There is no God, better rip that band aid off now. You'll thank me later

>there is no God, better rip that band aid off now. You'll thank me later

Jesus Fucking Christ, barely even 3 MINUTES into the VERY FIRST EPISODE and this despicable show is already shoving reddit atheist shit down your throat. I thought all those "*burp* GODS NOT REAL MARTY" pastas were exaggerating, but that's literally what this show is like. I don't know if I'll be able to make it to the end of this episode, let alone the whole series.

Other urls found in this thread:

Today, Good Friday, a billion otherwise sane humans will celebrate a man, who they also believe was God, getting brutally murdered and then coming back to life three days later. They will also tell you that he is still alive to this day. Easter is bat-shit crazy and don't let anyone forget.

These people are allowed to vote.

When you're out driving, these people are driving on the road with you. Let that sink in how dangerous that is.

>le fedora
"craziness" is subjective
you're also a retard


It's just a joke, you baby. The show most likely has Christian writers

t. christfags

The "voice of reason" makes all of that sound so easy. Yeah just help all the refugees its literally that simple. Just help them. That's it

>le epic strawman
sure am glad I can stop arguing now and just post silly hat pictures instead


ricks crazy gadgets arent real either

but i guess morty should leave that band aid on

I'm an Atheist and I don't get triggered every time I hear a character in a show or movie say there is a God.


good for you

Because you know it to be true

The way I see it, there is God and Satan and bad and good things will happen due to evil and the light both being in play.

It's ignorant and stupid to say there is, or there is not, (a) God and not a devil.

Also Rick and Morty is gay.

Yes and it was the pilot. He only makes a mention like this once more in the entire series. Stop shitposting.

>A character in a show expresses an opinion, that must mean the creators of that show want to shove this opinion down our throats

You have the artistic sensibilities of a 5 year old.

>literally daily school shootings
>ids just da brice of freedumb


Yeah! Sup Forums is a Christian message board. Can't have any of that atheist shit here!

That's because you're an atheist--you're rational, emotionally well-balanced, and probably of above average intelligence. If you were a hypocritical retard you'd be a Christian

>getting triggered by atheism

I'm sure you would be if Rick was replaced with William Craig and every epik atheist soapbox scene was replaced with him philosophizing on why God exists to his atheist family.

>this is what liberals actually believe

>and every epik atheist soapbox scene was replaced with him philosophizing on why God exists to his atheist family.

So like, that one scene in the first episode?

>literally daily school schootings
this is what eurotards actually believe

>a sticky is placed up to stop multiple Star Wars threads (and isn't even enforced)
>during a time when this Sup Forums bullshit is being spammed constantly for the last week
What did the shitty moderating team mean by that?

The devil exists in Rick and Morty, does that mean God does too?

Americans took atheism too far and made it a meme, just like they do with everything

What a load of shit. The whole point is Muslims and their useful idiots are desperately trying to overturn the separation of church (mosque) and state to protect their feelings.

Everything from that point on is moronic, there would be plenty of people willing to raise taxes to help vets, for example.

No wonder Reddit worships that faggot.

>one scene
oh boy here we go again. I know this is the same person so I'm not going to list off every scene I remember that has one, you can re-watch the show if you really feel like it.

>rick and morty
What is this autism.

>oh boy here we go again. I know this is the same person so I'm not going to list off every scene I remember that has one, you can re-watch the show if you really feel like it.

So you admit there aren't any more?

>What is this autism.
Yeah, sure am dying to have that conversation again.

>daily streetside Muslim truck pedestrian bowling sessions
>still haven't banned trucks
Why one and not the other? Just keep sacrificing your freedoms so you can keep pretending one religion isn't solely responsible.

Who cares? Don't watch it.

I hate that internet has basically become one big "it's us vs. them" mentality. Every fucking day with this shit.

If you watched the show you would know that that's the most powerful scene in the entire series.

I remember at least 4 from the 5 episodes I watched.
>pluto episode
>giant golden face episode
>car battery episode
>"rip the band-aid off" I dont remember which one that's from
in the fifth one rick and summer beat the shit out of a baptist but I'm not nitpickey so I won't count it.

Are you that insecure abo0ut your beliefs that you have to go on an autistic splurge? I mean damn, Morty believes in god, can characters no longer have personal views and convictions? I believe, but getting this triggered is pathetic.

Could you BE any more reddit?

That's literally the only time he says it.

>I'm an Atheist

IIRC he published this literally a few hours before the election started.

So brave.

Literally redit and memey.

The picture you replied to isn't xkcd

>ano domini 2017
>he's still an atheist

>newfags who browsed Sup Forums for 5 minutes think you have to be Christian to fit in on Sup Forums now
Sup Forums really is the worst board

>if you just accept it then it isn't shit!
This is where you belong.

now I won't get a reply and your stupid fucking ass will write the asinine "one time" post in every rick and morty thread that ever appears on this board.

Why would it be such a big deal.

Thousands of shows, including kids shows show religious shit into the viewers face, why not athiesm.

What are people even afraid of, that if they watch enough that stuff they'll get converted? Does that even happen? I don't think even children get converted from their families belief due to one show.

Because if you were to watch a movie calling out the stupid things about evolution, you would be sperging like a faggot.

Not an xkcd comic

not an argument

wow people have different beliefs than you.
how fucking horrible

>redditor immigrants who think 4chin is Le nihilistic edgy atheist because of Chanology get shocked that they're the minority
>the same people that get butthurt about racism and tell everyone to go back to Sup Forums
It really is

Randall or whatever his name is seems like a Bernie supporter who jumped ship.

Kek. This is up there with the most hypocritical things I've ever seen.


Most of Sup Forums is atheist expect for all the spics.

Sup Forums just adopts the antithesis of what 'normie' culture is at the moment.

Soon Sup Forums will unironically advocate to be enslaved because its the opposite of democracy

go be fat elsewhere

Well memed friend

False, I'm a white American.

Lol, yeah, so brave. They bashed a WBC protestor, a group everyone already hates. They wouldnt storm a mosque and bash the imam who's telling his audience pretty much the same thing. That would be wayscist :'(


pfffft ahahahahahahahh

Except for the bandaid I don't remember the show being preachy about atheism in those episodes, but I can't really factcheck that now so I don't really know what to do here right now.

It's the exact same type of comic style anyway so it might as well be xkcd.

Sure you are, Pablo

How fragile must your faith be for a shitty cartoon to make you this insecure

>They wouldnt storm a mosque and bash the imam who's telling his audience pretty much the same thing

Then why don't you fucking do it then?

It's not though, xkcd lines are hand-drawn.

How fragile your lack of faith must be that people mocking it on the internet is enough to bait you into responding.

no it's less "i am threatened by this cartoon expressing a certain belief" and more like "this cartoon is clearly made for people who still think it's edgy and unique to be an atheist in 2017"

Most of those he doesn't say anything like "there is no God". Maybe you can infer that might be part of the episodes message, or you can not be retarded and realize that they are just having fun with different universes and planet entities. But it can't be that, can it?

giant golden face had an entire subplot around how bad religion is

pluto episode was an entire anti-religion episode, the aliens even had crosses for pupils.

>Rick and **BURP** Morty
I already knew you were retarded just from the greentext but that pretty much sealed the deal.

>>watching modern ((cartoons)) filled mostly with unfunny immature poop jokes and tons of obvious and cringe social propaganda.
go watch American Dad and Family guy too.

>How fragile must your trust in your wife be if her simply making out with another guy makes you this insecure

this is how retarded you sound like right now


Reminder to atheists: your religion went from cool to cringe because of a hat. Meanwhile religion has endured for thousands of years and will never dissaapear.

What don't you understand about raising taxes and socialism being anti Christian?

The whole point is it has to be done by freewill, like through charity. It explicitly says in the bible that charity should not done through force or extortion, but how much an individual decide in their heart. It's literally says that but communist idiot like the person who made this image can't understand the difference morally between willingly giving up your own money and forcing others.

Also seperation of church and state was started and enforced by Christians, do atheists find their own arguments that week they feel the need to reright history, because that's what this implies.

And anyone who can't understand why Islam is right feared a an idiot. It directly challenges your consitituion and a lot of other fundamental western countries beliefs. Freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from the law or morality of the land

see I'll admit I was reaching a bit with the car battery

We're almost there. Go to a Trump general on Sup Forums and gaze at how basically lobotomized his true supporters are.

AD is good though, it made me a conservative.

can someone be atheist just because that's what they believe or are they all being edgy in your mind?

>amerifats get their politics from literal cartoons


If there was an episode calling out evolution as an equally stupid belief i would bet you these redditors would would cause a fedora fit over little shit like this.

literally only good because Seth McFaglane accidentally made a likeable character

There's also an episode where he asks for God's forgiveness and help when he's about to die, basically admitting he believes.

You know what the subject of this thread is, yeah?

that person wouldn't be watching a cartoon which deliberately makes jokes that make the r/atheists go "haha, yes, i get it because skydaddy don't real, i'm smart"

Jesus Christ I hate you. We don't need chucks on our side who only believe in shit because of cartoons, memes and the need to fit in on Sup Forums.

>immediately followed with "FUCK YOU GOD"

>implying the trump General isn't a t_D colony
/mlpol/ proved how much Reddit has infested Sup Forums

Why are you watching that cartoon then? To get purposefully get triggered?

oh and don't forget Cleveland Show as Desert.

To be fair that was kind of funny.

This, if you believe in some silly institution that you have to pay to go to you're DUMB. Why do we let people who believe in GHOSTS VOTE!?!?

>implying that feeling pathos from knowing the context of that shitty show is better than being in tears from laughter due to not knowing the context of it

>cleveland show
even the most diehard seth fans have trouble defending that pile of shit

I don't. I wait for the synapses to appear here then make fun of it.