Is Recore any good?
I wanna pick up a game from the Xbox Marketplace, but I dunno.
Platforming looks fun, but I read it's repetitive.
If not Recore, any other Xbox people know something worth picking up off the sale?
I play almost everything.
delet dis
i want Sup Forums to leave
Apparently it's good fun but the back half of the game is missing, they rushed it real hard.
And there is some shit about how they might release some definitive or whatever edition that includes all the shit that's not there, so maybe wait
Bro, do you even Bane?
hahah im sorry user this isnt /videogames/ this is Sup Forums as in /technically virgins/
fuck off to Sup Forums you piece of shit veddit scum
literally the best thread on the board all day
xbox has no games.
wtf i love games now!
Why is video game Bane bigger?
He's a big guy
Game Bane is juiced on the big Toxin chemical container he carries on his back that injects some kind of roid effect.
Lose the canister and becomes a small guy.
Kino as fuck.
why is this bitch such a slut?
Dunno, you didn't say her name and it's not in the filename.
Who the fuck still owns an Xbone? I didn't even know it still existed.
Hurr durr you have thing I don't like
It has amazing exclusives like... Uh...
It plays natrual 4K and PS4 only does upscale.
If you had feet like hers you'd be a slut too.
Bro, her name is 1486947773875, it literally says it right there in the file name. How fucking new are you?
Why do Sup Forumsedditors post on the wrong board so often?
>calling someone reddit when Sup Forums is literally the central reddit board
I saw the v and I thought I was Sup Forums.
Don't sweat it famalamalamalamalamalam
Typical moron Sup Forumseddit scum