waifus honor episode
How was school today sweetie?
You guys blame Reddit for everything
How is it different now?
there we go
>it's time to be contrarian now that Ethan is popular. So I hate him.
Like clockwork
>you guys
salutations rebbit
The modern art one was also really good
Imagine being Ethan in that video and having to be all like "damn, Hila, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your boney ass and horrific androgynous horse face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is have a pizza and a couple of sodie pops in his merchant room. Like seriously imagine having to be Ethan and not only sit in that chair while Hila flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her horse teeth and starved body, and just sit there, take after take, video after video, while she perfected those moves. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on the comments section tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, HILA KLEIN LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her gypsy-looking fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been posting nothing but a healthy diet of reaction videos and memes and later alleged copyright infringements for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of Israel. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dry ass as she pops it out to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then you need to do another take, and you know you could fuck every heterosexual male in America before she could even get one man to have sex with her, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Ethan. You're not going to lose your Youtube sheckels over this. Just bear it. Move your eyebrows spastically and bear it.
WTF, is this real?!?!?
Seriously though how many threads can you really have about the same thing over and over again.
>Move your eyebrows spastically and bear it.
shes disgusting
there is not a single big youtube "celeb" with actually hot girlfriend, what the fuck
even this pewdiepie nerd, whos as huge as a fucking hollywood star and gets "sexiest people on the planet" nominations all the time has a fucking goblin for a gf
this. i like pewdiepie and follow him since 2013 but i can't understand why ethan slobs his knob so much
>even his die hard fans are starting to realize
Nice headcanon aspie.
I mean, Pewdiepie's girlfriend is not ugly, she's got that "girl next door" and fragile look to her, she's okay.
James from funhouse is married to Elyse who is cutie as fuck
I would eat her farts if you know what I mean
Because they are friends...
>It's a Lawrence genuinely spergs out and gets mad during an episode episode
Why does Phil defranco surround himself with fat people? I've watch a couple of his recent vlogs kinda hoping for some gossip about whats going on with youtube. I realize every female employee he has is obese.
FBI notified.
Expect a phone call user.
>I mean, Pewdiepie's girlfriend is not ugly
nice body, but the face is busted
dunno who those guys are